Making a Scene
Well, Dh and Ss are away at Boy Scout camp. They left yesterday and I have the whole week to myself. Unfortunately, Bm had to make a scene in front of Ss's best friend before they left.
Bm called us Sat. night at 7:50pm. Her, her ex-boyfriend and their daughter were on their way to go out to dinner. Ss was outside with his friend. Bm acted like she didn't know when Ss was leaving for camp so Dh asked her if she got the itinerary that he printed out for her and she said yes. Well, she said that she wanted to talk to Ss before he left and Dh said that that was fine and that we could have him call her or she could call back. Well, that wasn't good enough for her. She had Ss's Gameboy DS charger that he left at her house and she said she would drop that off but it might be a little late in the evening. Dh said that we would probably be up a little later packing the stuff for camp.
By 9pm Bm still hadn't stopped by so Ss had his friend come over to watch a movie and have some popcorn. The movie was about five min. from being over and Bm shows up on our front porch. It is about 11pm by this time. So Ss had to go out on the porch to talk to his mom. I was sitting in a chair where I could see the whole thing. Bm was hugging him and kissing him and telling him who knows what, the whole time Ss keeps motioning to our front door like he just wanted to get back in to finish watching the movie. The whole time Ss's friend is sitting there.
Ss came back in the house and said that he thinks he made his mom mad because he told her he wanted to get back in to see the movie. Can you blame him? He didn't expect his mom to be out on our porch at 11pm acting like that. First of all, Bm doesn't pay attention to him when he is at her house. Then when he is at our house she does things like that. Is it a show for our benefit? I wonder.
- Dawn-Moderator's blog
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Of course its a scene for you..
But she is failing to realise that son is not a baby anymore and can read thru all that.. O'well.
" make sure you tell the people you love most EVERYDAY.. Its important not only for them to know but for you to tell.. Life is to short to be miserable..
Sorry, Dawn.
You know what I'm going to say... it's not an EX if they are having dinner together with their daughter. But as for your SS, sounds like Mama doesn't like it that her baby is growing up and away and has interests outside of HER.
~ Anne ~
"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission."
-Eleanor Roosevelt
I know, I know. First off Bm is co-dependent. She doesn't do much without a man. Ss says if ex is working then Bm and the kids stay home 99% of the time. So until Bm finds someone that she deems better than the ex she continues to do things with him. It kills 2 birds with one stone. She can use the ex to watch the kids, pick them up, drop them off, feed them, etc. Also, he is her crutch since she has a phobia about doing things or going places by herself. Since she does all of this with him, he thinks he has a chance of getting back together with her(his ultimate goal, I think). Bm, however, will probably cut him loose if she ever finds a better guy/situation.
That's really sad
Poor SS. He has to suffer through his mom acting like Miss Perfect with his friend there and at your house, no less. I doubt that I would have let her on my porch at 11 pm. Don't worry though, Your a better mom than BM and she knows this, which is most likely why she putting on a show for you. Next time she does it, walk outside clapping!!! }:-)
Just curious...
You say they had plans to go out to dinner... suppose she might have had a drink or two and that might be the reason for the overly affectionate/friendly encounter with SS? Just a thought that popped into my head.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
My son would kill me....
If I hug or kiss him in front of his buddies he has a fit about it. It is not cool, so Mom was probably tring to put on a show for the friend. She was trying to look like Mom of the year but SS knows the truth.
Live for today,you may not have a tommorow
you know..
My daughter is going on 11 and still loves on me in front of her friends and anyone she just does not care. Her friends hug me too.. Her one little friend stayed the night and her mom has 4 girls her being the oldest and you know she said her mom never tucks her in, never has heard her mom saying she loves her. so she comes to my house and I give her all that love and affection I give my kids. My son who is going on 8 is the same way very effectionate with me still. Drop offs at school I still get hugs and kisses from both kids. I guess I should consider myself lucky. My SS will hug me and tell me he loves me, but not the 16 SD, although last nite she did for the first time call me her parent and even said I was an awesome StepMom.. Yep total shock..
" make sure you tell the people you love most EVERYDAY.. Its important not only for them to know but for you to tell.. Life is to short to be miserable..