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bonusmom's picture

Here I am venting again, Last week sd had a follow up visit at dr. office I posted last week about ex cussing my husband out when he called to remind her...Well my hubby wanted me to call last week to check sd as he had to go to school and would not be home until late so I called spoke to sd grandma (biomom and kids live at home) anyhow sd was finally feeling better I asked about dr appt. she told me that they called dr. office and they told her that they didn't want to see sd if she was sick...WHAT???? its a dr. office thats what they do deal with sick yesterday we get a bill $30.00 for no show hubby wanted me to call dr. office today to see if they would just send bill to biomom...$30.00 not much but its the point he told her if she didn't call we would be charged and they said they called...SO I called dr. office and asked if anyone called to cancel of course they said no I told them what sd grandma told me and they literally started laughing she said "HELLO we are a DR office" she told me they can not send bill to biomom but she sugested that we forward it to her...??? What do you all think is $30.00 worth opening a can of worms??? I almost feel it needs to be done to prove a point>> these people that I have to deal with are really nuts they are now trying to convince hubby and I that sd is bipolar b/c of her tantrums I just think she is over indulged and she has no consequences for her actions...


Candice's picture

My dh ran into this on several occasions with the crazy ex and her mother. SS has rotting teeth in his mouth, we scheduled an appointment to get his teeth taken care of, bm tells dad "ss is on his way over to your house, my mom is dropping him off.." and of course he was a no show.

In our parenting plan, both parents are responsible for medical expenses, no matter who took the child to the dr, or who caused the no show. In another point, we set up after school daycare for ss. BM agree she would pay 50%, and she would pay alternating months. Of course, the first month her portion was due, she didn't pay. The agreement was set up in my dh's name, and she was going to let it go to collections. Even though we had a judgement against her, and she was to pay it, she was waiting for it to go to collections. So, what we did is took the dollar amount she owed the daycare out of her monthly cs amount, paid the daycare, and then she ended up only getting $76 for cs that month. That did send her through the roof, but our attorney agreed with us, and even stated we had valid reason to reduce her cs.

If I'm ever put in the position where bm is unnecessarily spending my money, no matter how little it is, it is worth it to me to drive the point home. She is not entitled to waste MY money. Therefore, if I were in your shoes, and you make cs payments yourself, I would deduct the $30.00 from her cs, document you spoke withthe dr's office and keep it in file. With this in mind, you need to be cautious of doing this, b/c it could be a stipulation that he is 100% on cs in order to claim child on tax exemptions. If you keep your documentation, and have in the parenting plan she is equally responsible for the outstanding balance, then you will be in good shoes...good luck.