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OSD upping her alienation antics

Disillusioned's picture

So we have OSGS this weekend (OSD finally agreed to allowe DH to have him for the weekend) I had a sense of dread about it as I figured OSD or BM, or both, would have upped the PASing (alienation) of SGS where I'm concerned, after they lost the game of trying to have BM at every event DH & I were at lately, even including family events involving only DH's family

Sure enough, it starts off simple enough. OSGS says something about a game we're playing and that DH is on his team and I'm not. I laugh and pretend to be hurt and ask why I'm not on his team too. And he says because DH is his Grandpa, while he stopped short of saying that but then, the big one - out of the blue as we're driving in the car SGS says "Grandpa DH, why did you split up with Grandma BM?"

Unbelievable, the child is five. And these were his exact words. And THEN he starts to say how he wished DH and BM were still together!

Now DH and BM have never been together, for SGS's entire life. You KNOW that THAT was put into the kid's head, from OSD for sure.

DH did a good job of explaining to SGS that sometimes people just go their own ways. Then DH added that some time after that he had then met me, and that he is happy with me and isn't that great?

I also then asked SGS if this was okay.

Well he got a big smile on his face and said yes, and then when we got to the restaurant he insisted that he sit right beside me. He couldn't get close enough to me, nor stop talking to me, or wanting my attention. And this is usual. We both know that SGS does really like me so I know this was planted by OSD.

DH likes to deny this is being done to me, but I have seen through OSD's crap in this area from the very beginning. So for example the build-up to this weekend would be her saying things to OSGS like "Are you going to see GRANDPA DH this weekend?" "Are you excited about seeing GRANDPA DH?" "GRANDPA DH loves you sooooo much" "make sure you tell GRANDPA DH blah blah blah" and on and on it goes....she even let it slip once (but well within my ear shot) that she builds up certain people to OSGS - obviously I'm NOT one of the people she builds him up to

And then she takes it a step further when she's got the kid all worked up about seeing DH, and then he runs to DH and completely ignores me like I don't exist, she giggles like a school-girl, beaming at OSGS and going on and on about how much he just luvvvves DH.

When the child goes to me, or mentions me, it's ignored by OSD or even worse, she will find something to get irritated with him about. Subtle, but not subtle enough, signals she sends him that while it's wonderful to love DH it's not cool to even so much as remotely like me

Usually my attitude is whatever, OSGS often ends up clinging to me once all the initial nonsense and build-up at the beginning of the visit is over. So I usually end up having the last laugh.

But today it was obvious how much OSD and/or BM have cranked this stupidness up. Even DH seems to be getting that this kid is being fed a pile of crap, not just about me but him too.

I think the best victory is once the kid has had enough time with us, and forgotten all the crap OSD has planted in his head to think and say to us, he just has fun hanging out with me and even DH seems to definitely get kind of jealous because his grandson is having so much fun with me that he wants to sit with me during dinner, sit with me on the couch, insisted I read him two chapters in his book before he went to bed tonight, and just generally wants to be around me

I realize sadly though, that as he gets older OSD is going to continue to up this alienation of me. I'm sure the day is coming when OSGS says to my face that I'm not his grandmother (which he obviously knows now) and that he doesn't like me etc..., as this is what OSD and BM are brainwashing him into believing.

happystepmum's picture

You should take lots of pics of you and OSGS, hugging, cuddling and playing together. Then post them on social media and get your friends to comment about how much he loves you, lol.

LikeMinded's picture

Wow,women are something else, so sorry you're going through this. My MIL's had an anti-me campaign going on, and she finally admitted it to DH recently. I'm so glad he now knows it's not all in my head. Like you, it was subtle stuff.

Just keep pointing out all the details to DH until he sees it for himself. But don't do anything that angers her, or neither one of you are going to see the kid anymore and your DH is going to suffer.

Don't worry too much about your gkid being turned against you. BM has tried turning the SKIDS against us both for half a decade now... it's never worked. Just focus on having fun with your SGKID and he'll still love you, don't worry.

Is there any way to not be around when she drops him off, or picks him up? Just show up after the drop off? I mean, can't you run out of milk and cookies right before the visit? I'm sure GSKID wouold love to see you show up with cookies, lol! Then, at least it's not in your face. She can't play tug o war with someoene who's not there. When she leaves... you just magically appear and have fun with SGKID.

