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Bio-kids in blended family

TKO's picture

So- my husband and I are starting to expand our family and have a child of our own.

Does anyone have any stories to share on how the BM took the news when finding out? Anything I should be prepared for? We're a little nervous on how she may react and her spin on things and what she tells the SD.

Also, how have other's step children taken to you having children with their dad?


LizzersBG's picture

My SS absolutely adores his sister, 16 mo old.
When he found out I was pregnant he was very excited and even stayed with us a little extra the weekend I went in to be induced. He got to come to the Hosp. w/ my Sister in Law and he held the baby and everything. We talked to both our children before the baby came and prepared them for the fact that babies require lots of time and attention. My 6 year old is the one who is having jealousy issues.

NOW. BM was going through her phase where she wanted to only call my my H "girlfriend" even though I was his wife. H told her, and asked her to please be positive when talking to SS about the issue. She simply stated that this baby was not part of SS family and that she would not be telling him anything. She stated that I "got pregnant" on purpose as part of a more intricate plan to kick SS out of our lives. (Funny, she always claimed DH was not involved enough in SS life, all of a sudden it was all part of my evil plan) Smile
She continues to stand her ground that Dh & my daughter is not part of SS family and does not want him around my daughter or our daughter together. She seems to have less of a problem with my daughter than she does the baby. She has made several comments about me not picking SS up at school on the afternoons because we opt for him to use the bus system. She lives outside the district and therefore I am "Lazy" now and the baby's nap schedule comes first. Damn right it does lady!

At one point during the last year when she was discussing how "we" were going to pay for the braces that SS "so terribly" needed...and her suggestion was that DH & I use our tax return last year to pay the full amount and then her unemployed live with parents behind would pay us back. When she was told that our tax money would not be divied up by her, she stated that she couldn't wait to go to court. After all she says, that Judge is just going to tell you to quit having kids you can't afford. Sure! That happened Smile
One other situation and then I'll quit-We were supposed to have court Jan of 06. That morning I was not feeling well at all. Drove the next county over to pick up DH Father (his Mom had also flown in) and on the way home began to see white spots. I felt so bad that the whole way to the court house (about 30 miles) I couldn't even talk. I went to use the restroom while waiting for our atty to arrive, and began to miscarry. I did not know that I was pregnant. I was bleeding very very heavily to say the least, and court was continued while we rushed to the hospital. I was really scared and really sick, and BM calls our house later that evening to ask what had happend. DH told her that I was just really sick. Come to find out while I was pregnant w/our 16 mo old...BM atty had told her what happened. She made a smart remark that I had better not go to court and pretend to miscarry again to get him out of what was coming his way.
I can't even begin to describe my emotions, so I won't.
It was really hurtful at the time, but now I any bad feelings are replaced when I see all my kids smiling and playing together.
In the end it doesn't matter what BM says. It matters that I have a good stong bond with my kids and that they know we love them.

ColorMeGone2's picture

Seriously, the very next business day after finding out I was pregnant, the BM filed a lawsuit for more CS. Her thinking? If DH can afford to have a child with me, then he's not sending her enough $$$. She lost and the CS was actually lowered by about $500/mo. It was a nightmare of a pregnancy due to this stupid court battle. If I got pregnant again, I swear to God I would not have visitation with the skids at my house after I started showing and wouldn't tell them or BM at all until after the baby came. DH and I were pregnant three times. The results? Two miscarriages and one pregnancy totally ruined by BM.

♥ Georgia ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)

Sita Tara's picture

SD handled news well, but has other issues of her own and is conditionally bonding with BD, now 2 (unlike my sons who are head over heels in love with BD and would give their little lives for her.)

BM took news matter of factish, probably because one of her BFs was there. She said, "You deserve to be happy." The BF thought it was great and when he saw us a few times at our kids school, when BM was not around, he properly congratulated us.

BM does not acknowledge SD has a sister though, or Step brothers. She has gone as far in the past to state my sons and my family are not SD's, but ignores the existence of BD. DH likes to take BD to SD's soccer games though, where BD loves to cheer her sister on loudly. DH takes pleasure in rocking BM's crazy little head with reality of BD. I don't go to the games. That has more to do with SD right now than BM.

I would just be positive with your SD about it, and prepare her for the crazy life of new infant. I would let DH tell BM about the baby coming so SD doesn't have to even discuss it with BM unless BM brings it up.

Peace, love, and red wine

Georgie Girl's picture

Do you ladies think it made your family life easier with the skids and dh? my Dh and I do not share any kids together and sometimes I think it makes things tougher.

Oh, and congratulations to you TKO!


TKO's picture

I think parts of life with DH will be easier because we will truly share the raising in a child and there won't be outside "sources" disputing in how we choose to raise this one.

But-----then again, having a blended family hasn't been easy at all and the minute I think things are on the right track something else happens with one kid or a birthparent.