Not again! Help me be done!
It has been a year since ex divorced me because of his ds who is around 49 years old now. He ds would call every day multiple times a day, spend time on weekend with his df. DH felt enormous guilt for divorcing his son’s mother and leaving his 12 year old son behind. From that day forward he has spent every weekend with him.
When his ds would come over he would devote the entire day to him and even if he was coming for a late lunch, ex would refuse to go to breakfast with me. If ss went to the movies with us, he would try to sit between us, same thing when we would go to a restaurant. DH would hold on to my hand tightly so that he could not get between us. SS would only talk to and look at his df, monopolize the conversation so that I could not say much.
Dh’s mantra since we were first married was “I have to protect my son against you”. I learned not to say anything about ss irregardless of what ss said or did because dh would rage against me if I did. Even if I just happen to sigh when ss was over, dh would get upset. So I just learned to be quiet.
My dream while with my ex was to get away overnight without ss constantly calling sometimes beginning at 7 a.m., it sucked the wind out of any hotel room romance. It also got to the point that when we did get away, during the evening in the hotel while we should have been resurrecting our romance ex would sneak the phone into the bathroom to talk to his ds and most times I was asleep when he came out.
I heard Dh tell his 1st ex that he had changed his Will and ds was not getting all of his money due to him being an alcoholic. A couple of weeks later, ss moved a couple of minutes from us and wanting daddy’s time increased to 4-5 days a week. They would go grocery shopping, to each others Dr. and dentist appointment. I got edged out by his ss. SS started to get more hostile with me, raising his voice and very passive-aggressive. Mind you not once have I never raised my voice to ss. Now I wished I had. In hindsight my guess is that he wanted to his df to see that he was not drunk so that he would change the Will back.
SS moving closer led to the demise of my marriage as dh felt guilty saying no to his ds countless demands, even though he was frustrated by it. The end result is that due to the pressure Dh would vent at me constantly but still continue to cater to his ds. He did not like it if I showed any negative emotion about his ds strong abnormal attachment to his df, and ex would spend more time with ds if he sensed any frustration about ss from me, even though I had not uttered a word. It was a terrible existence for me.
DH divorced me, I moved across the country, he lives on the east coast and I live in the west. His ds now lives with him, he has lived with him close to a year. Anyway, since June ex has been flying over every two months to “see my grandchildren, his step-grandchildren gd-11, gs-13, gs-12. He has continued to send me emails stating that he will never have a relationship with me, that he wants nothing to do with me throughout this entire time. When he was here I was cordial and accommodating, we both spent time with the grandchildren and we even planned granddaughters birthday while he was here, had dinners together etc.
When he got home the emails again of not wanting to have anything to do with me and that we are never having a relationship again. I reply stating that I agree, I do not want a relationship with him.
More than any other person on this earth I detest ss and I would never want to experience what I went through because of him. So it confuses me that ex is sending emails staying he will never have a relationship and then shows up at my door because of grandkids.
He recently sent me an email asking me if I can accompany him when he sees gd, he is due to arrive Oct. 8th. I said no! That he can ask someone else to do that and I wished him a nice vacation. Here is a 72 year old man that hates to fly and this is the 3rd time he will be here in 6 months. I also wrote him an email stating that I was glad to see that he and his ds are now a committed couple and living together because it allows him to be emotionally supportive to his ds 24/7.
I thought I was going to get a nasty reply. Instead I was shocked when I read his email reply saying “your decision was understandable. I am sorry everything turned out to be a fu&%$& mess.” So this morning I wake up really depressed at how everything ended up as I had been with this man 25 years. How he ended up with having his ds as a partner/ significant other. SS is now yelling, making fun of and calling his df names. Sometimes what you wish for comes true, or in this case, Karma has bit ex on the ass.
All those years of me not wanting to say anything about ss for fear that ex would explode and the fear that ex would pick his ds over me. Which is what happened. I should have not hesitated to tell ex about his ds and forced his hand early in our relationship to pick one of us. When ex spent our first day as husband and wife with his ds, I should have terminated our marriage. I was delusional to think that dh would pick me.
I urge you to force your dh’s hand to choose a life with you, instead of catering the needs of an adult child just because the child whines constantly. Do not waste years like I did. I could see if there was an emergency and picking his ds over me, but that was not the case.
So now he is coming again. The last couple times he was here I had to relive the grieving process again. It still hurts. I do not know why he is doing what he is doing by visiting. The strange thing is that it takes 7-9 hours to fly here, he flies in and stays 3 full days and then flies out. All that traveling for 3 full days. He certainly can afford to stay longer. Very confusing I do not know what to think of this.
I keep reading ST to remind me of the drama, hostilities, anger and abuse that I experienced because of a middle-aged ss, 5’5” who weighs over 300 lbs, and yet, my ex felt he needed to protect him from me. I can still see ex’s chest swell out when he would say that to me. Help me understand what is going on, especially in light that ex is living with ss, what is he doing here??? Help me be done with it all, I am tired of feeling sad and confused.
block any and all contact
block any and all contact with this toxic ass
I would think with the emails-was SS sending them?!
I mean, thy were so nasty and vile-he says he hates you-then he comes for visits
and the 2 of you are decent to each other.
Cut off any and all contact.
Block him and his offspring
If Dad comes back out-tell the other kids NOT to let him know how to contact you.
I've been following your story for quite some time and I've shared your story with DH
who was starting to act like your DH. Only in my situation-my stepkids are still young/teens.
It's been a while. Stop
It's been a while. Stop responding to his emails. Stop hanging with him when he visits the grandkids.
He's yesterday's news and he needs to stay there.
Why keep putting yourself through all this.
No since going over all the old what was and focus on what could be if you'd just move on and stop associating with him. Even if you somehow believe he has visions of getting back together by all his visits to your area....nothing has changed. Nothing will. He intends to live out his days (the verbal abuse his son is dishing out and all) with his sonny boy at his side and there is nowhere for you in that.
Block the email address. Don't answer any phone calls. No letters. Nothing. When he visits the grandkids, you don't need to hear about it and you should not be participating. You'll never going to start moving on if you don't attempt to actually do so. You're treating the divorce and living at opposite ends of the country as somehow just being a long distance but on going relationship. It isn't.
Heck, put your name up in the search engine and reread all your old postings.
Why are you still in contact
Why are you still in contact with him? Stop responding, block him, whatever, just stop.
I thought that since he is
I thought that since he is making such an effort to remain in the grandchildren lives even though they are his step-grandchildren it is a good thing, as he treats them really well, especially since their maternal grandparents have nothing to do with them. I thought that for the sake of the grandchildren I should be cordial, and I was, at least the first two times he was here. Somehow, that feeling in me has changed, maybe because of the tone of the emails, I no longer want to see him. That is what I am feeling right now and again I am going through a grieving process. I really hate that thoughts about ss still have such a negative effect on me. He is no longer in my life and will never be and yet he still affects me even though it has been a year since I saw him. True healing will occur when he has no effect on me, when I can no longer feel the hate that I have for him.
I also now think the ex is using visiting gc as a way to see me. Which I do not understand as he is still clearly still angry at me and lives with his ds. On most days I deal with the situation just fine, however it seems that I am still emotionally enmeshed with ex. When he does contact me or when I think about him I also think about ss and everything that happened because of him and the way my ex handled the situation. It feels terrible to feel like seconds, that is the feeling that I want to disappear and I am having trouble being free from such thoughts.
He can still see the
He can still see the grandkids, but without it having anything to do with you. The man treated the grands their entire lives as he was their grandfather. They think of him as grandfather, and that's ok. But he can see these kids through the children's father without it involving you.
Are these the same grandchildren that lived with him and your son long after you moved out? He has been good to these children and there is no reason he can not continue to have a relationship. But it has nothing to do with you any longer. No need to see him and be cordial (I hate that word *gag*), you're not needed for any part of it. Ex and you divorced, but he did not divorce the children he views as his own grandkids. Let him see them. Just stay away when he does so.
