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Darkness .....

Little Jo's picture

BF & I are speechless. And this started in the year 2000. Two days ago BF got a notice from the IRS saying that he owes $ 8,500 from 2003 & 15,000 from 2000. WTF??????????????????

Turns out, F#cken Darkness thought she could get a better tax refund without including her 'Husband's' income.

Yes, the bitch told him she handled the tax 'stuff' and never filed HIS. This was so far before we ever even met.

I could puke if I knew how.


Cruella's picture

That is terrible!!!! I don't know what causes these BMs to do such things. I mean even if I am divorcing DH I wouldn't do that to him because he is a human being. Oh Little Jo I know you are sick. Can he file back taxes?

marika's picture

they will work with you to make payments on this. My DH had a similar issue twice - first, he was given really bad tax advice by an accountant "friend" and second, the state where he used to live filed taxes "for" him even though he didn't live there anymore! (They based it on previous income and made a total mess for us!) However, we were able to work everything out by talking to the IRS and the local tax office. We didn't get much of a refund for a while, but the payments were reasonable.

Good Luck!

Candice's picture

I'm so sorry this woman is in your bf's life working on ruining him at every angle.

First thing first, consult an accountant and ask if those taxes are not too old to be ammended. Second, if your bf was employed during those years, proper taxes were withheld from his paycheck to pay his taxes. If he was self-employed and he did not make estimated tax payments, then there is a problem. Third, go to website and check out the form for innocent spouse and their guidelines. Darkness handled the tax returns, and if she didn't claim joint tax returns (she didn't report a spousal income) and bf didn't sign the tax return, then how can he be liable for those taxes?

If all else fails, and you cannot get out of paying those taxes, you can do an offer in comprimise and settle with the irs for pennies on the dollar, and you can download the forms from their website and no you do not need an attorney for that, and it doesn't hurt your credit. If that fails, then if your bf's circumstance is so bad, you can file bankruptcy on personal taxes.

This is pretty shitty. Sorry Little Jo. I hope that I helped you feel better.


Mandi's picture

Were BF and Darkness married during both of those tax years? (2000 & 2003)? If so, an amended return needs to be filed for both of those years. It is not just a case of taking the return as it is and having BF pay the difference in the liability of taxes due. (I am a tax preparer.)

Once the tax returns are amended, both BF and Darkness will be responsible for any taxes that are owed (if they were married.)

Also, please keep in mind, the IRS, when sending out tax bills, does not take into account all the deductions and any withholding on the income they are billing you for. They just add the income that was not included on the return and do not give you credit for any withholdings or deductions, that is why you would need to file an amended return.

Candice is correct, the IRS will work with you, as long as you stay in contact with them.

Take a deep breath, because right now, it seems much worse than it probably is. Contact the IRS right away, and get copies of both of those returns and the W-2's or 1099's that were not included in the returns. Contact a tax professional, one that you trust, and have them help you straighten it out. The good ones (and you can find them at tax franchises, you don't need a CPA) will actually call the IRS for you while you are sitting with them and help you.

Please let me know if you need anything. I would be more than happy to help in any way that I can.


Little Jo's picture

My brother is an accountant. Yesterday we did a three-way call with the IRS. Thats when we found out it was not just 2000 and 2003, they have no tax returns for him from 2000 to 2005. It was because he filed this year with our address that they caught up to him. The IRS guy said they sent out numurous notices over the years. The bitch never told him.
The IRS guy couldn't tell us about what she filed but was nice enough to tell BF "you got raked".
I did some calling yesterday to H&R Block and Jackson Hewitt pretending to be Darkness. I found where she filed in 2004. So BF can pick up that copy. She most likely filed the same way each year.
BF has 30 days to file the taxes for the 5 years. Then we take it from there. My brother said he will file using all 4 girls. That way it sends up a red flag on hers.

I'm just in shock that anyone could be so fucking cruel to someone they have the nerve to say they love.

justwantpeace's picture

My Dh's ex turned him into the unemployment office as he was getting unemployment and working under the table when they were together, which was all fine and dandy with her at the time, she turned him in after he left her. The games they play are outrages and just to screw over the person that hurt them.

Making the decision to have a child is momentous~ It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside of your body~

Little Jo's picture

We think it's the shock. We just realized that means he hasn't paid state taxes either. Some guy at BF's work told him "Gee, it's like you hit the lotto in reverse". I am so proud of him. He did not call DK to rip her a new one, let alone kill her. We decided we will do it together after the taxes are filed. BF said we should sell tickets for that. I no longer have a drop of pitty for her.

Candice's picture

this is so horrible! She is literally making every attempt to ruin him financially just so he can't move on with his life!

I think your guys approach to being quiet about it is the best. Imagine the anger and fear she is going to get when the IRS sees the red flags and the bad tax returns blow up in her face! You will have to totally update us on this situation. What a bitch!

I just don't get how some people work so hard at hurting others?! Imagine if she spent the same amount of energy bettering herself, where she would be! Of course, that makes too much sense for the idiot!!

Good Luck Little Jo.

Little Jo's picture

That's just it. Think about it, she did this to him years before we ever met. She did this while they where married and living together.
What the hell was she thinking.

Candice's picture

The problem with people like this is that they DON'T think. She really truly believes she is invincible, above the law, and no matter what her actions are, she could care less about how it affects others. It's called self-absorbed.

Why on Earth would anyone sabotage their own husbands financial future with tax liens?! Besides the fact you just don't do that to anyone, on't you know that when your dh has tax liens, so do you?!

I think she takes the award for stupidity....I know our bm runs for that award daily...but yours has ours beat!

Take a deep breath, keep venting here, and you guys will get through this, and if I know the irs like I think I do, this will be one mistake she will really regret!

Good luck,

SoFrustrated's picture


Little Jo's picture

Here I was the other day saying, no not me. I'm not like that.
After this, screw that being nice shit.

My fantasy is to tell her off with no hold bars. I want to be able to say exactly what ever I want. I want to throw EVERYTHING in her face including the sexual abuse shit. I want to tell her she is a sorry excuse for a human being.

aaahhhh, some day.

Sebbie's picture

De inimico non loquaris sed cogities.
My ex husband did a very similar thing to me. For years in our marraige, I let him handle the taxes, only thing I did was sign them when he was done. For years I thought everything was handled until we got divorced. The first year I filed taxes for myself, I was informed that I would be receiving no returns, as a matter of fact I owed IRS over 10,000 dollars,as ex NEVER sent in the returns for 6 years. I ended up having to file Innocent Spouse claims and working with IRS personally to get everything cleared up. The whole process took two years and cost me 3,000, that the Innocent Spouse claim would not cover.