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it hurts to be a step

SugarSpice's picture

has anyone posted this? I can relate in so many ways.

you may be the stepday or stepmom from heaven and you will still be treated like dirt.

SugarSpice's picture

you deserve a card. you need not be a bio mom to mother and care for someone. your dh owes you a card and flowers on mothers day. as for his losing his own mother, its sad, but it has nothing to do with you. dh should honor your contributions. i get cat mom and dog mom cards for mothers day even though i am not a bio.

Amcc13's picture

Sounds like she has two entitled parents - her bio mom and bio dad- no wonder she is picking that up
He expects you to care for his child but can't be bothered to celebrate you on Mother's Day???

Journey Perez's picture

WOW, this is something else! Good for the stepdad for standing up for himself! To a lot of stepkids, you are only as good as the next gift or favor. a lot of stepparents are used for their resources and have their feelings completely dismissed all the time. You put so much of yourself into helping the stepkids and they show zero gratitude or respect of any kind. When the stepkids are adults they should already have some sense of maturity but I guess not.