It's probably time for you to seek counseling to you can come to grips with your past marriage, the divorce, the years of anger of your exSS and learn to move on. You're far younger than your ex and have many more years on this earth than he likely has. Find a counselor who is trained in stepfamilies, various grief situations and rebuilding after a loss (they exist, search carefully).
If the man is actually only interested in seeing the grandkids in hopes of seeing you, well once you stop participating in the visits he will stop the visits. Come on, you can do this...block his email, his phone number . You've years ahead for yourself yet, keeping up this contact with your ex is holding you in the past.
A year later, you should have
A year later, you should have no emotional attachment to this man whatsoever. Since you have had hurt after he has visited, you should stick to your guns that you are divorced for a reason, and that means you have no reason to spend time together. He's a grown man who does not need an escort to visit your grandchildren, and once you stop escorting him I doubt he will visit them anyway.
He is sending you emails saying he wants no relationship with you because he is playing a cat and mouse game and wants you to beg him to take him back. When you first left you were so excited you did not have to deal with him anymore. You were engaging in activities you had not been in before. Keep your mind focused on that.
Your ex is a narcissist, and narcissists love to see if they can make someone jump when they say jump. You need to cut off all contact so you can completely heal.
Now your ex has had to live with his choice and that he has a slobbish overweight man child that is his companion rather than a warm female. His choice, he needs to live with the consequences. Do NOT feel sorry for this man. He treated you horribly and would do so again.
What is odd is that at this
What is odd is that at this point of my life those closest to me, whom I loved, including my ds, the one that lived with my ex after I departed, have all divorced me. I helped to move ds here two months ago, and he also got angry at me, because I wanted to talk about the issues we were encountering, he really vented at me and departed in anger with gks. He behaved just like my ex. I was shocked! Why had I not noticed that he had absorbed alot of the qualities that my ex has when I was living there.
My immediate response has been to let go of all of them, that is what I have done. My heart hurts and I have not seen my gks in a while. Wondering why is it that these individuals feel that they can treat me this way, my ss, my ex, and my ds. I am questioning my behavior, wondering what I could have done to improve the situation. Truthfully it feels really good to wake up and not have to deal with anyone or with the phone ringing. It is not like me to detach the way I have. I have made no attempt to reach out to even my ds or gks. I just want to be left alone, and at this point do not want to engage in any interaction with anyone who has hurt me and have not made amends.
Now my ex, who wants nothing to do with me, wants my company, even through he still lives with his son. Everything seems crazy and it just occurred to me that he may want to have his cake, to keep us both, however with me it is with no commitment.
You are right dwelling about the past does not help and blocking phone etc. is a good idea. I guess what also perplexes me is my reaction of detachment and not wanting to have anything to do with them. I do not want to see them, and I am sadden by my behavior of complete detachment of those that I loved. Normally, I would be reaching out hoping to mend the relationship, it is not like me to behave this way.
It amazes me how a adult step
It amazes me how a adult step who supposedly loves their parents wants to undermine their happiness just because they can. Also, how the parent will be cruel to the one they supposedly love, their dw or dh, in order to appease their adult child. To disengage means keeping a blind eye to the time and money that is robbed from our relationship with our dw or dh. Not to mention the stress the evolves from it. The adult child's need to still be treated like a small child and be the center of attention. Never in my life have I witnessed anything like this until I became the stepparent to an adult child. No one understands it until they have gone through it. My own sister even said "something is wrong with ss, and I should just accept the behavior", but deep inside you know that all, in my case ss, actions are done to do harm both to his father and to me. How is it that one person can be allowed to act with intentional cruelty with no repercussions for his actions. When I first realized what was going on, I could not believe that steps with this type of agenda really existed. I kept not believing and the more I tried to ignore it, the more effort of overt cruelty was made, slamming doors on my face, kicking my dog, turning his back to me, putting lots of food on his plate when I cooked and not touching it so that it can be thrown away, the constant phone calls and so forth. Yet, my ex's need to have his ds loved, because I think he knew that his ds was not lovable except by his parents, superceded his own life to the point at the age of 72 making him his life partner. It seems so evil to me.
This is so poignant. Hugs. OP
This is so poignant. Hugs.
OP listen to all the advice you have been given. Your ex is an unwell man with enmeshment issues with his toxic son. You did so well leaving, remember that. Erase this ex from your life so you can have a chance of happiness. This man will never be good for you, ever. If this continues with his emails and visiting the grandkids you will never fully move on. You didn't come this far to stall.
Good luck
I suspect your ex has stared
I suspect your ex has stared his mortality in the face. Maybe a couple friends have died. But he now sees his son has all he ever wanted and still wants more.
I would send a final email like this .... ex, in your emails over the last year you have indicated over and over again how you want nothing to do with me ever again and how I am such a bad person. OK I accept your decision. If we see each other when you are in town to see *sons* children I will always conduct myself with decorum and graciousness. However please do not email me or contact me again. This is the life you want and now you have it. I will not continue to be your cyber rope to hang onto or your cyber punching bag when you get angry over life. If you feel you are being threatened or abused please reach out to your local Elder Abuse organization (phone number) because you will qualify for help. In future your phone number and email address will be blocked. This is merely a courtesy note. We are divorced and no longer have any reason to stay in touch.
Hugs to you Enuf! I
Hugs to you Enuf! I remember your postings. Please do as others advised and cut all contact with ex. Tell him one last time if you wish to that you will no longer take his calls or be involved to visit GKids with him. Your DS and ex can work out their own visits.
As for the estrangement with your DS that is sad to hear. I understand how you feel as my DD is estranged now for three years. I miss my GD6 and now a new baby boy was born this month that I may never know.
It sounds as if you have reached a state of detachment from your son and perhaps that is not a bad thing as you will no longer take abuse from anyone, even your own family. Perhaps in time DS will realize the mistake of treating his mother so poorly.
For now block the ex so you can move on with your life. Seeing ex every two months is just prolonging your progress. Unless you want to reconcile with him there is no reason to see or talk to him. Especially getting hurtful emails is pointless. He does not want you to move on with your life and be healthy or meet anyone else. You should never have to hear anything about SS again.
Join some social groups that do activities you enjoy.
Now go out there and be free and happy!
What's in it for you?
What's in it for you? Emotionally. It's the only reason you've let him stay in your life, you're getting something out of it. The rest doesn't matter.
(No subject)
Also just because you had 25
Also just because you had 25 years with him does not mean you need to have another month or even day of your life invested in him. Especially since even on your wedding day the focus was on SS.
How old are you now? What if you have another 25 years to go? How will you spend those years? You cannot change who ex is...and you have already changed who you are to someone who will not tolerate what you previously dealt with. You have a voice now.
Do not feel you own ex anything of yourself.
Love yourself enough to care for your soul. Listen to your inner wants peace and joy.
You have stuck in my mind
You have stuck in my mind because of the rather symbiotic relationship between your ex-DH and his adult son. A cautionary tale. Essentially, ex-DH was emotionally & physically unavailable to have a relationship with you. No matter how many years you spent together, it seemed as if you were the "other woman" in all of your stories.
Grieving takes many different forms and can circle back when we least expect it. For some people, once they shut the door on someone they never look back. Others give themselves a year or two to "get over it." Others still mention that it took them years to work through, to process and to grieve the lost relationship, hopes, and dreams. It's not a matter of merely filling out a divorce recovery workbook or moving cross-country to start fresh. There is rarely a switch that you can throw to turn off caring for someone.
Ex-DH appears to be sending you mixed messages. Two thoughts: are you certain that ex-DH is the person sending you those emails? Is ex-DH alcohol/pill-dependent which may make him more susceptible to SS's anger, bile, fear? For some reason, I thought of the emotional dependence, excuses, and enmeshment that can arise in an abusive situation.
