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Pregnant stepmom - dealing with emotions towards SD (and even about BM)

Mrs Katch 22's picture

A little about me - I've been with my now husband for ten years. For the first seven years, he saw SD minimally (BM was always there to supervise). He got tired of dealing with BM's crap so he gave up trying.

When she found out we moved in together, she went psycho. She still wanted to get back with him. She would always ask about him..she even asked him if his girlfriend was serious. So, anyways, she took him to court (I was always there with him, except for when they gave me the things where they only allowed bio-parents; ie mediation, meetings with lawyers). So, being excluded was a big thing for me...and it SUCKED! And...the damage has already been done, and is probably why I'm feeling the way I do now.

They didn't have closure, and it kills me when he kisses her ass. I've told him many times that he pays to see his kid now, so to stop kissing her ass. He got a new job, and he said that he has to be nice to her so she won't take him back to court. It's like we're walking on eggshells. Over the past three years, it's gotten better, but it's still very hard.

Fast forward to today - we got married a few months ago and now I'm pregnant. It's VERY hard, knowing that things we're going through, classes we're taking..he's already gone through with someone else. He told me that he only went with her to one class and was there when the kid was born. So, that's another internal thing I need to deal with. I asked a few of my stepmom friends who are now pregnant..they're dealing with the same issues - I wanted to know, does anyone else out there feel the same way and how did you handle it?

So, I think the hormones are kicking in. I'm less tolerant of things now. I just want to be left alone and not have to entertain his kid every other weekend. I even got to the point where I told him that maybe she'll be so bored at our house, that she'll tell her mom to make up some excuse so she doesn't come over. Before, we'd always go out...we took pride in showing SD new things that her mom couldn't show her. Everytime we showed her something, SD would do the same thing with BM several times in the immediate future. It's like she copies us...BM even went as far as buying the same kind of car we (actually my husband drives it) bought (a different color of course).

All I want is to not stress for the health of the baby and myself...BM didn't have the burden of dealing with a SK and a BM in the background when she had SD...I wish I had the same luxury....but then again, I have the luxury of having my husband next to me (she had that for a while)..but he said she pushed him away after the baby was born, so he just stopped trying, but there wasn't any closure.

Do BM's EVER move on? Or do they have the mentality "that's the father of my child..I'll always love him and have a space in my life/heart for him yada yada yada blah blah blah?"

Ok--to add a little most of my previous relationships, I always ended up with the guy that many girls/women wanted. I endured hell, but nothing like this. Eventually, they went away. Then, when I got bored or the relationship started slipping, someone would pounce on the opportunity, and snatch up my guy (but by that time, I already emotionally moved on, but we would still be together). I'm just afraid that if my husband have problems, she might pounce on the weakness and try to sneak back in there. Do other stepmom's feel the same way? Or have you at one point or another? Maybe it's an insecurity thing.

I think part of that has influenced why I'm threatened by BM's existence. She'll forever be bound to my husband and I'm sure there will be more occurances in the future where I'll be excluded. I've been excluded enough in the past three years since we started having visitation; I don't know how much more I can take. Then again, as people say "you knew what you were getting into right?" blah!


LVmyBOXERS's picture

sometimes they can truly move on but once you read about the things that a lot of BM's who are talked about on this site do, it is obvious (to me anyway) a lot can never move on. In my situation, I am not really sure if our BM moved on or not. She has not bothered us in a great while, so I am not sure if that means she finally got everything she knows she could get from DH or if it is because she has moved on with her husband and is finally happy. I am hoping it is the latter so when DH and I get pregnant (just started trying) she won't lose it. Congratualtions on the baby!!!

Colorado Girl's picture

it's a harsh reality that can only be compensated by your acceptance of it. The BM of my skids will always hold that special place for my husband. She explained this to me once and (as a woman) I knew that nothing will ever allow her to completely move on. You need to understand, though, that your husband loves YOU and that his ass kissing towards BM is probably purely out of love of his child. I also think you are projecting your anger for BM toward their child and I would figure that you could agree with me that this is probably not healthy. Don't make everything a competition. And if you need alone time....take it. He can watch his own child if need be. advice for you. Disengage. If BM calls your husband and you're sitting there, walk away. If just the mere sound of her voice and having to listen to your husband pacify her makes your blood pressure rise, don't participate in the madness. He's a big boy and as long as there are boundaries in place, why is your presence necessary? I've been where you are at and sometimes ignorance IS bliss.

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."