Maxwell09's picture

I also think you should take pictures with him having a good time with you but not for social media but for him when he's older. There will be a time when he will act like he never liked you (PA) and you can show him that's just not the truth.

furkidsforme's picture

Well, you aren't his Grandmother, so what do you really expect?

sammigirl's picture

My SD and SGD gossip in front of our GSGkids all the time. Our youngest GSGD (7) has repeated numerous conversations to us. GSGD even ask me why I didn't like SD's dog; because I told SD to leave her dog outside when they come by. The dog is an outdoor dog and a large dog.

Bottom line; I ignore it and change the subject with the kids when they visit. I give them nothing to take back to SD55 and SGD30. These women never stop, so I do not respond at all.

It is very hurtful and very cruel. I observe KARMA visiting now and then and it is silent revenge.


sandye21's picture

There have been some really good suggestions above. Sorry I have nothing else to add except it DOES appear there has been a bit of gossiping going on in front of 5 year old SGS which is desperate and low. At least you are prepared for future strange questions. It is sad also that DH is jealous of SGS's attention to you. He SHOULD be thrilled.

Rags's picture

Sad. If anyone tried to tell my parents that SS is not their grandchild or tell SS that my mom and dad are not his Deema and Deepa (my nephew could not say gramma and grampa when he was a toddler and it stuck) there would be fur flying and teeth hair and eyes all over the road over that trainwreck.

Keep up the good work. Your SGS will form his own opinions over time. BM and OSD can STFU and FO.

IMHO of course.

notarelative's picture

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;

I cannot change how step daughter and husband act or feel.

courage to change the things I can;
I can change and control how I react to them.

and wisdom to know the difference.
This is the hardest part. Sometimes you get that glimmer of hope that things are changing and then they revert right back. It's hard, almost impossible, to give up the hope.

I have the wisdom to know that I will never be considered a relative. The hardest part for me is watching DH being rejected unless he is giving gifts or babysitting. The hardest part is DH knowing that they only use him for their needs and still hoping for something different.

Enjoy the grand skids when you see them. Your grandskid is old enough to remember what things are actually like when he visits you. Some of the questions he asks will be based upon remarks he heard at home. Other questions may seem that way, but be rooted in figuring out things for himself. Your grandskid is at the age where children often try to wrap their minds around family relationships.

2Tired4Drama's picture

Can you be candid enough with yourself and make an honest assessment? If so, consider if it is possible that you are trying too hard when you are with SGS?

The reason I bring it up is because not only is SD trying to throw a wrench in the relationship but you also indicated your DH appears "jealous" over the affection that SGS shows you. Maybe unconsciously you are overdoing it? Maybe deep down you are so happy that this little guy likes you, and thus it is ultimately a middle-finger stab back at SD and BM?

Remember, just as the kid tells you what he hears from SD and BM, he also goes home and tells them about what a great time he had with YOU. That has to stick in their ears. Bottom line is that you don't want this poor kid to become the ping pong ball between two factions of people he loves - or can love. And certainly for kids this age, (perhaps all ages, even adults) mom will trump anyone else.

Maybe all of you are in a circular dance here. They try to alienate him, you win him over, that aggravates them so they plant more in his head, etc. Maybe you need to take a step back a bit. If nothing else, so that the poor kid doesn't have to be subjected to negative comments which will only confuse and hurt HIM in the long run.

If you aren't already, let your DH have "alone" time with SGS where the two of them do something fun together. Let DH read him stories, etc. You can certainly be a part of the activities, but try not to be in all of them. Let DH be the focus for the majority of the time and the SGS will go home with wonderful stories of what he and grampa did. Practice that a few times and it may be enough to soothe the two frothing beasts, SD and BH, so that eventually they won't mind when he says once in awhile how great it was that you read him a story.

My two cents.

notasm3's picture

Children like who they like. My nephew always just adored my sister. Now he never disliked me, but he's always been much closer to her. Even though I was much more involved in his life at times (he lived with me for awhile too in elementary school).

I've never been jealous. I just understand that in some ways she's a little kid magnet (neither of us have children).

