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So tired of this crap!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

DH and SD15 get home, and DH makes SD15 give me a play by play of guard tryouts! I seriously don't need to hear every detail! When she's done, DH looks at me and asks if I have any questions to ask SD15! I don't. He starts getting on MY case right there in front of SD15 that I act like I don't care! I'm like, "What? They won't know the results until sometime next week!"

Seriously, he is right...I don't care! SD15 treats people like crap and does not deserve captain! I'm not going to dote on SD15 like the rest of the world and feed into her already over-inflated ego! She is already talking about it like she has it in the bag. Sorry dear, it isn't only about your perfoamce! This is why they can't make an mediate decision! They are also going to look at your character, which she has shown herself to be questionable. Not to have barely passing SD15 going at least two girls accepted into the national honor society!

I'm tired of DH trying to force a relationship! It isn't happening!! As long as SD15 treats me like crap, I won't care!

I'm still upset with DH about last night! BS19 and his girlfriend of over a year broke up. That is all I know of the situation. BS19 will talk about it when he is ready....the worst thing you can do it push him. BS19 was only 5 when DH and I got together, and the kid has been through a lot with my you would think through all of these years DH would figure this out! No...last night DH pushes BS19 trying to get him to talk about the much the BS19 just has to walk away after saying in a very respectful manner that he did not want to talk about it. DH always wonders why BS19 tells me things, but not h. Maybe it's because I don't over-analyze or over-discuss things! Let the guy deal with his breakup without having to get all the juicy details! Don't push him! He is a big boy, he doesn't do drama, doesn't need to be the center of attention (unlike SD15)! He will be okay if you just leave this thing alone!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Sorry for all the errors...typing on my phone.

lash's picture

I like that I think I will use this next time he or she starts flappin their lips thank you

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Oh...OC...I've explained it to him! But he says he doesn't understand how I can live in the same house and not want a relashionship with SD15. He thinks it is just wrong!

I wish he would just stop pushing it. It would be better for everyone! I mean, she makes it clearer than I do that she has no intention to ever get close to me! I'm the one that stands on the way of her having run of this house!

Right now, she is annoying the hell out of me! She is sitting here in the TV room whining that she is hungry over and over! There is plenty of food in the house...went to the store this morning. BUT I bought nothing but healthy stuff. Her only other option is a sandwich...but she doesn't want another sandwich. DH told her there is sausage, some left over steak from last night, salad stuff...she just makes a face...doesn't want any of that!!! She is trying to get DH to go out and get fast food, but he isn't budging! It's kinda funny, but the whining is like nails on a chalkboard!

BadFairyII's picture

That was really inappropriate of him to dress you down right in front of his daughter. That sends a terrible message to her.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

My thought exactly! I think in the entire 14 years we have been together, only ONCE did I ever come down on DH in front of one of the kids, and that is when he would not back off BS19 about his little fender bender just over a year ago. When DH brought BS19 (18 at the time) to tears because he continued to accuse him of lying about exactly what happened (when BS19 doesn't ever give us any reason to not believe him), I had to step in!

Every now and then, I still bring that up...especially when SD15 is so obviously lying and DH just lets it slide! Oh, you can come down on an 18 year old, defensive lineman to the point where he is in tears accusing him of lying (pointing that out because it is NOT an easy feat to bring that boy to tears), but you won't say one word to the princess when she bold-faced lies to you and you know it? AFTER she walks away, I will tell him, "Come on...don't tell me you bought that!" and he will say something like, "Of course not...I'm not stupid!" Well, if you are not stupid, and you KNOW she is lying, call her to the mat for it!