LVmyBOXERS's picture

This is something she said to me in an ealier post and it pissed me off. However, as I have thought about it and digested it; it truly makes sense. Have I completely taken the advice, no, but with time I will come to terms with it and be able to move on and hopefully be in a place of peace. Take the advice now, not later!

Elizabeth's picture

I tried to get along with her when husband and I were dating/engaged and then married. I think we just had some communication problems that damaged the relationship, but in the end it just wasn't worth my time. She and SD talked about me behind my back, and BM denigrated me continuously. WHY?! Did she think she would make me leave? And if not, did she think it would make things EASIER for SD to hate her step-mom? I don't know...

I DO NOT speak to BM. Ever. That is husband's job, as he's the one who married her and created the child that ties them together. I didn't marry her, and I don't even like her. If she's not someone I would be friendly with in real life, why would I be friendly with her in this situation?

My only problem is that after husband fights with BM, he's mad at the world (including me). But I'd rather deal with his displaced anger than have it directed at me because I said or did something that made his relationship with BM and SD more difficult. Does that make sense?

Monica's picture

Gotta love that displaced anger. When DH is pissed at her, same deal, he's pissed at all, sometimes ESPECIALLY me. Like it's my fault that she's a sneaky manipulative b*tch.

Oh, and what's better is when she cries and sobs to him about how he was her best friend and she just wants to be able to talk to him because he's the only one that can make her feel better... and then he actually feels SORRY FOR HER.


Please remember ... if any of us become ex's in the future (I already am of my 1st husband, and I dont do any of these crazy ass things to him, his wife, and my kids with him) lets NEVER get like these whackjobs... mmk?

Judy K's picture

First of all you need to not dwell on bm. Your beginning a new life with your dh and obviously he picked you so the bm is apparently still hurting. I say that because of all the unecessary court dates. Its probably the only card left for her so know it for what it is. See the problem many of the women on here have is, their husband will not back them up, a big marital problem; but one you shouldn't tackle until after the baby, and your up to it imo.
Honestly, its not something you should ignore as a another poster has said because it won't go away. You really need to talk to your husband and say enough is enough. Let her have full custody pay her based on income and frankly go on. Give her the home number only for emergencys and if the child is old enough have her call, make it a rule even and be a united front in getting this woman out of your life. Yes it can be done, we did that and what a change in our marriage and life. Its like ignoring a stalker, can't be done until you take action. So you might have to change cities, phone numbers ect. but I would make sure my husband knows I don't give a poop if she's angry. Your lives will not revolve around her, and if she does take you to court you'll have good representation to protect yourselves. So no do NOT walk on egg shells, and down the road be prepared to give the new rules to husband. Meaning there's only going to be one cook in your kitchen from now on. Like I said don't dwell on her but make a good plan to disengage, good luck!!! Judy

Colorado Girl's picture

to an extent. Maybe try my method first. It's working for me. And my husband doesn't have to completely write off his children (or his money). I can respect it (signing over full custody) as a last resort, but not before you've put forth a serious effort. Otherwise you'll have a very sad DH in the end. Who wants to be with a man who is willing to abandon his children without a fight?

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."

stuckinthemiddle's picture

It's hard to ignore the BM. I hear it all time here, as well from everyone else I talk to. I agree your husband needs to be the one solely to take care of things with her--I have a hard time accepting this myself.
My opinion on BM's (and I have never had a child myself so this is only what I think)are that even if they "moved on", there is still that feeling (call is bond or not)that they are emotionally tied to the exes forever because they have kids together.
Anyways, good luck with the pregnancy and enjoy it. Even though you may have some neg. feelings b/c your husband has already gone through pregnancy with the ex, remember that YOU and your husband are now having a child together. This is your first child together as a couple. She has nothing to do with that and don't let her spoil that experience.

cath's picture

I find it hard dealing with fact that my fiance already has kids and I don't too. All those firsts that I will never share with him.

