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Avoided both DH's sister and BM yesterday

Disillusioned's picture

Last year when YSGS was born, there was all sorts of nonsense involving BM;

The phone calls to DH's cell phone from BM 'needing directions' on how to get to the hospital, showing up together with FIL and DH's sister, and then the best - when OSD asked DH when I wasn't around, if he could swing by the hospital to pick her and the baby up and drive them home. Of course both DH & I were thrilled that she asked him to, and he was all set to go get his daughter and grandson from the hospital, only to learn that BM was there too and would be coming up with them in his car, for the ride to the house (about a 45 minute drive) and of course they would expect DH to hang around and visit the new baby along with them like one big happy family Wink

And when DH said no to the BM part, OSD refusing to allow DH to see OSGS a little later on a pre-arranged weekend stay at our house etc.. etc.. just lots of nonsense, causing hard feelings and frustration

Well almost a year later and SGD is being born.

This time, DH got smart Biggrin

SSIL told DH yesterday that we could come in during the afternoon or evening to visit at the hsopital. DH specifically told SSIL that he really wanted to avoid going when everyone else did (not just BM - but DH does not want to be around his sister at all right now)

So since FIL and DH's sister were going to the aftrnoon visiting hours, we went to the evening one

We didn't have to put up with DH's sister, and, we learned when we got there that BM wasn't going to the hospital at all, as she was at OSD's place babysitting SGS's

SSIL's parents showed up as we were leaving. We had a really nice chat with them. SSIL was great, as he always is. And even OSD did not get to me at all, not that she ever really does anymore. She almost seemed nice :jawdrop:

Oh, and the little baby granddaughter is adorable Smile

sandye21's picture

Glad this turned out so well for DH and you. It's really amazing what happens when DH and SM are on the same page, and DH has the courage to not allow any games for he and SM. You are a lucky woman.

KatieM's picture

That's wonderful that you've had a nice experience at your SGD's birth. I hope you will have many more.