I know, I know, who cares? You are divorced. You might want to take another look at a grieving/loss group or some personal counseling to help you get some clarity. Wish that I had something better. {{Hugs}}
Ex is a reformed alcoholic
Ex is a reformed alcoholic that has not touched a drop in 30-40 years. However, I do believe that in his mind he is still an alcoholic, as one day he just stopped drinking as he did not believe in AA or actually in anything, not even a higher power. Which is fine, however he never dealt with the devils that tormented his soul/mind. In spite of everything, and he was cruel in the way he handled the separation and divorce because I dared complained for the second time in the entire time we have been together about his ds.
The first time we were on vacation and his ds would not stop calling because of all things he was on a date with a woman and her family was calling the entire time they were on a date. I was so frustrated as I could not get my dh off the phone, it felt like I was by myself on the vacation. Then I expressed "your son is acting like a baby, he is doing the same thing he is complaining about", my dh turned and looked at me, and as cold hearted as he could, told me "I hate you" and when we get back I am going to divorce you". When we got back he shunned me for the longest time about 6 weeks and filed for divorce. He then recanted the divorce after a while.
This last time I was flying out to visit with my mother and instead of spending time with me, he spent it with his ds. I expressed my frustration and when I arrived at my mothers he bombarded me with very cruel emails. He refused to accept my calls to talk about it. He finally gave me an ultimatum to be back in a week. I could not leave my mother as her blood sugar was dropping to 60 over night. I thought she might not make it. He filed for divorce and would still not talk to me and let me come back after that, said he would get a legal injunction to prevent me from coming back. He filed and had the divorce done in three weeks. I flew back for the divorce and left with what could fit in my car, 25 years and I left mostly everything behind. He even went through all my photos of my children when they were babies and my grandchildren, I had albums full, hundreds and he just sent me a flat rate envelope of what he thought I should have. Included in the pictures was a picture of him. I now have maybe 30 pictures of the last 35 years.
In spite of everything I still wish him a good life, he has had a stroke, a heart attack and went blind in one eye all within the last 2 years. I would not wish that on my worst enemy. I just have never seen, in my entire life, until I experienced what did where the adult child comes before the spouse. To have experienced what I did seems surreal, especially now that I am no longer involved in their enmeshment. It really is a sickness and in my dh case even though I went through years of counseling to deal with it, he refused to participate for more than a couple of weeks of counseling and as soon as I brought up the topic of his ds he quit. I really tried hard, but he still prioritized his ds, as a result my self esteem has faltered quite a bit. I am now working on it, however I find myself difficult to trust at this time. That in itself will never allow me to try again with dh. I absolutely do not trust him. His ds comes first!!! Please believe your dh or dw when they say their adult child comes first.
I have read posters where the parent, says to their spouse, that their adult child comes first and my first inclination is to say "leave" do not waste one more minute. I wish I had taken my own advice. I just never thought that something as simple as expressing frustration because he spent the day with his ds would have led to this.
It has been a blessing in disguise, I love the peace and quiet I have in my little space. He would also throw all my things out when I lived there, I learned to check the garbage as I walked in the house. Now everything in my little place is mine and no one is going to dispose of it. He even tried to have my beloved dog of 7 years put to sleep when I was visiting my mother one time. The vet refused. In the end, I had to give up my do for fear that he would succeed in having him put to sleep.
This man is clearly not well, however what does it say about me. I stayed with him in spite of everything he did. I do not know how things just evolved the way they did. Like being in warm water and all of a sudden it is boiling hot and I was unaware of the temperature going up.
I really appreciate all the advice. It really helps, I still do not have a job as I broke my finger and my eye keeps on getting really red making it hard to go out doors or even have the curtains open. It is hard knowing that there is no one I can reach out to for help, financial or emotional. I am surviving though. The fact that he is coming back again has brought all my emotions up again, it is as if though I am reliving everything again.
This is a ridiculously cruel
This is a ridiculously cruel man. Used the threat of divorce to keep you in line, then when you did divorce treated you in an especially cruel manner. And then tried to put your dog down? Why do you communicate with such a nasty person? You should be so repulsed to not give him the time of day.
Enuf, I followed your
Enuf, I followed your horrible experiences with SS and ex. Indigo is right - "Grieving takes many different forms and can circle back when we least expect it." After 25 years of marriage this would happen. You probably think if one thing had been different maybe the outcome would have been more positive. You know it wouldn't. Your sadistic ex is playing games by wanting you to accompany him to see the grandkids. Even if SS sent the 'I want nothing to do with you' email to you it wouldn't matter. Your ex made it more than obvious with his own words and actions that you will never be of any value to him. Realize this is only a temporary 'glimpse' in the past. Walk away from it knowing that it is merely a reinforcement of why you left a year ago. Block all emails from either ex or SS, cut off all contact also. Any thoughts of DH or SS at this point in time is just 'baggage' you want to leave behind.
The fact that you refused to accompany ex on his last visit to the Grandkids shows that you are growing inside and blooming, that you are no longer fearful of creating boundaries or doing what is in your best interest - you are ready to move on. If you want validation for this, you have it whole-heartedly from me. Congratulations for saying, "No." One VERY small step back, one giant leap forward.
I stayed in contact as my ds
I stayed in contact as my ds and grandkids were living in the apartment upstairs his home when I left. I was worried about ds as he was under enormous stress. However, I moved him and gks out here two months ago and it really was a feeling of relief knowing that there was no reason to be in contact. The final thread that kept me bound was cut when ds and gks came here. Now ex visiting the gks I think is an excuse to continue to keep the thread between me and him intact. In my last email, I also stated that I do not feel comfortable being in his presence and do not want to accompany him when visiting with gd. That is when he wrote that he was sorry that everything turned out to be a fuc&&&%$ mess. Which surprised me as this man has only really apologized once the entire time we were together. The way he would apologize was to say "I am sorry you feel that way". Only once apologized for his actions.
The best reward to leaving is that I was taking 21 medications daily when I lived there. I had so many health issues, now I have none of the medical issues that I had there. I consider that a huge miracle, a friend that I made here says that it was the stress that made me ill and I no longer have the stress that occurred because of Dh and ss, all my ailments have healed or gone away. I have also lost 50lbs without trying or dieting. The sad thing is that a huge portion of my life was spent in such an unloving environment.
Dear Ex, nothing has "turned
Dear Ex,
nothing has "turned out to be a fkn mess" - things were already that way, you just didn't want to hear it or see it - instead, you would rage at me about it when I dared to express displeasure about the issue. Now that you are being treated as I was being treated, you are seeing what I was seeing.
You told me you were protecting your son from me... but you never protected me from your son... and though I am sorry to see that your son is now treating you the way he treated me, you made your bed, so you can now see his attitudes have nothing to do with me... since he could no longer direct his anger at me, you have become his target.
I find it commendable that my children continue to tolerate your visits for the grandchildrens' sake - it really says a lot about their character that they are willing to allow you to continue being a limited part of their lives, even after all your mistreatment of me.
Despite your apology for the way things turned out, you keep saying you want nothing to do with me - yet you keep wanting my company... I don't want to have any part of the toxicity in your life - I am happy.
I know you'll understand that since you want nothing to do with me, perhaps it's best for you to make alternate accommodation arrangements, and for us to cease communication altogether.
Think about it your Ex dh has
Think about it your Ex dh has been pulling strings for 25 years and you have acted like a puppet to his demands for a quite life with him.
Now after 2 years you are able to separate yourself from him ad see his actions as they are. So he previous behavior is no longer working, so he has changed the way he behaving towards you to the way you wanted his too, so he doing what he thinks he need to to keep you involved.
