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So...should I just go ahead and get a restraining order???

patient but frustrated's picture

Well, here we go again. If the 10pm phone call last night wasn't enough (and it's not even our week) we get another one of those phone calls from her delivered through the 8 year old ss. This wants to play sports. That's fantastic and all, I love sports and want to see him involved in as many activities as he can since she won't let him have "friends"...but here we go again. It was only 2 weeks ago during the first day of school that I had to endure psycho ex getting in my face telling me that I had no business there, I had no business talking to anyone etc and that I needed her permission to be anywhere that involved ss and and just so everyone knows he's really the step grandson it's just too complicated so for the sake of everything he is ss...and where was BF while all this abuse was going on? Standing right there doing nothing...yep..stepping up to the plate on that one.(I'm really hurt over this and am having a hard time letting it go! LOL) Like I said we get the call today and ss wants to play football. I immediately get a knot the size of a football in my stomach..soon as BF starts talking about us going to games and practices and oh my....because I immediately see what I am up against. I talked to my attorney after the last episode with psycho ex and because I have enough witnesses as to what happened and of course all the threatening emails to my business email from her to ME...including the threat not to show up at school, I have grounds to get a restraining order. I haven't done anything with that yet..but now, if he is going to do sports why is my skin crawling knowing what is going to happen at first game or practice we go to????? I sat down with BF and discussed this potential and all he said was his favorite...what do you want me to do? I can't control her...and besides it hasn't happened yet...I told him what I would like to have happen if I am going to be involved in the taking/picking up from practices and attending games is that he needs to let her know that he is not going to tolerate her showing her ass and being that way to me and that we are not going to sit near her or anything ...the reason why is... I like my sanity and would like to forgo the drama and I would like to see B/F defend me for once...I am with him but I feel like I'm just an intruder to their soap opera of drama...anyway my question looking out for my own self...should I just go ahead and get a restraining order against does a restraing order work and what happens if it is violated???


luvdagirl's picture

Depends on your state, how the officer feels about what happened and after all we went through to get one against BM the best it was worth for us was spitballs.
If she causes problems in public like that don't you have a disturbing the peace or disorderly conduct law?
Tell DH to find his balls and listen since you have clearly already told him what you want him to do. DUH he can't control her, gee glad he figured that out(sorry that excuse was used in the beginning of our relationship and still makes my blood boil) but he can make it known he will not sit there like nothing is happening- thats almost encouraging to a psycho, now BM person is most likely thinking he's not taking sides between you two and thats fine if hes not sleeping with one of you or living or- well you know what I mean. I still can't comprehend her thinking you can't be in a public building what next IHOP or maybe the park? I wonder if these women have any idea how distant they are from reality?

Nymh's picture

Does she threaten consequences when she tells you you're not to be in these places? Or does she just try to tell you where you can and can't be? If she doesn't come out and say "You better not set foot near SS's football practice or I will _________," it's not really a threat, it's just bullying. You can't really get a restraining order if all she's doing is trying to boss you around (unless you have overwhelming evidence that you've repeatedly asked her to stop and she continues anyway).

I think the problem with this woman is that no one is standing up to her. I haven't read any other of your entries (sorry, it's been a long time since I've visited this site) but from this one I get the general tone that she does and says what she wants, BF does nothing about it, and you feel stuck in the middle and don't want to piss anyone off. You don't want to stand up to her because you're afraid that would cause more problems, but you're afraid to tell BF to stand up for you because he's very obviously trying to stay out of it to avoid conflict.

The most important thing to remember is that this is probably never going to improve unless you two present a united front (don't you hate that phrase? United Front? It seems to be used a lot in these situations but it's really true) to this woman. Yes, that means stepping on some toes. This woman will always feel like she has the right to boss you around unless the two of you consistently stand up to her and show her that not only are you not afraid of her, she's not your boss, and you will do what you want when you want in support of your SS without her permission or approval.

Try to remember (though I know it is me, I know) that this woman is not your enemy, she is your SS's mother (or whatever).

In answer to your question - a restraining order is a civil process that says she can't come near or contact you whether directly or indirectly. If she does so, the most you can do is take her back to court for contempt. Usually they'll fine her for every instance of contempt and make her pay court costs and such. But I'm telling you from experience, it's really hard for a woman to get one on another woman and everyone moves a little slower in this situation because no one really feels like it could possibly be that big of a threat. In my situation BM made a complete ass of herself and basically ruined all chances of coming off clean by harrassing everyone involved until she had basically no credibility and everyone was so frustrated with her she never stood a chance. But considering BM in your situation doesn't go out of her way to be a thorn in everyone's side, you might not have it so easy getting a restraining order. I'm not saying it won't happen, just that usually it's pretty hard unless you have overwhelming evidence.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Cruella's picture

Welcome back we actually wondered where you were. Good to see are still around Smile

patient but frustrated's picture

Thanks luvdagirl...big ole state of Louisiana. I know that there are laws on the books about this kind of stuff but I have never really heard any of them really being enforced...but I've lived a quiet and naive life I guess. Never had to deal with cops and restraining orders and never hung around with anyone who didn't go to church or was I'm freaking out with all this...but if I go through the heartache and frying of the nerves to get one of these..I don't know how they work exactly..and whereas, BF seems passive I am not going to sit around and be passive..if I get one against her I will go to the fullest length possible to do whatever I can to make sure if it is violated that something is least that is what I plan on doing. But like I said, I don't even know how these orders work. I have got to take care of me does anyone know how these restraining orders are supposed to work?

