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SD respects me?....wake up DAD!!!

lovin-life's picture

Well, wasn't sure if this was a good idea or not..but I did it anyway. I like to check my facts. I e-mailed SD's former high school boyfreind..with a couple of questions about SD. I told him that her Dad thinks she "respects" me ...but I feel that is not the case and asked him what he knows.

He said that she would make remarks about me all the time to him..but he can't remember specifics.. AND he said he thinks she would go behind my back in a second because thats what she does to everyone else....

Very Interesting........huh



skye22's picture

I think that every teenages does this. Did you ask him what she says about her bio mom and dad? I bet its the same. Let it roll off your back! I would however be very careful about doing things like this. If it gets back to your stepdaughter all hell could break loose. If you were afraid for her well being these type of calls would be warrented but just to find out if she likes you... I'm not sure thats okay. Just my opinion Smile

lovin-life's picture

You know .... I think your right, Skye22! Thank YOU! I probably shouldn't have done it.. and now that I think about it..your right on the every teenager does this statement. I'm just getting into the teenager stage with my own..and it wasn't exactly yesterday that I was a teenager. I'm forgetting what's it's like! I think I'm just so frustrated between the rocky start with these girls and just not being where I think we should be at this point..and Dad's I must protect her at all costs attitude..I just wanted to make sure I wasn't the one who needed "protection" from her. I guess I have issues...knowing what the mother has put us through..and seeing/hearing similar things in SD..gets my back up!

I'm glad you shared your opinion with me!! Smile

skye22's picture

I really do commend you on trying as hard as you are. My ss is only 6 so I haven't even got to the point your at right now. Good luck Smile