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Now the girlfriend is joining in...

still learning's picture

I used DH's phone to call MIL today and noticed a new text msg from ss30's phone. I clicked on the text msg and a thread came up from ss30 and his gf. He and gf have been living with BM; neither of them are currently employed, ss supposedly got laid off (but no unemployment) and gf got fired. Both are pothead moochers.

So the thread is asking for DH to turn ss30's old phone back on. This is the phone that DH paid out of guilt for ss30 for over 7 years. DH responded by texting ss30 to call so and so to see if they had any work. Another response came back from ss30's gf to "please do this small thing for ss30, it will only be temporary." It took 3 years for DH to finally make ss pay his own phone bill, he's been off for over a year and now he wants back on and gf is in the begging mooching game too. I previously had no qualms with her but her dipping her hands in MY and DH's wallet by trying to guilt him is going too far. B*tch just burned a major bridge with me.

Not sure what DH decided and not sure if I should confront him yet. I'm not ready to have 2 over 30 pothead moochers on our bill.

What the h#ll is wrong with these two?! Grow the $%^& up already!!!

still learning's picture

We've been down this same road before with ss30's mooching and wanting DH (me by default) to pay his bills. I told him for 3 years that he wasn't doing his son any favors by paying his bills and enabling him for the 3 we'd been married and the 7 before. Luckily DH was strong and said "no" in a vague wishy washy way, but it was still a NO so I'm happy.

still learning's picture

Oh so now you're expected to be their FREE airport taxi?! Good excuse, washing your hair. Gawd I wish I could wash ss30 and his lazy mooching gf out of my hair. It's great that your DH has learned to set some boundaries, though the key is keeping them in place through all the barrages of COD guilt.

twoviewpoints's picture

" from ss30's gf to "please do this small thing for ss30, it will only be temporary."

WTF. They are 30 and living with BM. Go whine to the woman who is enabling you two to sit on your rears ...or better yet, try that 'please do this small thing' on her own parents.

Temporary? She must have missed the part where her BF hasn't worked in a year. That's pretty long term when it comes to a monthly phone bill.

I hope someone is providing this GF with birth control. She gets pregnant and she'll really have something to play on your husband's heartstrings with.

still learning's picture

"WTF. They are 30 and living with BM." Yup; I don't understand it either, it's like they're both regressing back to childhood. BM doesn't seem to care that her grown son is utterly useless in society, and DH would be doing the same thing if it weren't for "that b*tch he married" I get the COD guilting, but the pothead unemployed gf getting involved is just too much.

hereiam's picture

or better yet, try that 'please do this small thing' on her own parents.

That's exactly how I would respond to the GF. Mooch off of your own family, bitch. Or, hey, how about get.a.job. She has no business texting your DH about it and that would royally piss me off (if I were him).

I hope your DH is not even thinking of doing it. What losers.

still learning's picture

DH told me that he thought that her texting that to him was funny. I said, "really, so I should call and demand that your elderly mother pay some of your bills this month?! Would that be 'funny' dear?" He didn't laugh and hopefully got the point. I thought gf's stunt was rude, nervy, entitled and just downright bullsh*t - whether ss put her up to it or not.

I hope he keeps them out of our wallets because I cannot justify giving handouts to lazy druggie moochers who refuse to support themselves.

still learning's picture

While DH was still paying the bill he would say, "ss is always on the verge of homelessness and he needs a phone." ss barely spoke to DH unless he wanted something and mostly his phone was being used for online pinball, youtube and probably as suggested All this crap always put him over the data limit which DH paid without blinking an eye. I guess every homeless societal drop out needs an iphone.

still learning's picture

I would looove to say that to gf. My fear is that if I make too big a deal of this then they'll all just get really sneaky about hiding things from me. The first few years of our marriage, ss would come over and motion DH out of the room. Later I found out that this was his way of getting DH away from me so he could ask him for money. Once DH forked over $700 so that ss could go to an out of state event. I've since kept a closer eye on our accounts and what is going where. If she does come over and get demanding I for sure will speak up.

stepped-on. steppin up's picture

Why are such old (SS30) kids still being given things/enabled or even living with parent etc?

I know kids still need things after 18 and 21. But once they're an adult and should be working or out on their own?

still learning's picture

He actually turned 31 this year but I've typed "ss30" so many times that I do regress at times. Not sure exactly how old gf is but she looks close to his age or older.

Why are they enabled and living w/a parent? Good God, someone please tell me! I have my theories but really am clueless as to all the reasons why they've chosen to be such bottom feeders.

TASHA1983's picture

Oh hell NO!!! That is beyond ridiculous, I cannot believe the stupidity of "parents" these days with the enabling, etc it is disgraceful and why we have sooo many wastes on this planet!

I told my DH just this morning if skid decides to be a loser and not do anything with his life after HS he BETTER not support him financially (once cs is over) and he sure as hell is NOT living in my house...EVER!!!

bearcub25's picture

I still pay for my adult, married with childrens phones. Yes, they all work and own homes and pay bills. I do not pay any other bills for them.

I don't want my kids to be without a phone, a line to me or the world if it is needed. I was in a very bad situation in the 80's when there weren't cell phones, life and death situation. I don't want my kids to be in that type of situation and not have a way to get help. If they don't have service, then I can't do anything. That incident will keep me paying that $30/month for my own peace of mind.

They do have to pay for their own expensive phones though.

still learning's picture

Can you pay for my ss's cell phone too? He could find himself in a situation where he is out of pot and munchies. With no cell phone whatever would he do?!

DH and I both get up before 5 am every workday to go to our jobs. ss and gf, well they get to sleep in till they feel like waking up after their long nightly round of video game playing. They do nothing but live and mooch off of whatever family member will take them. I'm not willing to work my @ss off everyday so that 2 able bodied adults can duck out of life on my and dh's dime.

What you do w/your kids is your business. Personally I'd buy my adult kids a AAA membership for xmas rather than pay their bills all year.