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As I predicted

Ruby55's picture

So Father's Day went as I knew it call from either skid (27 and 28) until noon. No plan made in advance. This noon call....too late to go to brunch,too late to plan anything really for lunch. So they do the's the gist of the 3 way call they were on....what do you want to do, well, what time, how about a movie, can you drive here (an hour away) well we'll have to talk and call you back, I have to go pick up a check at work before I can do anything, I'm not feeling well I have a sore throat, well the only place I can think to go has hamburgers,.....and on and on and on. This is what they always do, create some kind of drams and confusion because they really don't want to do anything. All the conversation, my DH...."whatever you guys want I'm open, I understand, well we can do it another day, why don't you guys talk and get a plan and call me back., I can meet you somewhere casual"..then SD "WHY ARE YOU INTERRUPTING ME, DONT PRESSURE ME!" I kid you not. This Merry go round of a ridiculous conversation went on for 15 minutes until it was decided "we can't do anything because we have no money, we don't even have money for gas". Again....they are 27 and 28....I was on my own making good money at this age! Then DH says, " I understand, no problem. we can get together some other time". WOW. No money to even put a card in a card in the mail, invite Dad over and grill some burgers, he'll he would've bought the burgers! Nothing, no plan, no thought, just a ridiculous dramatic phone call where I know they were hoping he'd get mad and then they could feel justified doing nothing. Glad he stayed calm and neutral and didn't fall for the usual set up. He hasn't enjoyed a normal Father's Day with these losers since I stopped planning and paying for the whole ordeal....brunch reservations and nice restaurants, steak dinners, all the stuff I used to plan and pay for...those days are OVER! Of course he had a nice dinner out with me last night and cards and gifts from me and the boys (our doggies, lol). Some things will never change but I'm just glad I now longer waste my time making these jerks look good! I asked him how he feels and he said he's used to it, doesn't expect much from pathetic !

Ruby55's picture

They don't know how lucky they are that they're dads are here....I wish my dad were still living

hereiam's picture

So, SD just called. DH answered the phone and his daughter said, "I didn't really want to talk to you, I just wanted to leave a message on your answering machine." Oh, she is such a gem.

sandye21's picture

Nothing here as usual. No call, no card, no email from SD. But then, she's never given him the time of day unless it benefited her.

It really sounds like your skids heard it was Father's Day on TV, realized they forgot, then made a token call to fool him into believing they were thinking of him. Under-rated his intelligence - and yours too with the lame excuses.

notarelative's picture

I've been with DH for 17 Father's Days.
OSD has never called or sent a card for the occasion.
YSD has called or sent a card a 3-5 times, mostly in the early years. She's married now and her husband doesn't approve of us being together.

Today no cards, no calls from either.
Didn't expect anything, so this morning we got up early and left for the day. Took DH about an hour away to the local Indian casino. Had a good time. Didn't win, but didn't lose a lot either. Had fun.

Overit1960's picture

Who the hell is her lousy husband to "approve" or disapprove anything!?!?!? these young people today are total azzholes. Who brought them up to be that way?

I can say that because I have no children.

Overit1960's picture

That fn B%^$# sent a Happy Father's Day text to my husband. I hope she rots in hell.

He's pretty angry now... finally he sees what a piece of worthless flotsam she is.

JLRB's picture

Father's Day for my husband consisted of a text from one son, a phone call from the other after 3:00 p.m. who said he would've sent a card, but accidentally threw it out, and a no show from the daughter who was coming for supper on Saturday with her daughter. She called one hour after she said she would be there to say they weren't coming because the baby had a fever. My husband had already cooked food on the grill for them. She then tried to make Sunday morning breakfast plans even though we said we had something to do on Sunday and breakfast wouldn't work for us. The last time the three of them came for a Father's Day breakfast, they arrived 2 hours late. Never again.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Do you think that perhaps we care more about Father's Day than our spouses do?

I know I do. Not only was yesterday Father's Day, it was also the birthday of DH's son who passed away fifteen years ago. Did he hear from either of his daughters? Of course not. I struggled a bit with my emotions; DH seemed fine.

Time to get back to work on acceptance & ratcheting expectations back down to zero where they belong.