Look at my posting 'NEWBIE IN DESPERATE NEED OF HELP'. Hope it's a comfort to you.

busymom's picture

I never had a problem with that, probably because It was a bad relationship and the fact that they're not together proves it. Sounds like your dh wasn't there for the early years, so like mine there was no "they" raising the child. I have seen some good co-parenting among ex's but for the most part the raising is done in the respective homes. I believe a lot of bms are angry when its them raising the child and then sm and dh together. The reality hits hard when bm realizes her and dh are not raising the child together, and sometimes that results in a bitter bm. If your bm hasn't found anyone to help her, that may be the number one reason for your problems. I would make strides to separate yourselves from bm, and since the daughter is older now there shouldn't be too many reasons to talk to the mother. You can still have a good relationship with sd, but leave bm out of it. When you have the visits, its not bms business what goes on, you be the coparent, and the same with bm on her time. If your dh is that agreeable I wouldn't focus on her giving birth, apparently that was not a good situation. Otherwise he would still be with her!! Having kids in a bad relationship is usually not something a man cherishes so for your own sake I hope you stop fantasizing.

prego fiance's picture

Well, I do have to say that I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. Although my fiance and I aren't married, we are expecting a beautiful baby boy this May. His ex-wife is let's say, not at the least adult about it. He has 2 kids from a previous marriage, and she won't let us take the kids at all if it is not our time because "we can play family on our time". She wasn't this bad until she found out that I was pregnant, and then she went nutso. She also did the same vehicle trick with us. She bought the exact same car that I have except it is a different color. Of course, she has talked their children into saying that her car is better (although it is exactly the same). Before I was pregnant, we had a easy time blowing her off, but now that I am going to be bringing my own child into this, it has put a little but of a weight on me and my fiances relationship. I don't know how to help you, but I did want to tell you that I fully understand.

tryingtojoin's picture

im not pregnant yet but my BF and i plan on getting married and having our own kids...and it bothers me that my firsts wont be his firsts. but none of the kids were planned or wanted in the beginning and he never shared the experience w the classes, no DR visits, no decorating, nothing...there for the birth and thats about it. so i guess that is a comfort. but i struggle w it at times and im not even pregnant! sometimes just thinking about it bothers me and i dont know how to cope. i know everything w us will be special and different bc it will be wanted and it will be between us and we really love each other, and though he has kids he has never had a family, but its still hard to deal...just remember all that and hopefully that will help and hopefully in the future i will be able to take my own advice! best wishes!

Tif's picture

OK, the copy-cat thing must be a standard with BMs. I'm suprised to see so many others with the same situation. First-history: My DH and I were high school sweethearts...first loves. He messes up (in a nutshell) and has my SS w/ another woman. They were together a year, then he came back to me. (I loved him so much and forgave him w/ time..took it slow.) Eventually we got married and had our son...our son and my SS are best buds...and I've raised SS since he was 1.5 yrs. DH has full custody, and BM pays child support. WE were in and out of court for 5 yrs, but she lost every time due to her drugs and unacceptable behavior-both in her private and her mothering life. Anyway, she has always hated/resented/wished I did not exist since SS lives w/ us and I do everything for him. I just always took it upon myself to take care of everything...PTA, dr. appointments, haircuts, soccer, etc. Technically DH is the leader of the situation, and I'm like the project manager so-to-speak. Anymore, she even calls and asks for me if she has a question about something, or needs extra time for a party, etc. And I'm fine w/ talking to her since I'm the mom of our house/scheduler/etc. It works out, and we get along for the most part. (We didn't used to-she's a fighter and once tried to run over DH w/ a truck, attacked me when I was pregnant, smoked drugs around SS, just to name a few.) However, all the fines in court taught her to at least be civil. In a nutshell, I am in charge and I hate it. But I couldn't be on the other end...letting her act like some of the above stories-unacceptable. My family being a happy one with a mom founding the principles of home-life is way too important to me. Cannot let some crazy person destroy that, as much as she wishes she could. See, we get along on the outside, but mutually we both hate each other's guts. She hates me for raising her son more than she gets to (although due to her own choices she made) and having the perfect family/dream life she hungers for. And I hate her for even existing in my life, and for always trying to be like us and do everything we do. At first I was flattered when she copied things...we'd go to a water park, she'd take him the next weekend. When we bought SS a fourwheeler...she saved tips for months and did the same thing. She used to say she hated she where's pink all the time (b/c I do and she knows it's my fav color). After we had our son and gave SS a bro, she went and got knocked up randomly 2 months later. She does and gets (if she can afford it) anything and everything we do. At first, I just laughed it off...she was so obvious it was ridiculus. AFter a while I found myself looking for new things to try/do just b/c everything we always did..she would do too. It takes the specialness out of it...knowing she copies and tries to make SS act like it's so awesome w/ her too. For now, the situation works...we go on...I manage everything while she acts like a 3rd child to me. I could go into much more...but I don't think there is any real fix to the stepfamily thing...Just have the best intentions you can have and it will be ok. I never have 100% good intentions, b/c deep down I hater her and the fact that we have to deal w/ her and SS, etc. But I save those emotions for my husband...he has to be there for me if I'm to be there for him. I get through ea day civilly w/ her..lay down the law to her and be calm/assertive. She doesn't like it..I know..but she has no choice if she wants to be involved. And it works b/c she lets it, and that's the way our stepfamily world goes around. Hope someone out there can re-late...haven't seen too many others w/ same dominant situation as me...but it's way better than the other way around!!

