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what is really going on here

SugarSpice's picture

had to share this

although it looks heart warming i just wonder what is going on here.

i really wish the couple the best.

ldvilen's picture

Ha! Title: Wedding is interrupted when groom says he loves someone else, points to a little girl and breaks down. Is this supposed to be cute or creepy? :? I'm not a big fan of vow exchanges or ring exchanges for the entire family anyway. A marriage is between two people and not an entire family. Another double-standard. If a future-SM broke down and said that she loves someone else and points to a little boy, I wonder if it would go over so well. She'd be accused of usurping bio-mom for sure. Where's bio-dad?

The guy crying about it only makes it worse. My guess is they'll all be going on the honeymoon together.

MrsZipper's picture

The problem with calling yourself an upgrade is that you are likely to be replaced as well. That's exactly what her skids probably think - he found 3 wives already, what's stopping him from finding a 4th or a 5th? I feel the same about usernames. There is one lady here whose username is "New Improved Model". When I see her posts I think, if they divorce her DH may get yet another new and improved model.

secret's picture

and that comment...right there... is what many BM's seem to think....

"I was there first, so I'm the only real one"

Ummmm no, dummy. If you were the real one, you'd still BE the one.

thinkthrice's picture

SD stb 19, constantly posts videos of the under 10 set being adopted by their stepdad. She also calls Chef a deadbeat dad, ghost dad, "dad left us" blah blah... this is the same skid who stood Chef up three times in a row when Chef attempted a reunification with a counselor of their choice.

Little does SD know that the Girhippo would never allow an adoption by StepDaddyBigBucks due to the loss of whopping CS $$$.

SugarSpice's picture

when i was married to dh so long ago the preacher suggested having the children as part of the ceremony. after we had exchanged rings we presented the skids with a gift.

bad move that i regret.

the children should have been part of the bridal party but not a part of the ceremony.

it sickens me now to think that this was o k.

secret's picture

The only "inclusion" of the kids at our wedding was that they were dressed up and stood by us.

My son walked with me... my daughters played at being bridesmaids... and the SS stood with his dad.

We didn't do any dance stuff or anything... well we did but it wasn't really anything "official". People danced. So did we.