What's the worst thing DH has said to you? / The Best?
Fearless mentioned how furious she was when her DH told her "the sd can sleep over whenever she wants!!" (whether fearless was okay with it or not) which made me think: What was the one thing hubby said to me that made me see red also?
For me it was the hummel incident. When I found the out he bought the hummel for the ex from his 15 yo kid, but never told me....we got into it....and I kept saying why?? Why didn't you tell your kid, no...And out of fury, he yelled at me, (while referring to the ex) "Because She Deserved It." Well, it knocked the wind out of my sails? And, I deserved to be lied to about it???? It still stings....and what was the best? Hmm...gotta think about that one.
Anyone else?
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For me it wasn't what he
For me it wasn't what he said but what he didn't say. He allowed his ex to go on for over 2 hours on the phone with me right there about what an awful person I was...called me step monster and lots of other things...and he just let he go on and on and on. It still hurts me today when I think about it......coming from a woman who had an affair with her best friends husband, won't give him 50% custody of his child, extorts money from him, continues to show him disrespect and I have supported him throughout all of this....stings a lot.
Me, too.
We lost two babies and his top five list of traumatic events didn't include either one. But he did include his and BM's daughter being injured in a car accident. Ouch. His omission still cuts deep and probably always will.
As for best thing, it wasn't exactly said TO me, but it was what he said ABOUT me when he gave his speech in front of his squadron, family and friends at his retirement ceremony. And it wasn't so much what he said or how he said it, because it was basically just thanking me for sticking by him, being a great wife, being a great mom, being able to do his job because he knew he could depend on me to keep things together at home, it was that he actually cried in front of everyone while he said it. Hmmm. Maybe he does have a heart. Thanks for asking this question, BW. You made me remember something I never should've forgotten about my husband.
~ Anne ~
"Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other." -Walter Elliot
Mine - too many to narrow it down
The worst - I was pregnant also 2 years ago, would have been my first, my DH's 3rd and so I was excited and thinking of names etc etc etc. Well every name I liked was deemed unfair to my SKs for one reason or another - he spent his days telling me oh that name would be unfair to X or Y and how it was so important that his kids knew they were super special and they would still have the biggest rooms in our house always and that they came first - well I went on to miscarry - we knew it was coming and I was due to miscarry naturally over the weekend or go to hospital the following Tuesday - so the ass went racing the Saturday I miscarried. I was home alone with my family miles away - he was supposed to come home at 5.00 and he turns up at 11.00pm.
The best thing is the credit he gives me to other people for helping stabilize his children who were out of control (still are in my opinion but a more toned down out of control) and very ill-behaved.
My husband's delivery is crap - everyone says so - he has a way of rubbing people up the wrong way - I'm somewhat used to him now but his behavior during my miscarriage lingers with me - he admits now that he was a cold unfeeling ass back then which makes up for it a little bit.
it was never what he said, but what he did... he used to sneak out of the house to go visit his daughter and he would take SS with him. It was like he didn't want to be honest with me and say... "Hey, I'm going to go visit SD." The kicker of it all was the way he did it. Both he and SS would just walk out the door and not say anything to me at all... not even a glance. I always knew where he was going because if it was anything else, he'd come up to me and tell me he's running up to the store, bank, park with SS, etc... so stupid. But the worst part of it all wasn't because he was going, it was because he never ASKED me to go with him. I didn't want to have to constantly be on guard, jam to the car, and force myself to be there. I just wanted him to ASK for me to join him. So, I waited at home. He never got that no matter how much I told him that that's what I was waiting for... he just assumed that I was upset because he was going to see SD... WHATEVER! I mean, that was soooo stupid- especially since I was the one that persuaded him to pursue it... geesh.
I don't know what the best thing he ever said to me really is, to be honest. Right now, my frame of mind isn't very clear, I'll admit and I'm quite upset with him... but when am I not?! LOL... Even when he asked me to marry him, it was far from being romantic- I'd gladly accept a recap/do over anytime! LOL
However, there was a moment that I'll always remember before we got married that was the best time for us. He planned the most romantic Valentine's trip where he even arranged flowers in the hotel room, a romantic dinner at a very posh restaurant located on top of a hotel that over looked a gorgeous moutain lake view, and had a live jazz band playing. He had arranged the most expensive truffles, my favorite, with strawberries and champagne arranged next to the jacuzzi in our room... it was like heaven. I had his total undivided attention and that is sooo rare.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
Worst thing about five seconds ago...
Okay, the worst thing was just a moment ago. We have been trying (well, if it happens, it happens type of trying) to have a baby. Nothing like fertility drugs or anything, just enjoying not worrying about birth control. But more and more I have been really wanting another baby. He knows this and is fine either way. So this past month I decided that I would try and hit my cycle on that "golden" day. well, I am four days late, so I was getting my hopes up. Then I started getting those crappy little pains inside that trigger it is gonna be that time. He asked what was wrong and I told him that I felt like I was gonna start. I said it really sucks because I thought this would be the month, FINALLY. I told him I thought I timed it just right. AND HE LAUGHED!!!! I broke out in tears. He right away apologized and said that was not how it was meant. He said it just sounded cute how I said I timed it. But, he laughed. He has apologized a dozen times in the last five minutes. I know this probably pales in comparison to most, but I really thought I was this time. And then with the hormones, uugghh... he just shouldn't have laughed............. Best thing ever said??? I just posted about it yesterday. He melted my heart
Guess I will forgive the laughter.
