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Age to Sleep through the Night 21?25?30?

lovenlife777's picture

At what age should I expect my SD to stop knocking on my bedroom door needing my DW to settle her down so she can go to sleep. She is 21 now.

zerostepdrama's picture

Dang my BS didn't sleep through the night (100%) until he was 5 and I thought he was too old then. 21??? :jawdrop:

WalkOnBy's picture

Please tell me this adult has a disability or developmental delay of some sort????

Absent that? This shit should have stopped about 18 years ago.

Why is an adult living in your home? Does this adult work? Go to school??

lovenlife777's picture

She sorta works and sorta goes to school. Works 16 hrs/week at starbucks and takes 2 classes/week at local Community College. She does no work around the house as according to my DW her job is going to school. She will call my DW on her way home from work/school and my DW will have a custom meal waiting for her on her desk in her room. When I mentioned to my DW that she is interfering with her growing up and moving out my DW said it is only interfering if the SD and the DW think that it is an issue and since they both "enjoy each other's company". BTW the SD's goal in life when she finally gets her associates degree, after 5 yrs is to move in with my sister in law. I also think that this is an issue, but have been told that it is not since they both enjoy each others company. My sister-in-law is married with a 10yr old.

WalkOnBy's picture

I enjoy the company of my kids, too, but I enjoy the company of my husband more.

I think your wife is married to her kid. Doesn't seem like there is much room for you Sad

notsobad's picture

Oh my.

Confession, I get night terrors and sleep paralysis. Not as bad in the last few years but I do still wake up screaming or completely unable to move. I also have full conversations and walk around the room while sound asleep. It used to freak DH out but he's used to it now.

When I was still at home I would go sleep with my Mom when I'd wake up from a terror or once I could move. I moved out at 18 almost 19 but was still crawling into her bed at that age. She was single but dated and occasionally her long term BF would stay over. On those nights I'd go sleep with my younger brothers.
It was just too hard to fall back asleep after thinking my bed was full of spiders or that demons were sitting on my chest not letting me move.

Cooooookies's picture

She will sleep through the night as soon as your DW stops kissing her daughter's backside. Your DW is the problem here, 100%. Those two are completely enmeshed with each other and have no interest in stopping any time soon.

It's either learn to live with it or leave I'm afraid.

Acratopotes's picture

The problem is your DW.....she can simply tell SD - go to your room, we are sleeping and ignore...

Deigma slept through as a baby, probably too much sleep now the kid suffers o sleep at night, he gets through life with 3-4 hours sleep at night, but my house rules are very clear... 10 pm lights out, quietness... the main bitch needs her beauty sleep (me).... I have no clue when he goes to bed or when he gets up, he does it very quietly without disturbing even the dog sleeping with him... no not his girl friend a real little dog... his and yes I allow it.