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Anyone hear from Kenny OR Gunner lately?

Thumper's picture

Just curious if anyone has heard a peep from either Kenny OR Gunner.

Maybe I missed a post or two.

I was wondering what Kennys next move was going to be.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

It's been a few days for Kenny and Gunner has gone quiet but his story seems to have hit a rather stable point.

This is not to say I don't feel either one of them is lying about things BUT

Gunner's wife is out of the house and if I'm right there is a protection order. He should be working with the lawyer on moving a divorce along but we all know that takes time. We might hear updates about.

Last from Kenny was that the kid saw BDs Family over thanksgiving but they weren't going to take her to see them for Christmas and BD is lawyering up. Her next post honestly should be when there is progress on getting a DNA Test done because we also have been informed that DH will not be adopting the child and they are pursuing child support but first have to prove he's the father.