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Could this woman be more selfish?

Nymh's picture

BM's father was rushed to the hospital yesterday with a heart blockage. BM called BF from a phone somewhere to tell him to call her, and he did. She told him what happened and he was very supportive and understanding. He said that he would unblock her numbers so that she could call if she needed to with updates. She asked him to go get SS 2 hours early. Then she asked him to please not bring me with him. ?? Her father's in the hospital and she has more important things to worry about? I called him from work just to say hello, and he told me what was going on with her dad. I was like "Oh no, is BM ok? Is her family ok? Is SS ok? Do we need to do anything?" Because when others are suffering or risk losing a loved one, -I- have the ability to think of those who need my help and support instead of using the situation to my advantage...but more on that later.

I didn't go, this time. I thought hey, why add to an already bad situation...I mean her dad IS in the hospital. So he went and got SS, and as soon as he pulled into the driveway she was outside screeching and cussing. She practically threatened SS with his life if he didn't keep his cellphone turned on so she could call him. Maybe she's stressed out, I don't know...but she was being really nasty. Of course, SS turned his cellphone off as soon as he got in the car.

So on their way home, BM called and left several messages on the machine. She said that if I ever came to the end of her driveway again (I love how she now owns the whole road she lives on and calls it her driveway) that she'd "put me under the jail". She also said that "and as for that bitch she can just go to hell which is where she deserves to be anyway". BF called me to tell me to go ahead and block her numbers back. He couldn't believe that he tried to be nice in a difficult time for her and she was abusing it. So I picked up the phone to try to block the numbers and it hadn't rung, but she was there! I guess she heard my voice because she started cussing and yelling at me. She said "My son has a cellphone BITCH but you all keep it turned off. You want to go back to court, BITCH? Huh? You listenin' to me, BITCH?" I then hung up, waited a few seconds, and picked back up. She was still there! This went on for a few minutes, and finally my friend that was there unplugged the phone. When he plugged it back in, it rang, and it was her. She left another nasty message on the machine. Then she called right back and left another. I tried to pick up the phone again after that, and she was there again! "Hello? HELLO?!? You there, BITCH??!?" So I unplugged the phone for a few seconds, plugged it back in, and she was STILL THERE!! At this point I'm getting really freaked out. I finally got to use the phone without her on it and blocked her numbers back. Then I tried frantically to call my lawyer but they weren't in the office. So I wrote a letter outlining what had happened in detail. When BF got home, I told him that SS needed to call his mom and that she was going ballistic. So he did, and she wanted to talk to BF. She started bitching at him that her numbers were blocked again. He told her that he had TRIED to be nice, he TRIED to show his support and when she needed it the most, all she could think about was ME. She said that if something happened to her dad and she couldn't get a hold of SS, she would be bringing BF, me, and all of his employees to court and suing us. He said he dared her.

SS turned his phone off because she was being really mean to him and he didn't want to hear it anymore. I don't blame him, but I told BF that she would be starting trouble if the phone wasn't on. He said he shouldn't have to walk around on eggshells so as to not piss her off or keep lines of communication open just so that she could call and raise caine. So about 15 minutes later, a deputy showed up. It was the same deputy that was dispatched the last time she sent one over to check on SS. He walked in and just shook his head. He asked if SS was there. SS came running out and said "Hey!" The cop asked him if he was having fun, and SS said yes. He asked if SS was OK, and of course he said yes. Then BF played some of the messages on the machine for the deputy to hear. The deputy just shook his head. BF said "Everything's fine, she's just being a bitch." The deputy was like "Yep! Seeya later!" and

I just can't believe it. I can't believe she'd take advantage of her father being in the hospital to cause trouble. You'd think she'd have more important things to do and think about.


laurels4u's picture

We had a similar situation happen last week with BM's father. She supposedly rushed him to the hospital for massive bleeding, left DH's son with BM's mother all weekend, then decided she (BM) needed DH to pick up son right away. I was furious when it happened as it ruined the dinner plans I had made for DH's b-day.

So I've concluded, they're only in it to cause as much havoc as they can and as soon as the tables get turned on them, that's when they'll learn. I keep telling my DH the same thing but he won't stand up to her so I guess we'll continue being under her control until he grows a set.

At least your BF won't cower to her and takes it in stride. Everytime my DH's ex says or does something, DH spends days moping and contemplating his next move. I've threatened to turn our phone off and change the number but DH complains and cries at the mere mention of it.

Anyhow, good luck. Maybe you'll have a peaceful weekend now that the police reported back to her that all is well. Maybe he'll actually tell her to stop making false reports or she could face the penalty for doing so. There's a hopeful thought for you!

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Chocoholic's picture

You would think that a potiential death in the family would have the REVERSE effect on anyone with a heart....
It should open her eyes and she should catch a glimpse of the fact that life is too short and that in the grand scheme of things the petty sh** really doen't matter, and just isn't worth the stress.

When 911 happend, and when my grandma (nana-bear) died about a year ago.... both instances really opened my eyes.... I truly wanted to just hug everyone and make up... I wanted to tell my son's sm that I understand and that I forgive every horrible thing she has ever done. I wanted to tell my skid's bm that I support her as my skids mom and that I'm really not trying to take her place.... I wanted everyone to understand that enough is enough.... The jealously, the fighting, the bickering, blah, blah, blah just isn't worth all of the time that we put into it.... we are all on the same team but for some reason no one seems to see that.... we are all human, we've all made mistakes... we can all stop judging one another now... we all need to let go of the past and move forward.

It really hurt when I realized that they didn't get it... I couldn't make them learn what I had seen... I couldn't make them understand.. I couldn't change them. That was a hard thing to accept.

It is really sad Nymph that bm couldn't get over you long enough to be there for her dad. I really hope someday she begins to see what she is doing and the hell that she has created for herself.

"Don't be distracted by criticism. Remember, the only taste of success some people ever have is when they take a bite out of you."

Nymh's picture

But I wonder how her mother, much less her father feels! To know that he was in the hospital, could be dead or dying within hours, and she was sitting at his house using his phone to harrass us instead of spending what might have been his last hours with him...

*~So sayeth Nymh~*