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Getting child support

SweetMom's picture

If you were getting child support, would you rather get it the first of every month in one lump sum or have a little bit come every week? I know that money is money but it your ass can't manage money wouldn't you rather it come in one lump sum? My husband gives his paycheck to me and I disburse the money and child support is the one thing I paid first. I mailed it to the courthouse a week before the new month so she would get it early. My step daughter saw my financial book of all my bills and went back and told her mom. Now the woman wants it garnished from his paycheck all because I got the money order and mailed it. DH takes care of me and I help him out, we work as a team. He is union so he goes to different jobs. The point is that she gets her money but she can't stand the fact I pay it for him. Just freaking retarded!

No Name's picture

Oh, you have one of those too? My husband's ex has a real problem that I pay the bills. She tells my husband that I am controlling him. What? So she filed with the court to have the support taken out of his pay check. Are we behind in payments no! Her letter to the court was that it doesn't come the same day every week. Well it is paid the same day every week and the bank mails it out. We have no control over the Post Office. So, off to court he goes next week armed with a print out showing that the money is taken out of his account every single Friday.

SweetMom's picture

I have the money order and receipts for it. I mailed it off and Lord and behold if it's not there on the first she gets pissed and blew his phone up. Now that he took the order to the place , she has gotten her check on the first an two extras so far for January. He told her to not say another word about CS. I
Sure she will find a reason after she gets her money and it runs out.

msg1986's picture

Dh has his CS garnished and we like it a lot. Bm tried calling him once when he was late and it was oh so nice when he told her "Why are you calling? CS is garnished so call the CS office!"

I see how this would be annoying however it's been a great experience to not even have to think about CS. Maybe you guys should consider it?

Rags's picture

I think if cash flow is not an issue that garnishment is the way to go. It takes the complaining by the CP out of the picture as the NCP has nothing to do with delivering the CS to the CP that is the States responsibility. It minimizes the need for the CP & NCP to interface other than on kid specific topics. Garnishment also minimizes games from the NCP and the CP gets the money consistently.

In our case the Sperm GrandHag who paid her idiot son's CS obligation for my Skid liked to play games. CS would come in as many as half a dozen random amounts each moth. She worked near the CSE office and would pay in random increments. When we went for a CS modification direct payroll withholding was invoked by the judge and that ended the manipulative bullshit from the Sperm GrandHag. Her antics actually had no impact on us what so ever. We did not need the money and found her games humorously pathetic. The fun part was that rather than she and Sperm GrandPa paying the CSE office for their idiot son's CS obligation they reimbursed him for the CS withholding from his pay which caused a ton of tension between the Sperm Idiot and Sperm Grandpa who hated that his toxic wife was funding the out of wedlock spawning/statutory rapist career of his idiot son.

Go for withholding. BM can bitch all she wants but has no control or say in CS after the process is automated.

Good luck.

onthefence2's picture

There is a drawback in our state when the money is garnished. A certain percent is taken out of every payment and it's not small. I think it depends on if child support enforcement initiates it or if it was initiated by the court. This explains why so many courts do it automatically. They are taking our kids' money.

misSTEP's picture

I would totally go the garnishment route. One less reason for the BM to contact your DH.

That being said however, because I am a bitch, I would LOVE to make sure that BM knew that I was the one who was cutting and sending the $$$. Just because I know it would get under her skin to have to see my handwriting on "her" money.

SweetMom's picture

The money is being garnished out of every pay check. If there is 4 weeks in a month she gets 38.00 less. Before she was getting the lump sum which was over payment. She's a idiot but it's actually a good thing because we don't even miss it. My husband works a extra 2 hours so every weeks pay check it's not noticed . It's just stupid how it bothered her that I was getting a money order and addressing it to court house and paying it. Haha so silly!

intrinsicmemory's picture

Garnishment doesn't work for my DH. He is union, so is constantly changing jobs, and invariably the accountant will screw up the first few garnishment amounts, and end up prepaying CS for 2 months, but still be getting garnished.

Do they refund him overpaid amounts? No, he MIGHT be a dead beat next month.

SweetMom's picture

My husband is union too but this time he has been on this job for over a year. He is paid up on paper but in rearage at court house because before me he wrote her checks . Not in rearage much . If she dared to take him to court to try to get any back pay, we have bank receipts. It's just a matter of him going to bank and taking them to court house. We also have several texts of her admitting he is paid up. He is actually paid up on paper 3 weeks