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Chapter 4 (this week)

debiamia's picture

SD16 has been gone 8 days and we have been threatened to have her dropped on our front porch AGAIN because BM is mad that SD flunked english and gets no credit for that class. She is now 4 1/2 credits behind for graduation in 2009. Looks like she won't make it even with online HS classes and summer school. Today BM emailed DH and informed him that she has been laid off from her part time job. Both of us guess that BM was fired or let go because she wastes time at work, talks on the phone for personal calls and was emailing people all day instead of doing her work. SHe has never held the same job more than a few months (always gets laid off, quits, doesn't get along with people). She has never made more than $9.00 and hour.How convenient that she just happened to lose her job a week after SD returns to her home. The first thing out of her mouth was how expensive SD is to take care of. BM is remarried for 11 years, her husband(the next victim) is an engineer and makes good money. So how broke can you be when you don't have a house payment and she gets a monthly annuity from her deceased parents? Plus $475 in CS plus he pays for car insurance,extra expenses? DH is sure she is coming after him for more $.


laurels4u's picture

should be mad at her daughter rather than you and your DH. SD earned that F in English and now she has to deal with it. Sucks to be her.