Immature Stepdaughter
My SD16 is the most immature person you can imagine. She gets on my very last nerve. I think she does it to get attention honestly but her father and grandmother baby her like she is 5 years old still which I'm sure pays the biggest pert in all this. She is extremely shy to the point where I'm shocked that she can even function at school. She clings to her father when they go out in public and this makes them look more like a couple than father and daughter.
Funny story...the other day we took my son back to college and went to get lunch were his friend met up with us. After we left, the friend told my son...WTF is the deal with your SS? Is she retarded or something?? He witnessed the craziness...daddy having to order for her and her clinginess with him. Nice to know that other people see this insanity and not just me being a bitch because I don't care much for her because she is so jealous of me.
I'm afraid too...very afraid
I'm afraid too...very afraid
my SS is 17 and does what you
my SS is 17 and does what you are describing and a lot more. She does, however have issues (although for some reason they have not been diagnosed or identified by the doctors). She is extremely immature, was in special ed for a long time until recently, has no friend or boyfriends (never had), doesn't know how to talk aka have a conversation with anyone about anything. Doesn't know basic stuff like counting money or chores. It is mind boggling to me. She is in regular school now and I too have no clue how she functions. I am sure she has some high functioning autism, but her dad and grandma refuse to see it or have her evaluated again (she was when she was little, but not in the last several years)
Oh Yeah...I have always
Oh Yeah...I have always thought that she had a high functioning autism. She hyper-focuses on things, odd "ticks", no empathy, no personality, doesn't make sense when she talks usually, ect. but no one else sees that something is clearly jacked up about this kid. She does well in school for the most part so that doesn't fit the puzzle so its a crazy situation. She has a couple friends but she is on and off with them.
They say the truth will set
They say the truth will set you free. Someone needs to give SD the truth in a very freeing, public, ass barring venue. }:)
Dad has to order her food!!!
Dad has to order her food!!! I'm sooooo happy someone else has experienced this!
Dad orders food for my 17 y.o
Dad orders food for my 17 y.o SD. She is 18 in a few months...He claims it is because she doesn't have her own card or money. But she does have money. He gives her money and she gets money on days and such. She has no clue how to order something. No clue how to pay for it. Or how to use and maintain a credit or debit card...It is crazy
LMAO @ Fungus...that is
@ Fungus...that is friggin hilarious. You might have a very good point cause she doesn't have anything to do with him when we are at home it is only out in public. She also goes through spells of either never being home and always at friends or being reclusive and going everywhere with daddy. The last time this was the case I almost divorced my husband because he completely left me out. I never got to spend time with him or go anywhere together well I should say didn't want to go anywhere with him because she was always there and I didn't want to. I literally can not stand to be around her when we go places. Its embarrassing and makes me so angry I feel sick inside.
Then i guess she may not have
Then i guess she may not have any autism. Even high functioning. But she does have an unhealthy idea about relationships and she is extremely immature. Some hard lessons should teach her.
My SD will stay in her room day and night playing video games, has no interest in going out with us (we rarely go out these days, but she never did have any interest). She is always just there, alone, no friends. And that is annoying as hell too. I would rather her be with friends and do normal teenage things than to just quietly be alone in her room all the time, come out only to eat whatever I made to eat (without asking if she can have it, if we already ate, if she needs to leave some for somebody etc). No cleaning, no house chores, no nothing. Her hair looks like a sponge coz she doesn't take a proper care of it etc .etc.
I think your SD has some type of a different issue that is extremely annoying but can be fixable with some harsher parenting than she ever received
Thanks all are
Thanks all are awesome. It really helps to vent!
PrincASS16 cannot order his
PrincASS16 cannot order his own food because "he's too shy!". Boo-fackin-hoo. :sick:
Any time we go out somewhere, someone has to order for him. The ONLY time my DH will order food for PrincASS is when we go through the drive-thru. DH will NOT order for him when we are inside the restaurant. However, that means SD19 or PigPen will order for poor wittle PwincASS.
The reason DH will no longer order for PA? DH and I discussed the fact that this is enabling PA and he needs to learn to speak up and order for himself.
Speak in front of the server?
Speak in front of the server? Heavens NO! And PrincASS gets miffy when someone doesn't order his food right. Mustard on your burger? Boo-fackin-hoo. Order your own bloody food.
FruitSalad704, you KNOW the
FruitSalad704, you KNOW the dog beats him on purpose. Simply because he doesn't like poor wittle PwincASS. I didn't even have to train him!! LOL!!
You'd lose that money, hon. He will just say he's not hungry. DH tried and the siblings continue to order for poor wittle pwecious. And since DH is last in line to pay the bill...oh well. When PrincASS gets out in the real world all by his wittle self, he will either speak up or spend the rest of his life eating food with "mistakes". I don't give a rat.
And since I no longer bake goodies for the skids, PrincASS brings over crap in his backpack. Like a family-size bag of double-stuff oreos or potato chips. It's full of JUNK. Not my circus, not my monkey. If his teeth fall out, I hope it's AFTER he is no longer covered by my DH...
PrincASS is like a male
PrincASS is like a male version of SD16... :jawdrop: Poor wittle babies. Too shy to order their own food but at home SD16 speaks at the top of her speaking range all the while running through the house, yelling at her dog, baby talking the rabbit and telling it how fat it is and my favorite part asking her dad what he is doing and what he is watching on TV everytime she enters the room but first she opens the fridge...its a ritual and happens at least ten times a day when she is home all day. Its true crazy town I tell ya.
Yes mam...a while ago when I
Yes mam...a while ago when I first met DH, one of my friends told me "you better be careful because one day your going to wake up to that kid with a knife at your throat" after she witnessed the constant physical contact with her dad (she sat in his lap and clung to him the whole time we were there).