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Positive Note-SD31

Justme54's picture

Background- I was traveling back home to care for my mother when MIL passed away.

My mother had her knee surgery planned for sometime. I was to go and care for her at least for week. DH knew his mother might pass away when I was on my trip. I got things in order as I stated in past blog.

Getting the point:

I was very happy with SD31 and her husband. They came the night before and also brought some food for after the service. I was so glad DH was not by himself the night. Later, I sent SD31 a text thanking her and her husband for all they did for her dad. She texted me back thanking for all I had done for her grandmother in the past years. She also stated...we all understand 100% that my mother needed me and not to feel bad. She closed with saying...we miss you! OMG! I cried.

I think SD31 is more mature now than STBSS26 and SS36. However, I can not forget her wedding as she stood in front of the Rolls Royce tell DH I could ride in the van with the bridesmaids. We had went the church before the wedding. Oldest SS called DH to tell need to go to SD's future in laws house. I told DH he need to go by himself as they want pics without SM and I am ok with that. DH demanded that I go too. DH always has to have his way. He is to ride with her in the Rolls Royce. I am told to drive his truck back to the church. I do not have my glasses on. HELLO... I am in a formal dress. Her futue father in law told me I could ride with them. That was cool. Now we have to bum a ride back to DH's truck after the wedding. If that was not enough, she screamed like a beach whale after the wedding because DH would not take a photo with her and her mother. parents have been divorced 16 years. AND... we had to block her mother's number when she found out we were getting married. She was calling 24/7...not because she wanted him back. It was a control issue. She also forbid her mother not to come to the wedding up until a week before the wedding.

She may still hate. Then there is last year Christmas gifts...2 gift with name tag,daddy and a bag with 2 wine glasses with no name tag. OH...I guess that is for wicked SM.

I am glad she is at least supportive and loving to her dad. She married into money. Her in laws paid for msot of the wedding. DH was living with me in my house. MIL was living in DH's little dumb house. We gave her set about of money. Her husband and his parents seem very down to earth.

I wish her brother were more loving to their dad.

Thanks for listening.

sandye21's picture

It is very hard to change one's opinion of another person overnight. Especially when they have been so nasty in the past. It is understandable that you would be suspicious. It's going to take a lot more than one 'nice' encounter to believe that this is a permanent thing or that SD doesn't an ulterior motive. Many times our DH's fall prey to this type of manipulation, "SD had changed for the good, isn't that great for us?" If this were me, I'd take it slow. If DH wants you to get more involved with SD just say, "Hmmm" and let the dust settle. Good luck.

still learning's picture

Exactly^^ This just happened to DH and I. DH is giddy, "Oh ss30 apologized!" (because he needed something) and I'm just hanging back not about to jump into that mess again.