Your exhusband, far from
Your exhusband, far from being a good father to his son, has been a terrible one, concerned not, as a father should be, with equipping his son to make his way in the world, but by developing a co-dependent relationship, turning him into a giant cuckoo with ever-open beak, and alienating you.
I believe that this man (who lets face it, if he is in his 70s, is never going to change) far from being loving to ANYONE in his life, harbours deep feelings of spite and rage, which he covers with a thin veneer of concern.
If I were you, I'd keep him as far away from my grandchildren as humanly possible and never have any further dealings with him yourself.
exH chose to enable and
exH chose to enable and enmesh w/adult ss and now ss's turned on him, surprise, surprise. It sounds like your ex misses you and is using these visits to see you plus get some reprieve from his darling 300 lb baby. He's probably kicking himself a bit too because he knows he made a horrible decision that he gets to live with 24/7. He lost his loving wife and support system, now he gets to care take his manchild, fun for him!
It sucks that it ended that way and that exH is dragging it on and taunting you w/pointless emails, he's obviously very immature. You do have choices though, you can keep being jerked around by him or you can take control of the situation. Next time he emails about how you're never going to have a relationship wait a few days before responding then reply with "Yes." When he visits the grands maybe you can meet all of them for lunch but then be extremly busy w/friends and appointments for the rest of the time he's there, better yet you can schedule to be out of town when he visits.
You can do as others suggested, block and go no contact or slowly *ghost* him out of your life. Whatever you decide, please get some support where you are. Go to counseling to help grieve the loss of your marriage and navigate this post divorce relationship.
This is getting more
This is getting more complicated. I received notice from ex's bank that he deposited $200 into my account. Six more days until he arrives here. Ugh!!!
how does he have access to
how does he have access to your account? Get a new one.
Why is he putting money into
Why is he putting money into your bank account?
Close the account immediately
Close the account immediately and open a new account. Do not let him have access to your personal business. How do you know he is going to be there is 6 days? You should be cutting off all communications with him. I know this is hard but you must make a permanent break, and as other posters have suggested, see a therapist to look into your reasons for continuing to allow him in your life.
He thinks he can buy you with
He thinks he can buy you with $200, wow, big spender. Tell him to add a few zeros and you'll think about it.
Guilt! I think. Or, because
Guilt! I think. Or, because he is due to arrive soon and I said no to seeing him. He always believed that money talks. He is a millionaire and I walked away with a 1998 car and monetarily very little. I think he finds it quite confusing that I did not challenge, beg, or pleaded with him. I did not argue, I just walked away!
The $200 means nothing to me. Considering when we were dating he was sending an ex-girlfriend $600 every month for a year because she had fallen on hard times, ex-professor who lost her job, however she was living rent free in Aunties house, was receiving an income of some kind and had a boyfriend. Towards the end of the year he found out she was a drug addict.
He also gave his sister an additional $30,000, just because, even though they had both inherited the same amount from their father. She has been married to an Engineer for 40 years and owned their home. Her life is quite economically stable. I still do not understand why he did what he did. Strangely, when I asked him about it, he threw a fit and this was another time he said he was going to divorce me, just because I asked. Something way more to this story that I was not privy to.
Or, he gave his ds $150,000 to put into his IRA and his ds gave him his word he would not touch it. One of the things ex would boast about was how his ds had never lied to him. Two years later he found out his ds was an alcoholic and had gone through every cent even though ss was employed and ex was paying his rent, cable, gym membership, all medical and sometimes groceries.
Anyway, it is water under the bridge, but after all this time somehow the emotions are still reacting. I hope his ds is making his life miserable now that they live together. SS is such a difficult person, the constant daily whining, drama and anger. Amazingly, from what I have read on the posters is seems that most of the sks seem to have the same character flaw of whining, drama and passive aggression. Yet, they still receive positive attention and financial support in spite of their behavior. How does this happen?
In hind sight, I realize that he was my ex's significant other/mini wife all this time and that I really did not have a chance with the relationship. The outcome was inevitable. What I could not understand is that ex really saw his ds being a "good catch" for any female, and that he was a really good person. I could not believe how he saw his ds when he was really a a fat slovenly slug, with thick dandruff and pimples all over his face because he just refused to take care of himself and to take the medication necessary to keep it under control. At times I could not stand to look at his face because I was repulsed by what I saw, and many times out in public I would see persons also appalled by what they saw, and take a double look not believing their eyes. It was gross. I would cringe when he would come over and get into my 2-person hot tub. I would have to empty it and re-fill it as I could bring myself to climb into after seeing the bloody sores on his body from scratching the bumps. Yet, my ex saw a muscular body and would boast to ss about his muscles when it was really just flab. I still do not understand how my ex saw his ds.
I am definitely an ex-stepmother who will advice you to run for the hills if you are considering a relationship with someone who has an adult child constantly clawing for your significant other's attention. However, when I do read the posters where you say that your dh loves you and you know it. It makes me feel good to read that your dh is trying because he loves you and because of that your relationship has a huge chance of succeeding. It is not natural to have a ss like mine trying to undermine his father's marriage because he wants the role of being the significant other.
One thing for sure is that I would rather be single from here until forever than to be with someone who has an adult child. I will never go through with what I went through. I know I am venting, thank you for listening. It really helps to get it out.
Enuf, You sound lonely and
You sound lonely and still dwelling on what went wrong in your marriage. What you want is a positive new direction, and to start making new memories. I am glad to hear that your son moved out near you. That was a step in the right direction, and I hope you will focus on rebuilding a relationship with your grandchildren and son. Start taking them on some fun outings as a family, and make new memories - ones that aren't revolving around your ex.
Who is inviting him out to the west coast anyway? Talk to your son, and let him know that visits from the ex upset you and you need to go cold turkey without seeing him.
When I got divorced, I moved across the country so I wouldn't bump into the ex. It would just upset me and twist the knife to see him. My first husband and I were married 24 years and the lawyer got me alimony, but it wasn't paid directly into my checking account, the ex paid it to the court and the court issued me a check every month. Of course that stopped when I got remarried.
I'm still wondering how it's possible a year after a divorce to still have a joint bank account where he could add anything to it? That doesn't make sense. If the account is only in your name, how did he get the number? $200 is an insult to injury.
^^All of this. Enuf, find
^^All of this.
Enuf, find some new activities or hobbies. Make some new friends. Get out of the house and make new memories.
Your ex is a toxic Disney dad and you are TOO GOOD FOR HIM. Please, for the sake of your mental AND physical health, cut ties with him. Cut them, set them on fire, and throw on some gasoline. End them, once and for all.
If ex wants to maintain a relationship with the step grandkids, that's fine. However, I cannot help but wonder if he does so as a way to keep ties to YOU.
Block your ex. Emails, phone numbers. If he sends a letter, stamp it Return To Sender and return it unopened. For goodness sake, get a new bank account!! If anything, tell your bank you need a new account because your EX has your info. Tell your children that, while they are free to have a relationship with your ex, you will NOT.
It's been a year. Time to move forward to better and brighter things and be all that YOU can be. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
Revelation!! Thank you all
Revelation!! Thank you all in that I had not realized that I was still living in the past until quite a few of stated so in your posters. It just hit me that you are right. I woke up with that realization, it just hit me square on. I am still trying to process why!!! How he could have done what he did because I simply complained about his ss for the 2nd time in 25 years. I guess I was in disbelieve because I thought that he did love me. The fact that you caught on, that I have not moved on, I now know is accurate. I have not moved on! If I had I would not let his actions still affect me the way they have and still feel the pain that I do from what he did. I am still questioning what exactly I did wrong.
It is also clear that he has not moved on. He is still trying to hang on to me, to keep the connection in whatever manner he can. However, it is clear that his ds will be by his side from here until forever. I now see how strong their enmeshment is. It is sad and it is sickening. They both have a mental illness that does not allow them to live independently of each other, even for a day, and in his ds case not even for hours. That is what used to frustrate me, I could not understand why they did not strife for even "one day".
