Girlfriends son
I have been dating a woman for almost 3 years now,I love her and she loves me.I am 51 and she is 50.The problem is that her 26 year old son does not like me and really has not got along with her past men either.She was married to a man for 5 years before me and her son intimidated him to the point he would retreat to his truck and lock the doors sitting in the drive way for hours.This son lives with her but rarely is there when im not around,when I show up for long stays (2 weeks) he never leaves.I am reminded that he does not like me and that the only reason he does not beat me up is because his mom loves me.She does not see this tension and does not want to deal with it.Relationships are never perfect and always has there ups and downs and this added situation stops us from working on our problems or getting to another level.I recently told her that I did not want to see her anymore,I really love her but the son thing is too much.To be honest this son of hers does not like me at all and the feeling is mutual.I have 3 sons 29/29/27 but I have never got them involved in this for fear it could turn out bad and my sons never get involved with my relationship and they do not live with me.I hurt because I really want her but feel helpless over the situation that I feel has no good outcome.Me and her son have faught one time and she just stood bye and watched.
Why is this adult still
Why is this adult still living with her? Mommy's boy? Sounds like too much tension since he lives with her. I'd just date for fun or get out if you're looking for a serious relationship.
What was her response to your
What was her response to your ending the relationship?
She is in denial of the
She is in denial of the situation and says that I am a weirdo.
Yes it is very hard because I
Yes it is very hard because I love her very much but I feel that our future will be stressful and full of unhappy times.I know a child means a lot to a parent and since he does not like me I just don't see a way to get past this wall between us.I feel lost !
You are doing the right
You are doing the right thing. This woman is not relationship material. She already has a man, and it's not you.
Some assume that relationships/dating is easier if the kids are adults, but this isn't necessarily true. Dysfunctional patterns strengthen over time, making behaviors harder to change. So, your exgirlfriend? She's screwed up, and has been for a long, long time. Little Oedipus? He's screwed up even worse - and has been for a long time as well.
I have a half brother who is like your GF's son. From childhood, he had a dog-with-a-bone attitude about our mother. He resented his SF terribly (my father) would never have launched if my parents hadn't forced him to. When my mother was widowed, he came home "to help out" - and never left. This man-child has never married or had steady employment and enjoys intimidating anyone who buys his silly tough guy act. He continued living with mommy until she died.
Listen to your gut, not your heart. Again, you are doing the right thing.
No one is worth this crap.
No one is worth this crap. Particularly this POS woman you describe.
Put a hand between your legs, grab a big old handful of sack, many up, and move on.
I understand how hard that can be. I put up with a bunch of toxic bullshit in my first marriage but I did learn that I would never tolerate that kind of crap again.
IMHO of course.