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feeling sorry for sk...again

sma08mommyof1's picture

Been sick for over a week....hasn't been takin to the dr...been pawned off on fiance gma and cousin...bec we didn't get him on visitation times bec I can't afford for my kid to get sick. All I have is daycare. I don't have a million family members to help me if mine goes down. Although no one is helping her she just pawns him every chance she has. Told my fiance that enough was enough and he needed to document it and take him to the dr himself. Pathetic. Who wouldn't want their kid to be in their care whilst sick. My kid doesn't leave my sight. I want him home, comfortable, watched over and cared for where he is comfortable and content. Now I know our home is sk home too so the fact that he isn't here with us makes me feel awful but it's a between a rock and a hard place kind of situation for me and has caused problems with me and fiance....does it ever get better?

Disneyfan's picture

But the OP said the kid isn't there because she didn't want him there. This was her decision based on what she felt was best for her kid.

Snowflake's picture

This is a place for step parents to vent, the op is doing just that. She doesn't need to be bashed for that. I personally have asked not to take visitation when the skids were sick. I didn't want my then infant to get sick as well.

I didn't feel bad about it at all.

Disneyfan's picture

Well in this case dad is just as pathetic as mom. He opted to miss out on his time with his bio kid to keep his step kid from possibly getting sick.

Dad could have taken the kid to the doctor and if needed got him meds.

Dads can care for sick kids just as good as moms.

sma08mommyof1's picture

Holy shit you guys are retarded. I'm doing what is best for my child. He comes first. I said to keep the kid home and not bounced around places while sick. I think any decent parent would agree. There have been several times before I've had to ship my kid off somewhere else and let sk come for his visits and we have taken care of him while sick. I only have daycare for my child. If he gets sick he can't go to daycare. I recently started a new job and semester of college. I can't miss either one if my child gets sick. It's the real world having a sick child doesn't matter in the work force and my professors sure don't give a damn. Who do I have to watch him if he one. Myself. Kids get sick I get it, but if I can prevent it I will. I don't have family to help me with him. Me and my fiance have fought over this for the past week he wants him here so for you guys bashing him, you can bash me instead. Yes I am the bad guy right now. Shit on me for putting myself and my child first.

Disneyfan's picture


I've never said a sick kid should stay put. Unless the parents have to use public transportation, I don't see anything wrong with driving a sick kid from one house to another.

Man bashing???

Pointing out that some men make poor choices isn't man bashing. Acknowledging that some SMs here are going through hell because dad refuses to check his kids, BM, mother... and/or give his wife the respect she deserves, isn't man bashing.

sma08mommyof1's picture

And it's always a lose lose for us when I comes to BM. She has sole custody and even though she is suppose to share insurance info dr Info school info she does not. The problem is she doesn't ever have the kid half the time anyways. He's always bounced from family member to family member. I believe a sick child should be at home cared for whether it be with mom or dad. There's no reason to bash anyone for wanting to keep healthy kids healthy and to keep sick kids away. There's a reason sick kids get sent home from school. If we are doing what's in the best interest for the child we have all the time than I'm not going to feel bad about it. If she shares no info with us and has refused to take the child to the dr than there is also something wrong with that and now we are currently trying to get him into the dr. I understand alot of you don't know every single detail of our lives so it's fine if we are judged and bashed idc.

FrenchPeas's picture

Lol it's too bad this whole entry can't be deleted. It's circular logical and ridiculous. I just read it and thought, "huh?" Lmao.

Disneyfan's picture

Hey, maybe BM has a boyfriend or husband who gave her about the kid not being gone on a step kid free weekend. Wink