Hmmm... worst would have to be when he said "you're making me feel like i'm back in my first marriage" OUCH. The astonished look of surprise and pain on my face must have clued him in because he apologized, but really, there was no call for that, I was simply hesitant about making a big purchase I thought of as frivolous. The ex held the purse strings and never let him buy anything, even though he was the only one working, and yet she somehow managed to run them $30,000 in debt anyway.... But yeah, that definitely hit a nerve, hit it with an ice pick more like.
The best... hmmm, Hubby is usually pretty good with the compliments and telling me he loves me, but the best would have to be when I told him that I wanted to have a baby. He didn't really want to have any more children before I met him, but I told him straight up that I wanted a family of my own. He wasn't too happy about it and it's the only issue we had about getting married. But one day as I sat on the couch listening to a sappy song about a happy family and crying my eyes out, he came over to me and held me in his arms and told me that he did wonder what our child would look like, and that if it was important to me then it was important to him. I cried even harder. Second runner up would be last weekend when we were sitting in our porch swing watching the skids play in the pool and he asked me when we were going to have our own... I almost lost it again right there.
Oh... yeah, I think my DH made a slip much like this way back early in our relationship... he quickly realized when I responded to him with a slam of the front door...
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
WORST: When hubby and I got
WORST: When hubby and I got married, I knew he was fixed and could not have any more children. His kids are 17 and 14 and I don't have any of my own, I just raise my niece. Well, shortly after we got married, he mentioned that he would love to have a child with me sometime in the future (we are both in our 30's). I told him at the time not to tell me this and get my hopes up if this was not what he wanted and he assured me that it was. Then a few months later, he had done a lot of thinking and decided that he was not wanting anymore children. HMMM......yeah, still makes me really mad!!!!!
BEST....Was the poem he wrote me and had framed for our first Christmas together. I still have it next to my bed and read it all of the time. If you know my hubby, you know that this was a huge deal for him to sit down and do. He told me it took him 2 days to get it just right.
THe worst and best..
The worst was when we were just dating and newly engaged and we were arguing about the BM because her excessive calls, "he said if we were going to argue then maybe we just shouldn't be together" I cried and cried and cried. Then I got mad and told him that I was giving a 100% and that if he wanted to keep me he best not say that stuff anymore, because we were not going to be happy all the time. He has not said it since.
I have so many good, but recently he went to the Dr. for skin cancer spots (scary shit for me) and he cried and said that he was scared because he finally had everything, me his business, just everything seems so perfect. Constantly a struggle with ex, and finally he said that he is so happy and he could just see the outcome being bad. Guys I actually was very strong for him, and he said 100 times I Love YOU.. I know he does but I suck up every word I can.. LOL
" make sure you tell the people you love most EVERYDAY.. Its important not only for them to know but for you to tell.. Life is to short to be miserable..
The worst....
was after I had laid in labor for over 24 hours in anticipation of the delivery of my daughter. Finally, the big moment arrives as we watch our beautiful baby girl come into the world. Most men would look at their wife with tears in their eyes and thank them for this beautiful gift. My ex-husband? He looked at me with a twisted face and said, "Oh my God. I have never seen anything in my life as disgusting as your crotch right now!"
At my post-natal check-up, my Dr. brought the comment up. He asked if my husband was still alive.
Hence, I don't have a "nicest" thing.....You did notice that he's my "ex" now, didn't you???? LOL!!!
My Dh was having
cranial rectal inversion one day before we were married. We were looking at houses and trying to figure out how to put our families together and I was not happy with one of the houses we were looking at that day (didn't have enough bedrooms for everyone)and he knew it. I overheard him talking to my BIL and SIL and grown SD saying "she will just have to get over it, its my life and I will do whatever I want" I was so hurt. I thought he was talking about his ex, but soon discovered it was actually me he was referring to. I asked to be taken home after I overheard that, it was not so much what he said but how he said it. Took me a long time to get over that, practically broke us up. The best thing he said was in our wedding vows. I can't remember the lines exactly but it was more about the content, he knew our life together would not be easy but he was ready to give it everything he had as a man to make it the best it could be. Still makes my heart skip a beat when I think about it.
Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.
I'm right with Daddysgurl...
ROTFLMAO... that is hilarious!
