It's been a while!
So, it's been a while since I have vented and I have been doing so well with handling little things here and there. However, I suddenly feel the need for my therapy (which is venting to you guys!), so here goes.
Last week, DH had a parent/teacher conference to discuss SD11. She is in 5th grade and has been doing well all year until she took her practice End of Grade (EOG) test. She was one of many in her class who failed and the teacher requested a conference to discuss. So DH attends, as well as BM and her husband. I chose not to attend but now wish I had. The conversation quickly went from how to help SD study for this test to how SD is "too close" to the younger SD who is 7 and in 1st grade. BM and her husband started saying that SD11 spends too much time with SD7 and doesn't try to be a fifth grader. She's having a hard time growing because she is so wrapped up in associating with SD7 and her little world. WTF!?! Okay, SD11 takes dance with kids that are her age, plays soccer with kids that are her age and has friends in her school that are her age. She has friends that are her age in after school care and we have mutual friends that have children her age that she sees on the weekends and such. Yes, her and SD7 are very close, but shouldn't we be happy about that? They love each other so much and are so protective of one another, yet they each have their own individualities. This was completely being over-analyzed.
So the next day, DH receives a phone call from BM which he let go straight to voice mail. He let me listen to it. She was saying that she felt as if SD11 & SD7 should be separated one night a week. They could keep one and we could keep the other. She said that she knew it may be inconvenient, but she really felt the girls needed it because they each hunger for "one on one attention, especially SD7" and they really needed to do what was best for the kids and the teacher seemed to agree. Gag me please! First of all, if DH & BM were still married, would they be splitting these two children up once a week? Um, I think not. People who have children don't just split them up - my God! DH and I discussed it and we said that on our weekends with the girls, I could spend one on one time with one SD and he could take the other - and we could just do it on our own, in our own households. Same thing for BM - her and her husband could do the same thing.
Well, DH still hadn't called BM back to discuss it, so she called again this morning. He told her exactly what I had said - about if they were still together, they wouldn't be splitting them up. They should do their own thing with them, and we're going to do ours. She said that wasn't really fair, because the SD's don't really want to do one on one things with her husband (I guess it's a little more awkward for him and easier for me, since I'm a girl). Whatever - not our problem, right?? He also went on to tell her that she needed to calm down and quit over-analyzing the issue - the main thing here is making sure SD11 passes her EOG test and it's getting blown out of proportion.
BM goes on to tell DH that she talked to the girls about it this weekend and they were really excited and wanted to do it and were already talking about what nights they wanted to do it - guess which night? Wednesday - we never have them on Wednesday nights, which means if she got her way, we would be picking up an extra night. DH flat out told her he was not going to pick up an extra night - that he and I both have very busy jobs and we couldn't commit to adding on days to shuffle kids - especially when we don't live in the same town. It pisses me off that she has already started talking about it to the girls, getting them all pumped up, when it's not going to change. That wasn't right. So he told her he would talk to the girls tomorrow night and as of right now, the schedule was not going to change - he said that the schedule has been the way it is for three years now and that's what everyone is used to and consistency is important (my words exactly).
I guess I'm just aggravated about the whole thing. First of all, I didn't go to the conference and now wish I had. I just felt it would be uncomfortable for me and was confident DH could handle it. But he was obviously outnumbered. If I had gone, the minute I would have spoken up and said my opinion, BM would have shot me down and said something ugly, I'm sure. Second of all, DH and I had a discussion a couple of weeks ago about how BM is always calling him during the day and they were having all these conversations that I'm not fully aware of or involved in, instead of making her call at night while we're at home. And lastly, while I'm glad he told her all the things he told her, he still sort of left it unfinished by saying "nothing is changing for now and I'll talk to the girls about it tomorrow night", instead of saying flat out, "nothing is changing, we're handling it our way in our home and you need to do the same" - period, dot, end of discussion.
I don't know - I keep saying they are over-analyzing SD, but maybe I'm over-analyzing the entire situation, too. I am just the kind of person who likes consistency and I do not adjust well to change. If the schedule starts getting thrown out of whack, then I'll be out of whack, too.
If you guys have read all of this, then a huge thank you!! If you have any thoughts or advice, please feel free to let me know!!
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Your hubby frustrates me like mine leaving conversations unfinished or to be continued when he could have easily nipped it in the bud right there and then.
I don't have any experience in this type of situation at all being that my new skids are teens and just visit us whenever they feel like it usually once a month. But my question is do you feel as if your hubby and his ex "parent" their children together or do they "parent them separately." I feel that my biomom tries to get my DH to parent them together by her constant phone calls as well....
which I am not privvy to either...yet my ex and I touch base here and there but definitely parent separately. (Does that make sense?)
