45 yr old with Positive Pregnancy Test UPDATE
Update if anyone's interested. Went to first obgyn appt today. Got HCG levels tests again and progesterone. They got it back asap so I wouldn't wonder all weekend. My blood hcg preg hormone was 1407 last week. Now it's 71,000! All levels are perfect and actually put me at 7 to 8 weeks pregnant..longer than I thought. They needed these results before an ultrasound.
My ultrasound is next week to check for a solid heart beat. Wow. This is becoming more real!, I've been feeling great the last few days so I was wondering if things were ok.
I will feel much better and will likely announce the pregnancy after the ultrasound. Then it will DEFINITELY feel real.
Still can not believe it! I got pregnant totally naturally without any help at 44 ..weeks away from 45! And never been pregnant before. Haven't used the pill since 20!
Wish me luck and health next Thursday!
Can not believe it still. Life sure is funny..in a good way.
Wow, you're so very blessed.
Wow, you're so very blessed. I hope everything is good on the home front.
Will you have any tests to make sure baby is o.k.?
Really? Is that the first
A pregnancy that lives in fear is not good for little one.
Congratulations, really pleased for you.
I like your screen name lol
I like your screen name lol thanks!
Gah, the nurse at my OB/GYN's
Gah, the nurse at my OB/GYN's office did that to me when I got pregnant at 35. After officially confirming that I was pregnant, she IMMEDIATELY launched into the gloom-and-doom with me for a good 20 minutes straight. I left there so depressed, not even the slightest bit happy to know officially that I was pregnant.
I mean, sheesh. I know there are things that have to be taken into account and tested for, but can't you give a woman a few damn minute of celebration first?! Good Lord.
Congratulations OP! I wish you all the best!
I apologize if you know this
I apologize if you know this already, but nowadays they can do many tests just through bloodwork alone, so she doesn't need any invasive tests if she doesn't want to. I believe it's called the Harmony Test. By 12 weeks, from bloodwork, they know conclusively now whether the baby is a boy or a girl; no longer just guessing from ultrasounds.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for a healthy and happy pregnancy!
Congrats OP!
I actually did not know about
I actually did not know about That test. I will have plenty of questions for obgyn. Thanks for the info! And well wishes Xx
I actually did not know about
I actually did not know about That test. I will have plenty of questions for obgyn. Thanks for the info! Xx
Yup, I got it done, they test
Yup, I got it done, they test for something like 300 diseases and the gender (if you want to know). My insurance didn't cover the gender portion of it (some people's do) so I have to wait until 20 weeks to find out.
All from a vial of my blood. It's amazing!
Amniocentesis is a thing of the past.
Yes everything has been
Yes everything has been better on the homefront. We still have financial issues which obviously must be resolved asap.
Yes I will have some tests but not all. Just taking it as it comes
Sounds good. Don't know why
Sounds good.
Don't know why it wouldn't be a good thing to take care of yourself and your baby...I thought that was the first thing anyone does, especially with a higher-risk pregnancy because of age.
No 'doom and gloom', just precaution, as I would do for myself.
ETA: I never mentioned anything about invasive tests, which a poster above brought up.
Congrats! The best part of
The best part of going to the fertility clinic with my first pregnancy (I got pregnant naturally between rounds!) was getting an ultrasound every 3 days for the first 12 weeks!
Congrats!! No matter how u
Congrats!! No matter how u were blessed..Just that you are! It's exciting scary you name it lol very happy for you. Keep us posted too! Xx heres to the future
Congrats!! No matter how u
Congrats!! No matter how u were blessed..Just that you are! It's exciting scary you name it lol very happy for you. Keep us posted too! Xx heres to the future
"I got pregnant totally
"I got pregnant totally naturally without any help.."
Congratulations to you! I am
Congratulations to you! I am 41 and also pregnant . I just found out too. I guess at our age we are more Intune with our bodies. I knew right off when I conceived or implanted. I have had a positive pregnancy from the dr, followed by a ultra sound but didn't see anything. My tubes wasn't inflamed so that's a good sign. They done the blood work and tomorrow I got back which is 48 hours later. Wish me luck.. We have had a ectopic tubal in the past and several chemical pregnancies. I did have the die test done which showed one of my tubes blocked, then another procedure done which was a camera look in there. That's all I had done. I sorta gave up but here I am with a big fat positive. We are being hopeful. I hope my numbers are high as yours. Good luck to the both of us.
I also wanted to add, 44 is
I also wanted to add, 44 is the new 34. That's what my mom told me.. 40 the new 30
I knew a woman who was
I knew a woman who was "infertile" in her 20s. She and her DH adopted two children. They used no BC for decades. She became pregnant in her late 40s. The child was literally a miracle in their life.
I went this morning and had
I went this morning and had more blood work done. 2 days ago my hcg was 1400 and today was 2,000. I go for a ultra sound in the morning.. Wish me luck.. I'm scared
Congrats! I have two
I have two toddlers, 18 months apart. I had them at 42 and 44.
I went today and they didn't
I went today and they didn't see inflamed tubes. Sorry for tmi but they saw a fibroid, no sac. The doctor said my hcg was at 1400 and went to 2200 so I have to go back Tuesday. I'm a little worried. Good thing I haven't told anyone. I know this is your post and I'm just venting and nervous. Really right now no one can tell me anything. Congratulations to you.
Had first ultrasound. Was
Had first ultrasound. Was nervous. But..tech said everything looked good. I saw the heartbeat blinking! I saw the tiny little arms and it moved! Very amazing. Strong heartbeat at about 8 weeks of 180bpm! I will see you're doc once he gets the report. But tech said baby looked good and strong heartbeat! Yaay
Had first ultrasound. Was
Had first ultrasound. Was nervous. But..tech said everything looked good. I saw the heartbeat blinking! I saw the tiny little arms and it moved! Very amazing. Strong heartbeat at about 8 weeks of 180bpm! I will see you're doc once he gets the report. But tech said baby looked good and strong heartbeat! Yaay
best wishes for you and the
best wishes for you and the little one. make sure your health is in tip top shape and dont let any one be a downer.
duplicate post so removed
duplicate post so removed
Congratulations on your good
Congratulations on your good news. Take care of you and enjoy the journey.
Congratulations, what
Congratulations, what fabulous news; and all the best to both you and your baby-- throughout your pregnancy!