More BM holiday drama: phone calls
DH has custody, BM gets EOWE visitation by court order. DH and BM must communicate only through
DH allows BM to call one a week on Wednesday night at 8pm to our home phone to talk to the kids. When it doesn't work out or we aren't home DH does his best to organize another night/time.
Because the phone call is not in a court order there are no stipulations and BM CONSTANTLY pulls her High Conflict crap with it.
This is what happened last night:
BM SENT AT 8:02PM "I once again have called the kids twice, it being wed night at 8pm,and not only did your machine not pick up as it usually does for me before you allow my kids to answer, but the phone rang more than 16 times! Both times! I do not understand why you are not allowing my children to answer the phone and speak to me. You are only hurting them not me."
DH RESPONDS AT 8:05PM "Phone is working fine and we are home. Noone has heard any phone calls or the kids would have answered. You can call right now if you want."
BM CALLS, THEN SENDS:"I'm calling now for the third time. I do not appreciate the ignored phone calls. Please do not punish our children for your ill feelings towards me. This WILL be printed out as evidence in court!"
DH didn't respond back. The kids got to talk to BM and DH even told them not to cut it short, but each kids talk the full time they normally do.
So, DH is hoping she does want to pull out the phone call Crap.
She thinks her words are damning, but this is just one more in a long line of issues she is creating drama where BM creates drama out of nowhere.
DH has custody, BM gets EOWE visitation by court order. DH and BM must communicate only through
DH allows BM to call one a week on Wednesday night at 8pm to our home phone to talk to the kids. When it doesn't work out or we aren't home DH does his best to organize another night/time.
Because the phone call is not in a court order there are no stipulations and BM CONSTANTLY pulls her High Conflict crap with it.
This is what happened last night:
Sorry don't know why it
Sorry don't know why it randomly copy/pasted my background info twice.
Tell him to get copies of the
Tell him to get copies of the phone records that prove no calls were coming in. That will just double her trouble. #1- he's allowing calls he doesn't have to allowing and #2 he proves she's lying in front of a judge. Win-win situation.
Tell him to get copies of the
Tell him to get copies of the phone records that prove no calls were coming in. That will just double her trouble. #1- he's allowing calls he doesn't have to allowing and #2 he proves she's lying in front of a judge. Win-win situation.
No one was on the phone. We
No one was on the phone. We were all in the livingroom, sitting and waiting for BM phone call.
I hate the calls. Especially
I hate the calls. Especially when they freak out that it doesn't happen on their time table.
Our BM rarely called until an arbitrator got involved and the stale mate over access and support put us back on the road to court/trial. Suddenly BM, after 3.5 years ABSOLUTELY HAD TO TALK to the kids EVERY Saturday. It was always disruptive. She only talks to them about how much more fun they'd be having with her and then skids forget as soon as they hang up.
Every time she doesn't get her way she throws a hissy fit and has to speak to them EVERY day. So Friday, Saturday and Sunday she'll be calling because she's not getting her way with the Christmas holidays. On the flip-side we'll be telling her when she can call those days, because they're OUR days and we don't live on her time table.
It's in our order to allow reasonable access, but this isn't reasonable this is ridiculous.
I don't know whether it'll be better or worse when the kids are old enough to have their own phones.
The oldest had her own phone
The oldest had her own phone for a while. She brought it back and forth to BM's.
The problems we had were sooo much worse.
DH got yelled at for every time OSD didn't answer her phone. Every time OSD was an hour late in responding to a text. Not to mention when the kids went to her house the phone got taken away so we couldn't use it to call the kids and talk to them when they were with her.
Then finally the phone got "broken" coincidently when it was at BM's. (It was given back to OSD broken when she went there with it working fine before it was taken away from her).
So the phone was not replaced.
Not certain when if ever the kids will get phones of their own. Seems like it will be those problems x3 if each one has one.
BM is in full fledge hunting
BM is in full fledge hunting mode for her next "boyfriend" so she's forgotten to call for the designated day and time for the last month or so but she'll usually call the next day instead. I told DH the only way to make her go back to Wednesday calls is to stop answering Thursday calls since we purposely keep SS by the phone on Wed and have family night on Thursday. He leaves on Fridays and Monday is still adjusting to being back home. DH doesn't care enough to stop it for now. I think we will invest in a landline as soon as SS is old enough to use a phone.
She left DH, didn't want the
She left DH, didn't want the kids. Ran off to be with someone else....but dumb cunt didn't plan on married man #1 not leaving his wife for her.
Alls good now she found married man #2 and got him to leave his wife after two years of sleeping with him.
But at the time when she was first leaving DH kids didn't mean anything to her. So she left them behind, (as well as other thing she later made a huge deal about saying were stolen from her BY ME NO LESS who came along years afterwards)....
DH has learned his lesson
DH has learned his lesson with that. One time only did he ask, "are you calling xxx-xxxx?"
Was that a BLOW UP!