Not trying to be rude or anything....
Why is it that BMs are always texting or emailing "I don't want to tell you what to do... but", or "I'm not trying to be rude, but...", or "you can do whatever you want at your house...but..."???? Just because you start a sentence with "no offense" doesn't negate the offensive remark that follows immediately after... Duh BM. Clearly we get that you are in fact trying to be rude.
Of course BM is then shocked and very upset that DH does not respond to said texts or emails. And continues offensive remarks now regarding his lack of communication… Oh the brain of BM. What a mystery.
Bless your heart
Bless your heart }:)
I'm sorry, I laughed and I
I'm sorry, I laughed and I think I peed a little.
(I am Canadian)
It's a passive-aggressive
It's a passive-aggressive form of trying to tell you what to do. She thinks that if she sounds nice, you will bend to her will and do as she asks. Eff that. Your house; your rules.
Need like
Need like button. nailed it.
Oh our BM is also a big
Oh our BM is also a big barker, she just occasionally throws in the "not my house, but..." when she tells DH how to be a better parent.
I'd actually be more inclined
I'd actually be more inclined to have a canned auto response "fuck off bitch"".
Ours always says "I'm not
Ours always says "I'm not trying to be a bitch......
Oh you don't have to try honey!!!
I wish BM would at least say
I wish BM would at least say that. DH gets you need to _____. His response is always about how her opinion was not asked for or wanted so please don't tell us them. Also, he includes my wife and I will do what is best in our home. TO which we commonly get a response of "I will not stop giving my opinion and fighting for what is best for SS." To clarify half the time it is what we need to do with our Bios.
Because they're being
Because they're being passive/aggressive and they think they can control both households.
MamaBass, you took the words
MamaBass, you took the words out of my mouth. Our BM does the same thing and when DH doesn't reply she gets pissy.
If she'd ask a reasonable question and didn't stick her nose in our business then maybe he'd respond.
My ex husband is really into
My ex husband is really into horror movies. really into it. He's decided to make a short film called MurderClowns and he put my kids in his movie. He dressed them up a killer clowns and I haven't seen the movie yet but in some of his promo pics one of my daughters is holding a beer can. I'm sure he just used it as a prop. My kids are pretending to be pyscho killer clowns. and no I don't approve but its none of my business, is it? I don't say a thing. If they were really drinking beer or being killer clowns of course I would have to act but I have no say in what goes on at his house on his custody days even if the facebook posts and the movie preview bother me