Moreover, in order for ex to make it seem that his actions were normal he characterized me as the one with the mental disorder, I became the scapegoat, and he was also cruel in how he did it and what he did to make sure that I understood the label that he put on me was accurate. I was constantly questioning my sanity.
As I mentioned, he is a reformed alcoholic and would get very upset at me if I had more than 2 glasses of wine in one day, even if we were on a cruise. Yet, he would go out and literally buy $200 worth of wine bottles for me at a time. One Xmas he gave me, as a gift, 12 bottles of different liquors, strangely I could not bring myself to even drink one drop from a bottle. I sensed the evil intent in his gift. Then when we went to the marriage counselor he accused me of being an alcoholic.
He was diagnosed as a diabetic and went to the classes on how to deal with it, to know what to eat etc. Months later I was diagnosed as a diabetic, and one day immediately after he comes home with $120, 10 pounds of candy from a specialty candy store, as a gift for me. Again, I sensed the evil intent. He wanted me harmed. He is an extremely intelligent man, when I thought about his motives for doing so, I was extremely hurt. Why would my dh want to hurt me, make me ill, or worse cause my death. My thought was that he did not want anyone to shed light on his and his ds very mentally unhealthy enmeshment so that he could preserve the perversity of their relationship. I finally now realize that in his very evil intentions he was "protecting his ds against me".
Yet, it is as if though I am still trying to justify that I was not a bad wife and sm, to what end. To prove what??
Strangely, this process of writing what I have on ST is pulling everything out of me, it is an act of purging the poison that still lays within me from my relationship with both dh and ss. How I wish I had been stronger and not have let them do what they have done to my soul.
To a degree even the $200 is insult to injury. Why is he doing it?? BTW, We do not have a joint account, he has my account number. He never wanted to have any joint anything. The only thing that we were "joint" on was health insurance.
My nature has always been to be very easy going, and for that I have paid a dear price. Thank you for all your feedback, it is very revealing to what is going on within me. It has felt like I am holding a mirror to my soul, and you are the mirror. I am still in awe of your very intuitive and insightful remarks. There are 4 more days before he arrives. I am working very hard on purging him from my mind and heart before he gets here. It feels like a vomiting process of his being, his person. My body and soul are racking from the process, everyday is becoming quite a challenge.
Enuf, use that $200 as a
Enuf, use that $200 as a Going Away present. Ex will be in town... and you will NOT. Find a place at least 4 hours away and GO.
And please change your bank account number ASAP.
I agree. He's going to show
I agree. He's going to show up at your door.
You mentioned you had lost 50 lbs. I think his every two months visits are to get you back in bed with him. How many dates is he getting with his oaf pimply son laying around the house? You're looking pretty hot so he wants to come for fun every two months then go home.
Lambie, he's probably dating
Lambie, he's probably dating his hand... }:)
....and has carpal tunnel
....and has carpal tunnel syndrome....

Repetitive Strain Injury...
Repetitive Strain Injury...
Exactly that, Tuff!!!
Exactly that, Tuff!!!
Hugs to you, enuf. Go
Hugs to you, enuf. Go forward strongly and without the influence of your ExH.
SacrificialLamb I agree he is
SacrificialLamb I agree he is coming to sniff at my skirt. My ex is also not a very attractive man, he is also very short, shorter than me, and has a 56" waist, bald and does not bathe very often. Maybe about once a week, this was always such an issue for me. You could say that in the case of my ss, the apple did not fall far from the tree. The strange thing is that he has a very strong ego. However, it is an ego that I could never bring myself to challenge, even though I could see its frailness.
He never understood that it was not his looks that attracted me. It was his intellect and other good qualities he possesses. He may be able to attract another woman, however I do believe that at his age 72 years old, and due to how much his hygiene has diminished even more by his mental state, as I do believe he is now depressed, his relationship with his ds, the chances of having a relationship with a female are "none".
His enmeshment really is an illness, as he probably does not have many years left to life, as he has already experienced a heart attack, a stroke that left him blind in one eye, and yet he cannot be separated even for a day from his ds. I think that in all the posters I have read on ST, his case of enmeshment is the most extreme. He has truly sacrificed, and will continue to do so, until he takes his last breath to prioritizing his ds above all else. The result is that his ds is an emotional cripple who upon the loss with his parents will suffer immensely as he does not know how to self soothe, entertain himself, or even make the simple necessary decisions to function in life without being told what to do.
What my ex thinks are loving actions towards his ds have made his ds an empty shell of a person. SS is a man who cannot think for himself, will never have a stable relationship with a female. He does not need to, as his parents supply all of his emotional needs. In his entire life he has had one girlfriend who lasted 1 year, and then she accused him of stalking her and got an injunction against him. The even more bizarre thing is that my ex would pay for all ss dates with her, and he also paid for all the mother's day, birthday, xmas gifts that ss got for his mother, even though ss was 47 years old.
Funny how I have shoved all of ex actions aside into the far recesses of my mind, things that I did not feel were right, in order to maintain my relationship with him at the time. It is helping me to remember these things now, as I can be more objective about them, now that I am no longer sharing an environment with him, and really evaluate my own actions, motives, and decisions of why I was in a relationship with him.
Writing all this down on ST and getting the feedback has been very helpful.
Good Lord! If he comes
Good Lord! If he comes knocking, DO NOT answer the door.
Please take that $200 and go
Please take that $200 and go out of town while he's here!
About a year ago someone on
About a year ago someone on steptalk referred to him as a narcissist, before then I had never considered him to be one. I am still wrapping my head around it, however after reading about it, he is truly one. I finally see the characteristics of it in him. The true test for me of "no contact" will be his up coming trip. When he advised me of his upcoming trip I replied that I will be having nothing to do with him. Because my ds and gkids were there I felt that I needed to maintain contact with him. It was very freeing when my ds moved here.
I think my ex will be surprised as I have always maintained contact, irregardless of what he did or said. It took so much energy to suppress my needs and desires in order to keep the balls in the air. I can finally stop playing and let them drop.
Is there any reason you need
Is there any reason you need to be in town while he's there??
No, I do not need to be in
No, I do not need to be in town. However, a true test of my character and self esteem will be to simply not respond or if I do is to tell him I wish not to seem him. The latter is what I am proposing to do. It will give me much satisfaction to be able to verbally tell him that I want nothing to do with him. I think he will be shocked with my response. Never, ever, have I verbally said anything like that to him, while married I accepted him with open arms, always! After the divorce, I still accepted him, until recently when his continual rejection of me became a weekly event through his emails. He must have felt such satisfaction feeling that he had me between a rock and hard place because of my ds and gkids.
When he divorced me he actually had the audacity to tell me that my life was going to be extremely difficult because he was no longer in it. Truthfully, it has been as I have had to learn to put one step in front of the other. Financially it still sucks, however I am still surviving and experiencing good things and going to nice places, equal to the places he would take me to. I think, what are the odds that my life has turned out this way. I think if this is my low point, imagine what it will be when it gets better. Without a job, and not having been formally employed for 10 years, I managed to rent a two-bedroom/2-bath condo with a deck in front of a pool. I have made friends, one is a physician, the other was on a board of a bank and owned a restaurant, another woman is an attorney who owns her own company. These people came into my life with no effort on my part. It is as if they just miraculously appeared. The oddest thing is that these women in my life are all single and have never had children. Considering that I lived a very isolated life when married, I had one friend the entire time and she lived across the country. I was very lonely, in spite of being married.
I have so much faith that all will be well, and that a greater good is looking out for me. That is what has been sustaining me, and it is deeply ensconced within me. He never understood that what I am going through as a result of his rejection is really nothing compared to what I have gone through before him, and have succeeded in spite of it.
enuf, I have seen you post
enuf, I have seen you post very clear advice the last few days regarding other people's issues. Now apply that clarity towards your own situation.
