Want ex out of our lives.....no choice, how do we deal w/it.
I just get so bothered & irritated when we have to deal w/ex. Emailing my husband regarding son. Even though it's about just son, I for some reason get irritated. I don't want my husband communicating at all w/this woman. I get upset inside when I see these emails. I don't have much choice as to getting rid of her out of our lives. How do you guys deal w/this feelings/emotions?
- happy mom's blog
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It actually doesn't bother me.
I don't have a lot of problems "with the ex" the way most of you do. Not to say there aren't issues. But she is not intrusive, difficult to work with or anything like that. My biggest complaint/issue, although my friends and I get a big laugh, is becuase when she sends, what should be, routine e-mails about "SD got all A's, on her report card", she adds in a bunch of nonsense like "I also got a new pink rug for the bathroom, and my hair permed. We are going to play tennis this weekend and the tree in the front yard has a bird's nest and I got new shoes." I think - WTF? Shut up. hahahahaha I don't get it... So of course well all sign off our e-mails with something mundane and "out there"... I got a brown purse. Kisses.
Thanks for your input. It
Thanks for your input. It would be worse if ex did what you mentioned, talking about nonsense and like who cares. I would probably tell her off if ex ever did that.
-happy mom
A different perspective
I used to be filled with a lot of anxiety when my dh needed to talk to his ex. Part of it for me was that the ex is extremely attractive (especially in her 20's). The other part for me was that she had a special bond with my dh that I didn't have yet, and that was sharing a child.
I have now been with my dh for 8 1/2 years, and we now have a child together. Over the years, my perspective has changed. Instead of feeling like I don't really have a choice but to watch my dh talk to his ex, I look at it like this is what he needs to do to be the best father he can be for his son. It does help that the ex is incredibly stupid, and we are in constant laughter about the dumb things she does...like not show up to court when she has been served, or breaks up with her boyfriend, completely moves out, and is back with him in 48 hours...you start losing points on your appearance when you repeatedly act like a total dumbass.
Thanks for sharing. Yes I
Thanks for sharing. Yes I understand the part that father needs to be a part of the child's life but just the fact that my husband has to deal w/ex, makes me sick. I truly don't know what it is, I guess I don't want to share my husband or something. Or I don't want him to deal w/this stupid person.
-happy mom
This is how you deal.
There is a very simple, easy solution to all of your anxiety that flares up when he talks to her:
YOU are who he chooses to be with.
He doesn't talk to her because he wants to, he talks to her because he has to. You're not going to be able to change the fact that they have to talk to each other every now and then. They have a son. Regardless of how much you may dislike this woman or not want him talking to your man, it is going to happen. The only thing that you can do is change the way that it makes you feel. He's not talking to her to chat about life or take a walk down memory lane...he's doing it because he must.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
You have given me my affirmation
Thank you Nymh. I have literally printed your comments out and hung them on the refrigerator. This has all been said by my BF at one time or another and maybe it took seeing it written by someone else for it to sink in. When we get the dreaded phonecall from the ex, which sends me into orbit, I will turn around and read your words. Hopefully they will become my mantra whenever she phones to help me get over the anger and resentment I feel having to deal with her. Thank you!!
I've started praying for her and for myself...
Wow, yet another case of you girls writing exactly what I could/would have...
It drives me freakin' BATTY when she calls to talk about SS and it turns into 10 minutes about other stuff. Or when we're at tee-ball games or she picks up SS and wants to chat about bull pucky like who she saw at a football game or what her parents made for dinner or anything else. My husband's a nice guy and there's truly no reason for him to be nasty to her. She's not hard to deal with otherwise--I just hate the chattiness with MY husband (hey, I'm territorial, too!).
But, I'm really trying to be more loving about it. It occurred to me that there is some big void in her life that makes her want/need to talk about NOTHING to her ex-husband who now happens to be married to me. My husband is one of the greatest blessings and gifts God has given me. Something moved me to pray for something to fill the void in her life and for the strength and grace for myself so that I can not be jealous.
I hope I don't come off as a Bible-thumper... I'm just a small town, Catholic girl who's somewhat active in her parish and is trying to, in Mother Teresa's words, "Do small things with great love."
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I wish I had strenth in my
I wish I had strenth in my religion to give me peace, like you do, SMIT. I'm a Catholic too. I used to read the bible alot on my own..even as a teenager..I would just pick it up and read it for hours. I haven't read much of anything in the last 15 yrs, since I got busy with my eduacation, my kids..life in general.
My feelings in words
It's crazy i'm reading my feelings in someone elses blog, i too am guilty of getting so pissed off to the point i see red and can't hear anything but ringing in my hears when she calls. Both my BF and i know it's nothing more then ATTENTION she wants from him and it's sad, but i try and remember that they are use to being there for each and they do have a kid together.
I agree with most of you it sucks but we have to understand our feelings and laugh about it with our bf/husbands rather then get mad and have an attitude toward him cause in the end he's caught in the middle. He has to handle both of us and it has to be hard at times, but in the end he is choosing to be with you no matter what she does she knows it and it kills her inside see's your doing what she couldn't.
Try and stay strong and at lease we have this great site to help us vent and get advice from others who are going through this to.
divorce doesn't mean excommunication
Oh, Hopeful, your note made me kinda sad.
I hope you don't feel like you or someone you love have been excommunicated because of divorce. I hope that you (if it's you) will find a cool priest to talk to who can help you find the way "home," if that's what you want.