Aly's picture

I know how you feel 100%. When my husband and I got together I was 17(now I am 22, and we have been married for going on 3 years). BM was so mean to me in the begining. She wanted DH back really bad, she would call in the middle of the night when she was pregnant and tell him that he needed to leave the trash that he was with and come home and be where he belonged. My husband and BM broke up and then she told him that she was pregos, but he was not for sure if it was his because BM cheated on him while they were together. Well the child was his and she is now my 4 year old SD. Anyways, we needed a new car, so we bought what I wanted, afterall it was going to be my car. Well when BM found out she told me that that was the vehicle that her and DH had planned on buying together and that our soon to be wedding song was also there song when they were together, so she told me that DH was living the life that he had wanted with her with me instead because she didn't want him, which was so clearly not the truth. Well she ended up buying the same car that I did(a few years later when she could afford it!) I mean once she found out that I bought the car that she wanted dont you think that she would of picked a new one! Then she found out where I worked and proceeded to get a job like mine but at a different place of employment. Then she found out some of the things that DH and I were planning and show up where we were in hopes of seeing us there. I could go on and on. BM hated me so much that she took me to court on a restraining order that she lied to get against me, in hopes of getting me out of the picture, then once DH and I were married she took us back to court to try and get her child support upped because she thought that she was entitled to some of my money! She seems to be leaving us alone at the moment, but she has a man in her life, so hopefully that continues. DH and I are talking about having a baby and starting a family of our own, I just hope that BM does not go to phsyco on us when I do get pregos.

Tif's picture

I read my blog and realized I was unclear on a point. I mentioned that I am in charge and I hate it. I am in charge b/c I can't stand not to be if she is to be involved in my life like ths. On the other hand it drives me crazy that I even have to deal w/ it/deal w/ her...mostly b/c I'm human and b/c of her constant erroneous behavior. But it is so important to me to be in charge of my household-to be a leader for my boys and a supportive wife for my husband. If I chose to stand in the corner and let her interfere with things... I would not really be being a leader, would I? I refuse to act differently than I would if we were not a stepfamily...if I was submissive or whatever, that would not be fair to our son, to my DH, or to my SS. What kind of message does that send? It may not seem like it sends a message, but it does...chances are that plays a part in the misery the above stepparents are going through. Regardless, I am miserable eats away at me every day. Actually I feel I'm not myself completely anyway since I get realy annoyed when my SS is here. (Which is most of the time, obviously.) I love him to death, but can't stand him at the same time...guess it's the whole reminder/she's involved thing. Don't know...wish I did. But I just go on..

Mrs Katch 22's picture

Thanks for sharing your story. Yeah, SD for the most part (minus the mom) is okay and I can tolerate her in moderation. I don't love her like my own kid, but she's okay....BUT, like you said, she's the REMINDER that my husband knocked someone up and it's a reminder that there's some interaction shortly after dealing with SD. We get her every other weekend. It's like a negative association. Maybe when she gets older and we have to deal less with BM, things will get better..but there's always that hatred and resentment in the back of my mind about what she did in the past -- I'm glad DH realizes this too.

Tif's picture

Why did they exclude you in some court situations, if you don't mind my asking? I was always w/ my DH too, but always present..different states maybe? The BM always does the thing w/ SS-taking him everywhere we you said your BM does. And worse, she tries to dress/wear everything and anything I do...she gets the same shoes, shirts, makeup, to name a few. It's weird b/c-me- I would rather go out of my way to make sure I don't have "her stuff," let alone purposely copy her! You are not the only one w/ those things. That's rough that your DH kisses her ass, etc. My husband is very supportive of me..he can't stand her, but is nice/civil w/ her. As mentioned, I mostly deal w/ BM concerning inter-family SS info., but he's always 100% on my side and does what he can to show me that. I am very grateful for it, but sometimes it's still very hard. Do you call your SD on a regular basis, how does your phone situation go?