Just be yourself and enjoy him.

peacemaker's picture


Disillusioned's picture

I would love to happystepmum LOL, but then I would be sort of sinking to OSD's level maybe, I would rather just not let her think I even notice or care, and DH & I can deal with this as we go along

I think the good news in what SGS said last night, is DH can't really deny any longer that the alienation is truly happening by his daughter

DH can't deny any longer that his daughter really has a problem, and will sink to any level - including filling her own son's head full of lies - just to get her way.

She doesn't realize how much she is hurting herself really. On top of denying little SGS a relationship with someone who really cares about him and that he loves in return, she is not only taking that from SGS, but she is showing that she's not really the great mother to him that she lets on that she is.

A good mother would be more focused on her child being allowed to form relationships with good people that will treat him well and be a proper role model, influence him well in life, then denying him that for her own childish insecure reasons!

Disillusioned's picture

Good advice sueu2

And absolutely not provoking DH's jealousy, quite the opposite - I do everything in my power to facilitate DH and SGS spending time as DH is so hurt by his daughter and little SGS means the world to him. AND for my own sake I don't actually encourage SGS, if he comes to me I'm there for him but I don't pursue a relationship because I know what OSD is up to, and one day I will be the enemy to him if its the last thing she does

With all that said, little SGS does seem to like me a lot, even DH said today he just can't believe how much and that he thinks it's special the relationship we have. DH ultimately wants that, although I think he does get a little 'competitive' LOL and it's not because I'm causing it.

It's amazing to me only because SGS isn't encouraged to like let alone love me, fed a pile a crap about me and DH, and yet he is as DH says, smart enough to figure out on his own who he likes and so far, not let anyone stop that Smile

Disillusioned's picture

Really good advice LikeMinded, smart lady Smile and that is so encouraging to know it hasn't worked in the case of your SKIDS Smile

Disillusioned's picture

We have a digital frame with literally thousands of pictures on it Maxwell09, with many many pictures of us with SGS Smile

Disillusioned's picture

Not sure where you think I was trying to be his Grandmothers furkidsforme??? But to answer your question, I guess I expect that anyone claiming to be a good mother actually is one, and puts the best interests of her child first, rather than interfere with relationships in her child's life that he may want, and are good for him

Filling your child's head full of lies about someone to prevent him having a relationship with that person because you are jealous of that person, is pathetic to say the least

Disillusioned's picture

That's interesting notarelative, and well said.....your situation with your DH and his family, sounds a lot like mine!

Disillusioned's picture

Great insight 2Tired4drama...and I would be a liar if I didn't say that it does give me satisfaction when SGS throws a wrench in SD, BM (and DH's sister's) attempts to interfere with his relationship with me

I do hear what you're saying, and regardless of how much I want a close relationship with SGS, I also know how hard OSD is working to destroy it. You are absolutely correct that she will trump everything, so I have, from the very beginning, backed off from encouraging it with SGS.

SGS however, does come to me all on his own and when he does, yes of course I will be there for him. No different I guess than the neighbor's kid for that matter.

As far as DH being jealous....well, I could write a book on that one! It's not just SGS. I have learned that DH's family have this jealous competitive streak in them. DH's sister, OSD, these two have shown their true ugly colours in that regard over the years. But sadly, DH himself is like that. He does love me of course and want to see me happy, and he does want to see a good relationship with SGS and I, but DH is like his sister and daughter (or rather they are like him) and he/they need to be the centre of attention all the time!

Their jealousies and competitive streak are really their problem. So tired of walking on eggshells for fear of upsetting people who have nothing to be upset about!

I figure if OSD is so jealous of my relationship with DH or of SGS, perhaps she should work on her own with them, rather than trying to destroy mine instead? She hasn't figured out that even if she destroyed my relationship with those around her, that does nothing to improve hers, in fact, may even make hers worse.

I don't get people who do that. If they spent more time focusing all that negative energy on improving themselves instead, wow how much happier they would be in the end I think....

Disillusioned's picture

It's not BM or SD Sally, I want to be sure my DH knows what's really going on...and it appears he does which is good.

I don't need to worry about SGS as I know where his recent questions came from. I never discipline him, as I never did with SD's either. SGS is a sweetheart and he listens to me, he loves being around me and he is not the problem

My single most important priority in this situation is my marriage to DH. He is all I care about - his family are totally second to that, especially the members that have treated me badly over the years.

Anything that interferes in my marital happiness, well then it IS not going to be something I just "put out of my head"