And I too would hate the BM trying to dictate a new schedule without my input. Yuck!
I guess I could say it's a
I guess I could say it's a little of both. DH ALWAYS asks for my opinion on every little thing that she asks, suggests, whatever - and I absolutely appreciate that. However, I do not appreciate that all of these discussions happen when I am not around. I just feel that it is sneaky - not that DH is hiding anything - but I think SHE'S being sneaky by thinking she can call him while he's working, knowing I'm not around, versus calling at home, when she knows I'm there - does that make sense?
Week before last, when the teacher sent home the note requesting the conference, she also had a couple of bad grades in her school work. I told him right then he needed to call BM and make her aware. So he did. Things like that, I feel they need to talk and work it out - or things that impact their schedule when they're with us. But other than that, we don't really hear much from her. And he never willingly calls her on his own about anything. He hates talking to her. So I know I don't have it too bad. It's just a lot for me at times. I went from being single and independent at age 25, to being married to someone 12 years older than me that has an ex-wife and kids. Instead of living the happy little newlywed dream, I have all sorts of other things to deal with that I'm not used to at all. It's just so overwhelming sometimes!!!
Oh New Stepmom
I hear you completely!!! The ex never calls my DH at home! She knows he cuts her short when I am around..yet at work...he can chit chat all friggin day with her and she knows it. Today I don't care...other days I used to get pissed thinking of it...
And I too had a great life...I went from being a 44 yo happily divorced, business owner with a home of my own, a fabulous ten year old daughter who could come and go as we anywhere without regard to taking anyone elses feelings into consideration to being in this prison with a codependent, enabler of an ex wife who is cheap, a drug addicted adult daughter in "real" prison, two other teen stepkids and a hubby who never heard of boundaries...Basically I became part of a family who couldn't give a crap about me really....It's always all about them and their needs! If I think about the lifestyle I gave up and then when I think about how my own daughter will suffer now because there is no extra money to do our traveling anymore...I feel horrible!! I still don't know how I got here....Very overwhelming and I definitely think I need therapy at this point. I love my husband but I just don't know yet...Hopefully because you are younger you could adapt much easier than I could...I truly hope so...Just remember, try to take it one day at a time....don't even think about tomorrow yet!!! You'll make it!!! Good luck!!!
It's really hard for me, too
It's really hard for me, too when all of my friends are starting to get married and they all are TRUE newlyweds. None of them can understand what I go through at times. Don't get me wrong though, I love my husband - and I mean LOVE him - more than anything in the world. He was out of town weekend before last - from Friday to Tuesday - and I thought I was losing my mind I missed him so badly. I don't know what I would do without him in my life and that is what I have to always think about when things are a little hard on me. I just wish he realized how much I have had to adjust to since we got married, just 7 months ago. He's been used to his life for quite some time and he really didn't have to do any adjusting whatsoever - heck, it worked to his advantage! He got a sex slave and a maid all at once!
Seriously though, I moved into his house and his lifestyle - he didn't have to make any sacrifices to be with me like I did. It sounds like it was the same for you. I just hope and pray that eventually I will learn to start dealing with things a little better. I just haven't found out how yet. I must say that I've done well the past few weeks, but lately, it just seems like she is calling him about something 24/7, and quite frankly, I'm sick of it. I did what someone suggested and when I got on the phone one night, I walked out of the living room where he was and went into the bedroom. When I got off the phone, I went back in there where he was. He kept asking who was on the phone and I wouldn't tell him - I just said, I don't know what kind of phone conversations you have during the day, so you don't need to know about all of mine. He kept bugging me until I finally gave in and told him it was my MOM. He's just something else - all men are I suppose.
Sniff, sniff...
Smells like bullshit to me!
I have a son who is nine and a daughter who is four. My skids are 15, 14 and 11. Hanging out together does not make the older kids want to act like the younger kids. In fact, it's just the opposite. I'd put this pseudo-concern in File 13 and continue with the program you're already on. If a child is struggling in school - and one practice EOG test is not a complete indicator of this - then drastic changes to her routine will NOT improve things. Hey, BM, ever heard of STUDYING?!
~ Anne ~
Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice: Pull down your pants and slide on the ice! -M*A*S*H (Sidney Freedman to the OR staff on dealing with stress)
Yeah, I'm with Anne...
The SD's lack is studying, plain and simple.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...