I only make these comments because I'm lucky enough to be in a small, inner-city parish that's a perfect blend of traditional and progressive. We have a little bit of everyone there--married, single, remarried, gay & lesbian, you name it--and it's such an open, loving community where people are encouraged and supported. I wish EVERYBODY had that kind of experience at church, whether it's a Catholic churc or anything else.
Thanks all for your input.
Thanks all for your input. You made me laugh when I read your comments. Yes I guess I'll have to accept the fact that ex will be in our life up until the child is 18. It's been 6 yrs now dealing w/this and I still haven't gotten that through my skull. It's a totally diffenent experience to have to deal with that. I'm usually okay most of the times, but get irritated and feel resentment to having stepson in my life and his mother. I too hate it when my inlaws communicate w/this woman...even though they know what she does to us. What is up w/that? Are they just the type of people that are nice to everyone....that is irritating! How can they deal w/her in a nice way after what ex has done to their son/brother? Why even talk to her?
-happy mom
Soon to be Step Mom
How to deal with the Bio Mom? I am 27 and with a wonderful man who is also 27. Before we met he worked with this girl, they ended up at the same party, he slept with her and she became pregnant. I started dating him shortly after. The pregnacy is something he has not kept from me, I knew from the begining she was expecting. My problem is that they never had a relationship.... nor will they. She is under the impression that as soon as she has they baby..... he will suddenly want to be with her. The baby is due any day. I have been with him since Feb of this year. His mom has been really involved with her, she has also been the mediator. He has no interest in talking to her at this point until the child is here. He has bought everything imaginable for the baby and the mother. He is in no way denying this child. He is tired of her demanding that they be together. I get the impression that she plans to use the child to get her way. He had no say so in naming the baby, she won't tell if she will let him be in the room for the delivery, and as far as visitation.... well she won't give him a straight answer on that either. From time to time his mother calls and request that he calls her to help keep the peace. I know he has to, and he will more regularly once the baby comes. It just drives me crazy knowing he is talking to her.... especially since she is all about getting together. He and I are happy.... we both have been divorced for 3 yrs from previous marriages. I have waited my whole life to find someone like him. I know he wants to be with me, we have talked about getting married and kids as well in the future. It sure gets under my skin when he has to talk to her. Am I overreacting? I know I will be dealing with her for the next 18 yrs. Any advise will be appreciated. Kim
Soon to be stepmom: I don't think so!
I don't think you are overreacting at all. Biomom sounds like she is going to be a big PAIN!! He better get something legal drawn up as far as visitation as soon as the child is born or she is going to yank him around. She will try to deny visitation unless he does exactly what she wants.
Hang in there! I'm afraid it might get worse before it gets better.
Oh my god! Your situation
Oh my god! Your situation sounds identical to mine. I had been friends with my husband long before we stared a relationship. He met a girl at a party and had sex the same night, nine months later my stepson was born. They never had any sort of relationship, although she did want him to "do the right thing and marry her, for the sake of the child." He refused. He barly knew her and found out quickly that the acholol he consumed the night they had sex clouded his judgment. SHe is a comlpete nut! The girl refused to let him help name the child, be in the delivery room and after my stepson was born she refused my husband contact with his son. He fought back. Got a lawyer and went to court for visitation. The girl made up lots of phony stories about my husband to the judge to stop him from seeing the child. By the time she was done he had a list of things he had to do before he would be allowed supervised visitations. He had to take angermanagment classed, parenting classes, alcohol classes (they met while he was drunk so she accused him of having a problem- they were at a party) Anyways their were a few other things also but it took almost a year to complete. When he was finished he went back to the judge and requested visitation again. This time it was granted. But she still was refusing. So once again back to court...the judge finally had to threaten to throw her in jail. During this entire time I was there with him. We became a couple shortly after ss was born. We didn't end up getting to see the child until he was 1 1/2 years old.My stepson is now almost six and things have calmed down somewhat. From time to time the ex starts crap but we just try and avoid the storm. SHe reminds me of a little tornado. Every once in a while she has to stir things up.
My advice to you is that it could be rough for a while. JUst try and stay strong. Try and take it day by day. You have the benifit of being involved in this childs life from the beginning. It will grow and not know what it was like when mom and dad were together. I think its sometimes harder when the kids are older and remember that. We have a lot in common .Keep me posted on how things turn out.
Identical Situations
Skye22, I am glad to hear of the sucess that you have had in your relationship. I have never dated someone who has kiddos. I am a little nervous of my position.... meaning, I don't say a whole lot about her, or the baby. I am really excited for him, I just don't think she is gonna give up on the idea of the "happily ever after." I know he has consulted a lawyer, he plans to fight her for full custody or as much as the court will allow. He himself is from a broken home. He has never met his father.... when his mom was married, she became pregnant, the dad bailed. I know sensitive he is regarding his real dad, that is what sucks so much for him, cause he really wants to be there for it all. She is being so selfish.
I am really glad I found this site, it is nice to know I am not trying to deal with this on my own. I have seeked advise from my friends. But this has been so helpful. All advise is very appreciated. Kim
Make her mad
If you make her mad enough, or defend yourself against the character assassination with your own list about her faults and screw ups, she will not want to talk to you or DH. It is probably best to wait til skids are almost grown for this one, not a BM that can keep the kids from you.
"In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer." -Albert Camus
i know exactly how you feel, and the feeling sucks!
I'm not so much worried about it anymore one because she is an idiot, two DH has no interest in her (not sure why he did in the first place).. But i understnad what your going through its tough to see someone you love talking with someone they used to love! Its hard, but you gotta put the kids first.