It concerns me you refer to "continual rejection" after the divorce. Why wasn't the divorce enough rejection for you and why did you sign up for more, with the clear-headedness you apply to other situations?
Do not be your own punching bag!
Enuf, now that you're having
Enuf, now that you're having your epiphany, your life will be so much BETTER!! Possibly, you feel a bit freer even now after realizing what a poophead that narcissist ex of yours is.
Stay strong and let him eat his crappy heart out. I don't know about you, but I'd go so far as to practice what I want to say when I REJECT the poophead. You go!!
SacrificalLamb when you wrote
SacrificalLamb when you wrote "It concerns me you refer to "continual rejection" after the divorce. Why wasn't the divorce enough rejection for you and why did you sign up for more, with the clear-headedness you apply to other situations?" I just realized that I, like my ex, was prioritizing my ds and gkids over my own life. I just realized we were like two peas in a pod regarding our dc, his situation was more extreme, however I am also guilty of swallowing my pride and devoting numerous resources in terms of time, money, and energy to my adult children and other adults, instead of taking care of myself. My body knew and it rebelled by the illnesses I developed that were debilitating. I now realize my ex was so attracted to me because he saw it as an opportunity to finally have a relationship with a female, as he was a bachelor for 20 years after he was first divorced, that would allow him to continue with the enmeshment with his ds. I finally rebelled and said, as in the fairy tale, "the king is not wearing clothing". He was furious.
Apart from moving my ds and gkids here which really helped to sever the final string that attached me to my ex. I have also let go of my own children. As I mentioned in a previous post, my ds and I, for the first time ever, had a falling out. I dared to mention my discontent about his behavior, ds reacted strongly and left. Similar to my ex when I mentioned my discontent to spending time with his ds, when he should have been spending it with me, as I was leaving, he also reacted strongly and pushed me away. These two things have really helped me to shift my realities.
For the first time ever I have felt liberated from helping adult children, or other adults, who should be taking care of themselves. The end result is that every adult whom I have helped to take care of their issues, that they should have been taking care of themselves, are angry at me. Me, I have finally learned to write their behavior off, and let things be, because they are reacting as a result of their self-interest with little concern about me. I have also prayed that they find the strength to stand on their own two feet as I have had to.
Do I think of my son and gkids now and then? Yes1 Then I tell myself he is a man, let him figure it out. Have I given any time, money, energy to these adults since this epiphany occurred? Absolutely not! As I mentioned before, I have purposely made my world really, really small. It is as I am starting off with a clean slate, carefully weeding who would be in it. My ex is the final person, and if I could do this to my own children, I know I can certainly do it with him. With this realization comes the resurfacing of anger for what has been done to me. I cannot let the anger consume me and that is why I have to voice it. Thank Goodness for this website.
enuf, You wrote about the
enuf, You wrote about the anger, which overwhelms you at times. After I disengaged from SD I was in what seemed to be a constant state of anger. At times it was stronger than other times. I was angry at SD for being so abusive and nasty for so long. I was angry at DH for his self-centeredness,total lack of support and the mean things he did to gain SD's approval. But the main one I was mad at was myself for allowing it to continue for 20 years. Forgive yourself for not taking the actions that you think you should have. Then think of all the strides you have taken lately. You are beginning to think you have a right to live a peaceful life without being a doormat for adult children who should be taking care of themselves. You are ready to tell your ex, face to face, that you want nothing to do with him. You are making friends after being emotionally isolated for so many years. And soon, you will get a job. You are on the cusp of a happy life.
I too have noticed in your recent responses to other posts that you have a sense of clarity that was not there a year ago. You are a valuable asset to this site. Please keep us posted.
"I have so much faith that
"I have so much faith that all will be well, and that a greater good is looking out for me." Yes, and He will work everything together for good.
Since your husband is the one that initiated and divorced you, it was beyond your control. He forced you out, so you're not to blame for this.
While I always advise couples to stay together and get counseling if they are still married, if your spouse deserts you, another verse applies: "If your unbelieving spouse wants to leave, you're to let him, for we are not called to bondage". 1 Corinthians 7:15
TwirlMS I absolutely love the
TwirlMS I absolutely love the Corinthians verse. I will also remember it. Thank you!
Sandye21, what is interesting for me is everything I am sharing on this site is a revelation to me. What wonders being able to speak, or in this case write, of what is inside of me does to heal. I too waver between being angry at myself for allowing myself to be a victim and for what??? To be loved? Love should not be this way. I pray that before I take my final breath that I will truly know what it truly is to feel love without conditions. A love that is one of acceptance.
Looking back at all this mess in my life with my ex, it truly was abusive and it manifested in me a person that I did not like. I am now starting to like myself, and I am getting the courage to speak my voice again. It was amazing how I was silenced in so many ways, with so many consequences, if I did speak what was my truth.
The sad thing is that so many of us are tormented solely because our dh or dw want us to treat their dc like infants, instead of the adults they really are. We are required to treat their emotional needs by forsaking our own. That we are to behave like non-persons when around these adult children.
How many times have I read about the cowardness that dh and dw display because they do not want to confront their dc due to the cruelty they are subjecting you to. Yet we stand by our dh or dw knowing that we will be thrown under the bus. What they do not realize is that we are doing so because we truly love them, and it is for no other reason. They think we are weak and blind when in fact it takes enormous strength to endure what we have endured because of love. They do not realize how fortunate they are to have someone that is dedicated to them and love them unconditionally. I think that is what pains me the most, the stupidity of my dh to throw something as rare as unconditional love for his ds, who gives a shit about his df. A ds who is so self absorbed and selfish and will never realize what his df gave up for his sake.
The hardest thing is seeing these adult children snickering because of it. How many times did my ss pretend I was not standing in front of him, as if I was invisible. It pains me and angers me that I allowed this in order to please dh who at the end threw me out like garbage, with his chest swelled out, because he was protecting his ds.
Lol, enuf - your line "When
Lol, enuf - your line "When he divorced me he actually had the audacity to tell me that my life was going to be extremely difficult because he was no longer in it. "
- it made me think of the old song "Survivor" by Destiny's Child -
Now that you're out of my life, I'm so much better
You thought that I'd be weak without you, but I'm stronger
You thought that I'd be broke without you, but I'm richer
You thought that I'd be sad without you, I laugh harder
Thought I wouldn't grow without you, now I'm wiser
Thought that I'd be helpless without you, but I'm smarter
You thought that I'd be stressed without you, but I'm chillin'
You thought I wouldn't sell without you, sold nine million
Wow Kes, it is so true! It is
Wow Kes, it is so true! It is as if song was written especially for me. I get so many compliments by strangers when I am out regarding my appearance. When that happens I just do not know what to say, I am thrown of guard. Remember I was so isolated and interacted with only my immediate family and a couple who were ex's friends, and the husband did not like me. My ss treated me like shit and most of the time my dh was shunning me to teach me a lesson. When I am told that I am beautiful, it is like "what" and I look around to see if they are talking to someone else.
People now seek me out. Just last night a new friend called to meet her for happy hour, and the night before another friend asked me out for dinner at a really neat restaurant. I am so busy and I am laughing out loud. My stress level has basically disappeared, I am not afraid anymore, my health is better, and I no longer need medication to sleep. Some new friends learned my favorite song and sung it to me. It is amazing what eliminating toxic people can do to one's life.
What is concerning for me is that I let a low-life ss and dh affect me that way they did and I allowed them to mold me into a a person who lived in fear, who took 21 pills everyday for health issues, who was very lonely and had to do most things by myself even though I was married, who could not even take a deep breath or sigh when ss was around lest my dh would get angry at me as he thought I was doing it because of ss. Who was told I had to sit with them, to keep ss company, even though he never uttered one word to me when they watched sports, and watching sports is my least favorite activity. Who was constantly shunned both by dh and ss.
