Well my title says it all. Husb and I have nottt been getting along for quite a while. Last month we only had intimacy One time. My period was due About July 1 thru 4. On July 5th I had blood then later in the day nothing and nothing since. I've had very very slight waves of nausea and slight food aversions. Severe bloating. Severely sore nips (sorry tmi)
Took home dollar store test at night..Pregnant! Took one first thing this morning.Took 2 since..all positive. One digital test estimated 5 weeks + pregnant.
Had blood drawn today. They will call me tomorrow.
Heres the thing... I JUST TURNED FORRTY FIVVE LESS THAN 2 WEEKS AGO. hollly shiit. 45!
Ive never ever been pregnant in my life. How could this happen NOW? They say at my age no one hardly gets pregnant. Like 2% chance
We have money issues severely and no insurance. I am in utter shock! I asked God for a sign what to do with my marriage..ummm was not expecting this lol
Ladies with kids.. I need help. I never thought I could ever get pregnant..certainly not at this age.
Question: I read that periomenopause And ovarian cysts (which I have 2) can mimick pregnancy signs AND cause false positive urine tests. Anyone have any insight?
Question: is a blood test the only truly definite test??
Has anyone had false positive home urine tests?
I'm waiting on a phone call that will literally change my life. I don't know what to think or do.
Any kind input or answers would be fantastic. Thanks
Congrats? LOL That would
Congrats? LOL That would certainly be a shock!
You can say that again
You can say that again
Yes blood tests are the only
Yes blood tests are the only 100% sure way to know.
If you are pg you could always consider adoption if you're not financially able to care for a child. Lots of people want babies and can provide well for them but are unable to have their own.
I found the digital dating
I found the digital dating tests never lied. You can do this and congratulations (hugs). I conceived my second at 41 despite the odds against us which was 15% on medication.
Time to plan the nursery.
Time to plan the nursery. Congratulations!
I hope you and DH can work out the recent issues and give this baby a solid family to grow up in.
thank you!! I can't believe
thank you!! I can't believe it! I am going to try harder than ever for a solid family...everything in my power.
Oh, yes. I know. It wasn't
Oh, yes. I know. It wasn't planned, but I never thought it would ever happen. We have to work on things and build a good life. This is my first child. I have no intentions of anything besides hoping and praying to deliver a healthy boy or girl. I know it won't be easy.
Thank you! I'm still in
Thank you! I'm still in shock!
Did you get the blood test
Did you get the blood test results yet?
yes ma'am. Just about an hour
yes ma'am. Just about an hour ago - DEFINITELY pregnant the lab said. My HCG levels are over 1,000 they guess about 5 weeks or so preggies. The digital test was totally accurate!!
Wow, that's a blessing. I
Wow, that's a blessing. I hope everything works out for you and the little one!
Well, ladies ...The total
Well, ladies ...The total SHOCK has not worn off yet, but better than my first post. I got the results one hour ago. I am 100% definitely PREGNANT with my First child, after having just turned 45 on the 9th of July. Even typing the words seems strange.
There is a lot to be done in our family, my marriage and money wise, etc. I'm not delusional lol But I have to admit, that I am excited and happy.
I am afraid to let myself get too excited because I haven't even had my first exam YET and I know the odds, But this to me, in spite of everything else, seems like a miracle!!!
I am still panicking, but I now am hoping and praying for a healthy pregnancy, healthy baby and me healthy too.
I am under no illusions about babies fixing relationships, trust me. My DH has been so sweet and I think he's happy, though we're both scared.
I simply still can't believe it! I never thought it would happen. This is my only chance to be a Mom.
Some Birthday Present !!! WOAAAAHH lol
We will not tell his daughter for a while yet.
Please pray for us or send good vibes if that's your thing...that our baby will be born healthy and for me too.
Thank you!!! I'm excited,
Thank you!!! I'm excited, anxious, mind reeling, happy, you name it lol
Thank you for your words of wisdom. That was very helpful!! I will keep that in mind!!
Congratulations! Now look
Congratulations! Now look after yourself and get your DH to look after you. Everyone else can wait!!
Congratulations!!! This is
Congratulations!!! This is great news and you sound happy so I'm happy for you!!! As others have said - make sure to look after yourself now and your new baby.
I saw doc today. More blood
I saw doc today. More blood tests confirmed definitely not a false positive. My levels are through the roof and perfect. Ultrasound next week