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BM was caught in a lie and SHE threatens a restraining order.

MidwestStepmom's picture

DH picked up ss on Friday at normal time, thinking ss14 was missing BB practice because BM failed to communicate. DH wanted to talk to ss about his decision, because BM said she would have to tell ss why was missing is because of DH (Classic PASing). I guess SS14 was confused and told DH that Friday's practices are early morning ones. Ss14 also told DH that there is a game on MOnday night, but he can't play. He told DH that there had been two weeks of practice, a mixture of after school and early morning. BM and her husband won't take ss14 to the early morning practices because it's to much of a hassel to get the other 4 kids up. Keep in mind the husband is an "unwilling to work" stay at home dad - yet all the kids go to school or government paid daycare.

Anyways, so ss14 missed about 40% of practices, thus making him I eligable for games. And she blew up at DH for having ss miss his PRETEND practice!!!!

DH called BM out on her lying hypocritical shit, and she called him some naughty names. She threatened a restraining order on DH if he contacted her anymore for harassment. I would love to stand before a judge and have BM explain why she wants a restraining order - because she tried to lie, threaten PAS, and got upset because DH called her out on it.

I Knew all along in my gut that this was about financials and her not wanting to drive ss to the drop off point. No clue what she will do when the CS ends.


MidwestStepmom's picture

Because BM would just take it away. She doesn't allow DH to talk to ss at all when he is with her.