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I haven't been here for awhile hubby and I moved to a different city and started new jobs and what life is finally getting back to normal even the crap from the the story goes...I got home from work and checked my messages and of course the one voice no one wants to here the EX>>>she left a message for my hubby to call her as they needed to talk she wanted to give us prices on dance classes for sd...which is a whole issue for me because about a year ago we offered to pay for dance class the only thing I asked for was for biomom to either pick up or drop off, apparently I was asking too much because she didn't want to do it so the subject just flew by the way side I know it was unfair to sd but at the time I couldn't do now we have moved about 4 hours away and biomom has really been digging her claws in deep telling sd that her dad doesn't care about her any longer he only cares about me and my son...any now sd has decided once againg that she want's to take dance class so biomom calls hubby 2 weeks ago and says "Dance class can be kind of expensive so I will get you a price list for you." just assuming the offer still stands without even asking us to help...well that would be fine and dandy but like I said we moved and started new jobs hubby had to take a pay cut to get started in his 2 weeks go by and nothing else is said, until last night....and she was also wanting to discuss issues with sd teeth, sd has really bad teeth (could have something to do with her grandma giving her a bottle until she was almost 7) she is 10 and has never been to the dentist although we could all see that her teeth were rotting her mother never bothered to make an appt. so now her adult teeth are rotting just as quick as they grow in. Biomom wants us to fit half the bill and I don't mind but it really gets to me that she waits until its really bad before she does anything about it...she just says its my hubbys fault for passing on the genetics, yeah she is well aware of all the trouble my husband has gone through with his teeth...and she still didn't do anything about it...hmmmm sounds a little like neglect to me...anyway I guess she might finally make an appt. but I'm not going to count my chickens b4 they hatch we have heard this 20 times before....the reason I'm upset is because when my hubby got home I told him about the message and of course he says I'm not giving her any money because she just got a bunch from us...he was being tuff "I will just tell her where to go" he says, yeah right he has never done that, so he calls her back and for some odd reason she was being very sweet I assume it was because she was at her boyfriends house because had she been at home the conversation would have ended in a huge hubby tells her that when things settle down with the cs he will help pay for dance classes and to let us know about cost on dentist....he just jumped the gun without consulting me first...just because she was being oh so sweet...she even went as far as to offer to reinburse us for the extra money that the state took out for cs, hubby gets off the phone and I didn't say a word he then says "so lets hear it what questions do you have" I said nothing you obviously took care of things, instead of just leaving it alone he kept picking so I said fine why don't you call her back and offer her both of our next paychecks...that sent him into a rage but it got worse when I asked why he can communicate with her so easy just because she is being nice, but he can be so hateful to me his wife...I don't understand this crap and I don't guess I ever just pisses me off...I sometimes think they need to get back together and leave me the hell alone, I love my husband very much but this stepmom thing is alot to chew sometimes its funny really you think your marrying the man of your dreams and you don't stop to think that it comes with a whole world wind of crap because you not only marry him but you marry his kids, his ex her other kids, her parents etc...its a nightmare...