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Help me understand

hammesamie's picture

So the BM and I seem to be getting along. Do not know if this is a show or not. We are getting married in July, and my fiance has been trying to switch the summer vacation so we have him for everything and while all the family is here from out of state. It is stated in the court papers both parents must agree and submit the paper to the courthouse by June 1st in order to change weeks. FOr the last year, all we heard was no he is not going to be in the wedding, my son will not take part, etc. Now she is not fighting with me but for some reason still fighting with him telling him he doesn't care about his son and she might as well have had the baby with me because I am being more cordial,and that I seem to care more if Cayden is there becuase I constantly ask her about it. He said he just is sick of fighting with her and has told her that is why he does not ask anymore. So the other night on the phone when she called she said I should get Cayden fitted to be the ring bearer dad knowing, and make dad believe that she is not going to let him have him. Therefore, if he doesnt think he is getting him, no papers will have been signed. Now, is it me or does it seem like this could be a show until June 1st when the papers can no longer be filed? I would love for it to be that we are over her being jealous and that she is really realizing I love her son, and we want him there, but with everything we have been through, it is hard to swallow that up....


hammesamie's picture

sorry that was suppose to say I should get him fitted without his dad knowing so that he still thinks she is not oging to let us have him with us

OldTimer's picture

She could be playing a game with you, making you believe that she's willing for this, but ultimately keep your SS from attending- just to ruin your day. I was pretty paranoid about that happening to us, even my DH said that was something that BM would stoup so low to do just out of spite and jealousy. But we worked it specifically so that the wedding fell on our days on the calendar, and didn't agree to changing any weeks until AFTER the wedding! lol. Then, we just had a separate fitting done for my SS when he was with us, rather than worrying about getting him with the rest of the fellows. We just explained to the rental place the situation, and they were more than accommodating to us to take SS in early. In fact, they even made sure to order 'extra' pieces just in case something didn't fit properly because we told them that he won't be able to come in two days before the wedding for the final fitting. So, the manager just said that they would order a size up and down so they would have it on the spot when we came in the day before to pick up the tux- just in case something didn't fit. But it worked out fine for him.

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

stepup's picture

I find it interesting that you're allowing her to divide and conquer between you and your soon to be DH. She's manipulating the situation and you're becoming a willing participant to her games. Why would you keep this information from your fiance? Why would you go into "cahoots" with her? She may not be the enemy, but she's certainly not the person your loyalties should be lying with. I would communicate all of this to soon to be DH and get him on that paperwork.


hammesamie's picture

I never kept anything from him, I am saying that is what she wanted me to do. And we got her to sign the papers!!!

Little Jo's picture

Somethings wrong. I don't like the manipulation. Keep things straight and honest. Do whatever you have to legally.