....psycho ex's suck....

patient but frustrated's picture

oh she does go out of her way consistently to be a ass..a well... her own mother calls her the daughter of Satan..her brothers and sisters won't even acknowledge her and she has hurt so many people it's not even funny...the bday party she is having for ss this weekend went bust because all invited refused to attend.. adult sd25 came over and said Momma's upset because she invited all these people and not one single person is coming and they told her that the reason is because they don't want to see or be around'd think that she'd get a clue...but of course that just fuels her insane "victim status"... but back to the restraining order, don't know if that is really the answer, I've just got to know all my options Damn I can't stand this....

...psycho ex's suck....

happy's picture

For starters quit turning a blind eye and be a man. He doesn't want drama with her, well its all his drama. ITs his kid, his ex or whatever so its all his drama. No he cannot control her or her actions but he can stand his ground and put her in her place. They are not together or anything and he is allowed to move on with his life. SO he needs to remember that he has a set of balls and use them.

"live life to its fullest everyday"

Anne 8102's picture

...the best way to get a man to understand is for us to act as oblivious as they act. Maybe if they are forced to deal with their own crap, then it'll give them a taste of what it's like for the rest of us. I call my DH "Captain Oblivious." Last week, he got promoted to "Major Prick." This week, though, he's kind of had an epiphany about the seriousness of the whole rotten situation and seems to really be trying to see things through my eyes for the first time in YEARS. It took me not giving a shit for a very long time for him to start giving a shit himself. (If he continues on this upward trend, he may be looking at another promotion. How does Colonel Cupcake sound?)

~ Anne ~

"Love, having no geography, knows no boundaries."
(Truman Capote)

ittakestwo's picture

I completely agree!

Not to sound like a broken record but the weekend I stumbled into this forum was a horrible weekend with DH and his lil princess. It seemed that any "rules" we ever had in place simply did NOT apply that weekend with SD.

What did I do? Spent the entire weekend almost in our room, the only exception was I HAD to finally GET OUT Sunday afternoon and ran to my best friend's house for some support and encouragement.

But, Friday through Sunday afternoon I acted as if I did not exist in my own home. I did NOTHING, literally. I did not wash ONE dish, I did not do ONE load of laundry, I walked around the house and acted as if I did not SEE anything (and I am ANAL about my house, so trust me, this was HARD). I was not rude, I was not mean, I spoke to SD IF she spoke to me, DH and I were fine (so he thought) we talked... but I basically hid and let them have the run of the house. I did NOTHING for SD or her friend who was staying (which WAS a part of the problem...long story)... I did NOT fix ONE meal. If SD asked ME for anything my response was "You need to ask your dad"...

I finally had enough that particular weekend, maybe pms, who knows, whatever... I had ENOUGH. I am tired of being maid, chef, nanny, chaueffer (sp?), personal shopper and entertainment director in a house that does not feel like MINE when SHE is here. I totally and completely disengaged.

But in the end, it was the best thing I ever did and I wish I had done it a LONG time ago. It got BOTH of their attention. And neither of them was one bit happy about it. DH and I had it out first, not once, but twice. Then he had the NERVE to leave her with me to go to work Monday morning after I TOLD him... as you have told me "she is YOUR daughter and you do NOT have to include me or answer to me where she is concerned" .... So I had told him... she is YOUR responsibility. I went on to say it seemed the best way to handle things in our home was to remain two separate families where the kids are concerned. I will handle and deal with mine, you handle and deal with yours.

Monday morning she finally asks me if I am mad at her? Um, yes. I mad at you and I am mad at your dad. But I have decided that he is right, you are HIS daughter, so I will no longer be a "mom" figure in your life. You need something... ask your dad. You want something... ask your dad. The bottom line is DH was FORCED to be a PARENT that weekend. And he did NOT like it, I think he finally realized just what I do and how hard it is. It was hilarious for me in some ways, I got to watch him JUMP UP and run downstairs to find out what this bang or that slam was. A couple times he actually looked at ME, like WTF? And I just looked right back at him and did NOT MOVE LOL...

THAT NIGHT the three of us sat down and talked like a "family" for the first time ever in 3.5 years. And finally, for the first time in our relationship I actually feel like maybe, just maybe... we MAY be able to blend this family...

It is what it is...