The thing is that they are such ugly people, but somehow I let them control me and I acted like a little puppy wagging my tail and wanting to be patted on the head. So many years and such a waste of my life. Great sadness comes from knowing that my life could have been lived in joy and peace and it was not, and for what? The hardest thing for me is to learn to trust again. I now evaluate everyone's actions and intentions and want to run as soon I suspect something is not right, instead of giving them the benefit of the doubt. I was never like that. Trusting is difficult for me.
I read so many posters where "trusting" and being on guard with what the sc motives are is always in question and constant. This is truly a sad effect from being involved with adult skids for the sake of the spouse.
"The hardest thing for me is
"The hardest thing for me is to learn to trust again." enuf, nothing heals immediately. You have a big sore on your soul which will take time to close over and repair itself. I know what you went through was worse than what I did, but it took time for me to trust again. It was not immediate. My DH would utter something or I would hear SD's name, it triggered a bad memory. Eventually the negative memories were replaced by focusing on building myself up.
When SD was allowed in the home, I was taking painting lessons. I didn't think my work was worth displaying or, God forbid, selling! It took years and good friends, like you are cultivating, for me to see the value of what I produced. Now I am a portrait painter, and I have commissions all of the time.
The hardest thing for me was not so much trusting others but trusting in myself to move forward. There are still times when there is an emotional step-back but it is becoming a rare event.
I have noticed you have quite a talent for writing. Even on Steptalk you have inspired people with the story of your experience and growth. Have you thought about sharing your talent with the world?
I never really understood why
I never really understood why shunning seems to be the method of choice for narcissistic people and little clique bit(es.... maybe because I don't tend to get trapped by narcissists or care about the bit(es - but with what you posted I can see how someone longing so hard to be accepted might be hurt to the core by being shunned... do you know why you acted like "a little puppy wagging your tail and wanting to be patted on the head"?
Why did you need the acceptance so badly?
Actually, I have had numerous
Actually, I have had numerous persons telling to write a book as I have led a very interesting life and have had very incredible and amazing experiences. Some which are hard to believe, especially at a spiritual level. Even now I still question the experiences as they seem so surreal. I really appreciate your compliment about writing. Maybe I will take a big step and start with a title. I am always amazed that people do tell me to write. Thank you!
This may be hard for you to
This may be hard for you to read.
I had a very difficult childhood as I guess many on this site have had. My father had a 7 grade education and my mother stopped as a high school freshman. My father was an alcoholic who was extremely abusive. At his worse tried tried to kill my sister in front of us by choking her, she was around 4 years old. He burned our house down after the divorce because he was not awarded it, we were left homeless and without any clothing other than what we were wearing at the time. He also shot a man on the back and stood there to watch him die. Fortunately, the man survived. He spend his senior years in prison.
My mother used shunning as her method of discipline. She was always ill and being the elder child of 5 children, I had a lot to deal it. Her shunning was extreme. When I wanted to go to college which was 30 miles away, she did not talk to me for 6 months. I left with $5.00 in my pocket because although I had worked from as far as I could remember, I worked in the fields picking onions, and in a packing shed putting carrots in plastic bags at the age of 12 years old. I did what ever I could to be employed. I gave her my paycheck to help support the family as we were very poor.
I remember at the age of 22 years old, in tears, asking her if she loved me as she had never uttered the words. She was not one to hug or kiss her children. When I would be very upset and crying over what I was going through as a child she would call my grandmother and I would be rubbed down with alcohol to calm me down.
My first husband was an alcoholic who hit me. I left with my children with $200 in my pocket. With my children I finally managed to find a place to live, however I did not have a refrigerator or stove. I used an ice chest to keep food cold and a camping stove to cook until I could get on my feet.
What my ex has since done to me because of his enmeshment with his ds, I can handle as I have endured much worse and have survived.
I am now 63 years old and very tired of people treated me badly. I managed to get two Bachelor Degrees, my Masters and passed my Doctoral exams, as a single parent working two jobs. I have been awarded scholarships, fellowships and assistantships. I know I am no dummy. My last job was teaching upper division undergraduate students. I have received awards for my teaching methods and even attended an internship at Phillips Academy in Andover. Then I got ill and had to stop as it was very hard to function. My illness lasted 2 years of being undiagnosed. It turned out I was allergic to one of the medications I was taking.
I am physically tired and all I want to do is have a very simple job with no stress to bring homes, such as a waitress. In the meantime, I have been supporting myself by buying things in thrift stores and reselling them on Ebay. I know that I need to heal and that is what I am focusing on. I absolutely want nothing to do with individuals who get angry with me because I do not behave the way they want me to.
What has saved me are my spiritual experiences which started two years ago out of the blue. They have been profound. I was given proof that I am not alone and that I am loved just the way I am. As a result, I no longer have fear and I feel incredibly loved by something greater than us humans. Almost everyday I look at the proof that I was given, and I am in disbelief of the incredible gift that I have received.
So, I guess the answer is yes, I am the product of parents who are/were narcissistic and a father who was psychotic. That is why I bonded with my ex the way I did and that is why he was attracted to me. I have the strength to endure and survive, it feels that I have been prepared by my past to overcome what has been handed to me at this time.
The one thing I would like to feel is unconditional love. I have never experienced it.
enuf, We had a similar
enuf, We had a similar upbringing. The scars will always be there but I can assure you that in time you will find unconditional love. All you have to do is look in the mirror and say, "I love myself." It all begins with you.
Maybe when you are ready you could start documenting your life from day one. Start with an outline, then fill in the details - you know all this. Try to look at what you have written as a stranger, as an observer. What would you think of that little girl who was so terribly abused but managed to come out of it as a survivor? Against all odds.
Due to childhood 'programming' you have found two men who were abusive and insane - perhaps, as I wrote, 'substitutes' for people in your past that you need to resolve issues with. This is just another cycle you will overcome with lessons learned. You are still a survivor - you prove that by making a living in whatever manner you can after being thrown to the curb.
And look! This time you came out of the hole by gaining a greater grasp of your spirituality! I agree with your spiritual point of view. Project your 'gift' and shine.
enuf, you are very brave and
enuf, you are very brave and strong. i am so sorry that you suffered but you are stronger for it. i admire you.
your user name says it all.
as you said, many of us her have had less than ideal childhood.
i see other people who are married and they are supremely happy. i feel a small pain in the bottom of my heart.
for my part, my dh puts his adult children over me and his daughters are like his mistresses.
i learned after a long time and much pain to put myself first. i am no longer rely on dh being the cenre of my world. i have come to understand he had a horrible child hood with a terrible father who competed with him in adult hood. then when bm cheated on him and took the skids, that was a turning point in his life that made things worse.
Sugarspice like you I can't
Sugarspice like you I can't help to feel sorry for the man. However, because of his ds he has been extremely cruel to me to show his ds that he comes first. All this because he divorced ds's mother and moved away when ds was 12. Ds knows this and has taken advantage of the situation. He has connived and manipulated his df for a long time, even in front of me because he knew that his df would not believe me. In spite of everything that has happened I do care for my ex, and because of this, I feel sorry that he feels such an obligation to his ds to the point of devoting his life to him. He is 72 and his health is not good, I wish he would just let go and just focus on himself as he does not have many years to life. However I know that will not happen, what a shame.
Help! I feel ex's presence
Help! I feel ex's presence in the area where I live. Granddaughter texted me yesterday and she alluded to it. What this has done is resurfaced feelings or both love and hate. I feel like I should reach out, and yet I loathe to do so. So conflicting, I am having trouble stilling my mind. He has not contacted me yet, I wish he would so that I can do what I need to do, and that is not respond. I do not like the anticipation thinking that he will be contacting me. I just want it over with. I am having trouble stilling my mind. I have been keeping busy and also socializing every night, however it is still present in my mind. I can't wait till his departure date which is in 3 more days. Then I will feel like I can breathe again.
