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Vent/ Situation I'm not allowed to handle myself

AmIWicked's picture

DH ex FIL used to beat BM and her mom and other siblings( according to BM stories to DH while they were married ) I'm inclind to believe her on this one because although the man is old now and can't move very well his personality SUCKS.

But anyways, BM still sees her dad but doesn't see him all that much considering they only live 30 minutes away. Because we have primary custody, DH lets skids go on over night visits and day trips to BM's parents house quite frequently during his time. (Mostly because he wants them to have connects to that side of the family and they won't if they only go during BM's time which is few and far between).

Them going during his time is not my issue. ex FIL is my issue.
He will call DH and leave a voicemail when he wants the kids. If DH does not respond immediately with a yes or a no. HE WILL CALL OUR HOME AND DH CELL INSANELY EARLY IN THE MORNING EVERY DAY AND MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY for every day following up until the day he wants the kids. Can you see where BM gets her crazy from??? It's inherited!!!!
He called our house phone yesterday morning and DH didn't get to the phone in time. IT WAS 5:45AM!!! He looked at his cell, two missed calls.
I was fuming mad. I told DH, "If he doesn't care that enough about his grandchildren to wake them up on a school day at 5:45am. Then he doesn't care enough about them to see them Friday night!"
Ex FIL called again this morning DH already left for work.
I got to answer,
exFIL : "Is this OSD?"
me: "No this is amiwicked"
exFIL: "Is DH around?"
me: "No he's not. exFIL it's rather rude to call this early" CLICK DIAL TONE


AmIWicked's picture

I need to add that I called DH this morning after exFIL hung up on me and all DH had to say was, "well there you go, he won't be calling back now."
I said well this morning he won't be calling back, be is like BM the care and memory of a fruit fly. So DH said he would handle it and I should stay out of it.... great. That means he is going to call his exaFIL today, tell himYES and when he can pick up the kids and then early morning phone calls to DHcell and the house will continue if DH doesn't get back to him within his time frame.

Monchichi's picture

I will never understand why these men cannot just say no. exFIL you may not call before 9am or after 9pm. If you call outside of these times, I will not agree to you having the children.


hereiam's picture

Nope, if someone is calling my home that early in the morning, I have every right to handle it. If DH wants you to stay out of it, he needs to tell ex FIL to stop calling so damn early and so many damn times.

Delilah's picture

I think a stepparent has every right to intervene in a situation where it is adversely affecting them and their home.

I had a toxic sil, pil and bm who would ring whenever they felt like it (99% over pointless stuff that could wait) 6 am calls on weekends when both dh and I worked f/t and when they knew they would be waking my ss and that I have chronic medical problems causing severe issues with my sleeping. They were asked (eventually by dh after he stropped at me for even daring to expect some fricking courtesy) if they could please ring during more social hours. Dh family told him and I quote "fuck off..." and bm it was pointless asking, as shes just a confrontational cowbag.

I would try and remember to unplug the phone, but sometimes I felt so ill and tired I forgot. Dh wouldnt care, so it was on me.

Eventually it was so bad (along with harassing calls) that I insisted we change our number, didnt give it to pil for over a year (until they could prove they were acting sane again), sil has never had the number nor bm, and we managed the mobile number.

AmIWicked's picture

ExFIL wants to take the skids out to a public fish fry at his "lodge".
I would really.....really like to walk in there when picking them up and say in front of him and ExMIL and all of the crowd,
Just because he hung up on me....this is what I was going to say to him this morning.

"ExFIL I need your guarantee that you won't be calling our home at 5:45am any more. This morning and yesterday morning were unnecessary, disruptive, and could have waited until later in the day to confirm you taking the kids to this meal. If you can't guarantee that I will have to block your numbers from our home phone so you don't keep waking your grandchildren at 5:45 in the morning."

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

grrrr. I would definitely put the phone on silent and ignore or turn it right off.

He is a bully and an asshole. NEVER answer the phone when he calls. Since he is ex-FIL I would not hold back LOL.