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
Worst thing EX ever said was
Worst thing EX ever said was that he was never so unhappy as he was with me. I said something similar but honestly, I have NOTHING in my past that compares to the shit this man put me through. What kills me is that BB cheated on him 3 times (once while she was f*cking 8 mos. PREGNANT--UGH!!!), faked amnesia in order to pretend that she didn't know EX or remember that she was cheating on her first husband with him, faked a brain tumor so she could convince EX to have an abortion the first time she got PG (she claimed it was medically necessary or she'd die...what awesome logic), went on to abort 3 others of EX's that he really wanted and told him they were miscarriages, forced him to choose between his daughter in MN when she up and moved across the country to PA with their son, then cheated AGAIN two separate times when they moved IN THEIR BED, one of which EX walked in on, tried to get back with EX and faked a pregnancy to get him to agree to take her back, then a month later moved in with her current husband and pretended that EX didn't exist. Oh, and not to mention the shit she's put him through with the court stuff. Yes, but I am the worst relationship because...I ask him to not yell at me, take out the trash once a week, and screw me every so often. What a bitch I am!!!!
The nicest thing he ever said? "I will be moved out totally by next week."
Worst thing?
"I didn't ask you to cry."
For some reason, if we're talking about something emotional and I start crying, he loses all conversational ability and gets all pissed off and distant. I really hate that.
The best? Every time he tells me how much he loves me, wants to marry me, and have children with me. Best of all is when he says that I'm the only person who can put up with his crap and still love him back!
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
My Good Thing
When hubby was getting ready to go to work, he sincerely told me,
He wasn't even out the door yet and he ALREADY missed me!!
(I thought that was so sweet and if true - that's Good News! (Even though I am a controlling BEATCH! LOL
The Worst thing,
he ever said to me was... your family is messed up,(meaning me too!)Yeah, we're messed up because my family didn't give us cars when we graduated high school,and support us well into ours 30's. We each had to get out there in the real world and work for what we have,now I ask you, is that so messed up???
Sometimes I think he's got sh*t for brains!!!Does he not realize ALL families ARE NOT leading OZZY & HARRIET LIVES????????? Every family has their fare share of discord and issues!Does he forget how annal his father can be????? AND on top of that, he rushes out and marries the FIRST FAKE BITCH THAT GIVES HIM A GOOD TIME!!!!!!!! But honey, once that ring was on that finger, his life was truly a LIVIVG HELL!!! She made it impossible for him to get ahead, every freakin time his paycheck was ready, she was there with her fat paw out,he worked his ass off and NEVER saw a dime of it, AND because of HER and HIM,because HE ALLOWED IT),throughout their marriage,(13 years) more often than not, they had to live with HER PARENTS, because of her uncontrolled spending(she wouldn't work) AND he wants to tell me MY FAMILY is messed up?? PLEASEEEE!!!!
I have NEVER ONCE told him, if it were not for ME, he would not have what he has now,a great home,a company he and his son are building up together,credit that for once is not so screwed up that he would've had to go to his father to get what he needed. IF NOT FOR ME, because I KNOW how to tell that HUMAN LEECH not no, BUT HELL "NO". AND she hates me for it! But I don't give a rat's ass if she does, I don't aknowledge sub-humans.But when we get into an arguement(usually,over money and the EX,and NOW his daughter,who EX has turned into HER)and he says something along the lines of having it bad, I just look at him and tell him, DO YOU REALLY WANT ME TO REMIND YOU OF HOW BAD YOU USED TO HAVE IT???) That usually shuts him up!! Don't get me wrong now, I don't mean to make my husband out to be a wimp, because GOD knows he is not a wimp! It's just that he dosen't like to be reminded of that time in his life! AND I don't pull that out of the hat all the time!We don't really argue alot.
The best thing he EVER said to me was "Thank You". That simple! It was in the first year of our marriage and we were having a party out at our farm and I was busy going all over the place talking to everyone,and had hardly talked to him all night, well after it was over, he told me those two little words,I was confused and asked HuH?
He explained that EX never would have left him ALONE for a second, because she was so jealous of his family and friends (and even little old ladies who just want to talk to him!, she would have DEMANDED THAT HE STAY BY HER SIDE ALL NIGHT AND FOLLOW HER AROUND LIKE A LAP DOG)If he didn't do what she wanted she would throw a fit like you would not believe.
But,when all is said and done, my husband(as I have told him many times)must have a very special place reserved just for him in HEAVEN, because of all of the things he has had to put up with(including me!)in his life,he has shown sooo much unconditional love for his children,that he stayed because of them, when most men would have been gone in a heart beat.And I wonder how I ever got sooo lucky????
I love this topic
I'll bet everyone on here could come up with a dozen different answers.
Possibly the worst thing my husband ever said to me was on Mother's Day 2003. I was seven months pregnant with our first daughter. He has a daughter from a previous marriage, who I help him parent. My mother got me a present for my "first" Mother's Day. My husband actually said, "Why, you're not a mother yet." I could have clocked him in the mouth!
The best thing he said to me was when I asked him why he wanted to marry me. He said, "Because you're the best person I've ever met."
I had miscarried
and then a few months later gotten pregnant again. The miscarriage was horribly painful and he was all about how luck "we" were because "we" had 2 beautiful little girls already (ugh). When I was 12 weeks pregnant we got in a fight about his daughters having to share a room in our new home so the baby can have it's own room and he said that I was being f'in riduculous because THAT wasn't even a baby yet.
The best thing he said was the day he told all his family and friends that he is amazingly licky because him and hte girls would be junk without me.