I gave my mother a call yesterday and she said that she did not understand what I ever saw in him, that he looks so old and always has looked like an old man. She also commented on my first husband saying how fat and ugly and why did I want to be with him. I did not need to hear these things.
"I did not need to hear these
"I did not need to hear these things." Enuf, If you have a problem that is really eating at you the last person you should be confiding in is your Mother. I used to do this a lot, and then get responses similar to what your Mother gave to you. Today I do not give my mother any 'ammunition' so she can act like she cares then put me down. It's strictly the 'weather report' - always 'sunny skies' - "everything is great." Is there a possibility you can go to counseling?
Sandye21, you are so sweet!
Sandye21, you are so sweet! This is the only year I have not sought a therapist to deal with issues dealing with members of my family. It irks me that they can act like jerks and still feel good about it. Yet, I have been the one to seek therapy to deal with such cruelty. I am so tired of having to learn to sideswipe such cruel behavior. Frankly, at times I feel like being the jerk and telling them to f*ck off, I just don't have it in me to do so. Sadly, I am getting there and that saddens me. I do not want to be like them.
My mother is 83 years old and she takes 4 oxycontin and 1 morphine pill a day. She is an addict, because she does not have any serious ailments, but complains that she does so that she can get the pills. She has been that day from as long as I can remember and would want me to take pills when I was a minor so that I could feel better. The effects are that she has no buffers and says things that are cruel no matter what I say to her. It hurts when she says them and then I realize it is the medication that allows her to say such things. After the initial shock, I just write it off and I visit as little as possible.
I am tired of people of saying and doing such cruel things and yet they end up on the pedestal like ss. I hope they have their day when the pedestal breaks and they fall off. The reality is that in most cases it will not. The best thing I can do is just stay away as much as possible. I used to be emotionally stronger, however at this stage of the game I realize that it makes no difference. The best thing I can do is stay away and that is what I am doing. However, I still carry the pain of they have done. I know that is what I have to work on and gradually the pain is lessening.
I read the posts and wonder how sc can do so much harm and still end up on top, for instance having df pay for a wedding and not invite sm, or twit who still manages to affect her df marriage even though they have moved away, or the case where the sm who has the dangerous dog in her house that can harm her baby, the dog belongs to sd, yet dh does not want to get rid of it because he does not want to upset his adult dd. Why aren't these people told to seek therapy. It makes me angry that we are the ones that are accused of having something wrong with us and having to seek therapy to deal with it. While the sc, take, treat sm like shit, disrespect and insult, and yet df runs like a scared rabbit to do their bidding lest the sc gets a little upset. It is maddening!
I am learning to just let go, instead of trying to make the situation better or trying to make them feel better. Disengaging and letting go is the best solution, and I am learning about it when I read the posts of sms who are successful at it. Life is short, I am 63 year old, and I am tired of dealing with individuals who cannot see beyond their nose, and are so self-centered. I still wonder, as in the case of my ex, why he continues to wipe his ds butt when his ds has gotten to the age where he has white hair for petes sake. When do these parents realize that it is black hole that they are feeding.
Anyway, I will be fine just angered by the injustice of it all.
"Why aren't these people told
"Why aren't these people told to seek therapy. It makes me angry that we are the ones that are accused of having something wrong with us and having to seek therapy to deal with it."
Enuf, I hope I did not give you the impression there was something wrong with you. There would not be a therapist out there (except CG), who would tell you that you are the one who has something wrong with you when you are dealing with a Mother who is a drug addict or a narcissistic ex and 50 year old overly-dependent SS. These people would never go to a therapist because part of their mental illness is that they think nothing is wrong with them. Check on the Internet and you will find it is just about impossible to treat a narcissist. You and I go to a therapist when their sickness gets so toxic that we have a hard time dealing with it. It's not you or I. I agree letting go and disengaging IS the best thing to do.
It took me a long time to get to the point where I finally realized who was crazy and causing havoc in my life. From your descriptions of ex and SS it appears they are the ones who are going down in flames due to mental issues they will not address. You, on the other hand, are working toward a better self-image and self-sufficiency.
My Mother and SD are quite alike. They seem to take sadistic delight in putting me down. My therapist told me they both exhibit narcissistic traits. They were both only children who were doted on and get nasty when they have to share. They do not have empathy for anyone. Whenever I tell someone about the experiences that I have had with them, I am never told it is me. After the last visit with my Mother I had to go to a therapist. The result was that it took a lot less time to 'neutralize' and get back to normal life.
enuf, being raised by people
enuf, being raised by people with serious mental illnesses causes a lot of issues in adulthood. being a sm is as thankless job and the bm gets all the glory. (in my dh case bm spent all cs on her new husband and their home and cars. where is the justice in that?)
one way people cope is by repeated the same dysfunctions by surrounding themselves with more dysfunction and drama and the same mental illnesses.
no surprise many find spouses that are just as abusive as the family one grew up in.
it takes a clear head to break the cycle and back off.
but dont worry about the pedestal. karma works for sure. it may not happen quickly and one must trust in it and have patience.
i am seeing this now in all of my skids. in their growing up they made my life h&*l and even demanded dh to divorce me when they were adults. they said this is his face and did not hint around this is what they wanted.
now they are all dealing with the karma they created. i put my heart out to them when they were children as bm left their df and married her lover. great role model is adultery.
i have disengaged for certain but to be honest i cant help but feel a little happy to myself when the skids their their pay back. many of us on st are middle aged and we need to look forward to lifes and disengage and be happy in ourselves. yes you will be fine.
Sugarspice You were correct
You were correct when you wrote "one way people cope is by repeated the same dysfunctions by surrounding themselves with more dysfunction and drama and the same mental illnesses. no surprise many find spouses that are just as abusive as the family one grew up in"
I clearly perpetuated the same cycle and at 63 years old I really don't know how I survived. However in my survival I now have many scars. I feel like an old dog who has scars all over her body from being in too many fights defending herself.
I think the hardest thing at this time, as everything came to a climax just recently. I have been also dropping some of the new friends I have made here as I noticed the same dynamics were repeating themselves. I also noticed that I did not feel good after I hung out with these friends. I had picked friends who are very controlling people and use others for their own benefit, accomplished, but similar to my ex in their characteristics. So I find myself quite lonely, and with absolutely no one to call in case of an emergency, angry at what has gone on forever. Why are some people like this??? Evidently, I was still attracting my ex, mother, and father disguised as other people. I am now very gun shy of meeting new people, as I want absolutely nothing to do with people like that. I am scared of the choices I have been making.
Anyway, when I came here, my netflix went haywire, at the time I was communicating with ex. he said that I could use his netflix account and that he would upgrade it to include me. So I did, I watch tv maybe once every 3 weeks, and do not watch the news, as I purposely made my world as small as I could to be able to control what transpired within it. Anyway, I just clicked it on this morning and all of sudden I noticed that ex no longer has his ds on his account. His ds had taken over my old bedroom, furniture and tv and would watch tv there. I guess he has moved out, and what is weird is that ex did not let him have access to netflix. Here is a man that had given his ds everything, and a year ago refused to buy regular shoes and bought slippers instead to wear out, would spray paint his crocs, and when I was with him he would buy day old bread, old vegetables, old marked down meat so that he could save money, so that his ds would be financially set. After all these years of being after each other's ass, it my guess they had a falling apart. Which I never thought would ever happen. I just cannot believe it!
I am at a point where I am not trusting myself to pick emotionally healthy people and not trusting the people I have met since being here for one year. So I am at a standstill living in a vacuum.