Meddling Mother In Law & Extremely Passive Husband
This really is my last resort. I am on the last strand of any patience I have left trying to deal with my life as a step mother and all of the people it involves. First off let me just say that I enjoyed and loved to be around my step kids in the beginning. I felt like maybe I was the wave of stability they needed because their mother is in no way stable. This all went down hill about a year into my relationship with my husband. My husband had been living with his parents for a while when I met him. His visits with his kids always included grandma and grandpa. When my husband met me and we started doing our own things, his mother did everything in her power to turn his kids against wanting to come to my house. She would even BRIBE them to come and stay with her. I feel like she felt threatened. I don't know why, other than the woman is extremely insecure. Anyway, my husband and I have a child together. We have a Hers, His and an Ours. The kids blend OK. They don't really fight or anything but they don't get along. That's not the problem. The problem is that this keeps reoccurring. The problem consists of the sorry relationship my husband has with his kids and the huge amount of involvement his mother has in their / our life. My mother in law has contacted the school in which my husbands kids attend and she gets emails on when they don't attend. My mother in law has also gone above and beyond to make sure that they get time to see those kids, even if it means throwing my husband under the bus. She will get involved with things like contacting the school about things or turning the ex in to CPS. Every time my husband gets the blame and his ex makes it ten times harder for my husband to see his kids. My husband does nothing about it nor does he say anything to his mother.
My husband had been divorced from his ex wife for 4 years when I met him. The ex has called the shots on every visit since the divorce. (now 8 years ago)
When my husband got a job out of state, one that required him to take his weekend visits two weekends in a row, the ex started making new rules. She wants 48 hours notice or she WILL NOT let him take his kids, no matter what. If she has allowed the kids to have a visit with my husbands parents, she won't let my husband have his kids for one of his scheduled visits. He doesn't do anything about it. Nothing. Here's where the problems start: My husband will make sure he contacts his ex via text message (must have it in writing) on the Wednesday before he gets his kids. He reminds her on the Friday that he is too get them and arranges the time with her. EVERY SINGLE TIME (it never fails) the second he gets off the phone with her, his son calls him. "I don't want to come there anymore. I hate coming to your house. I'm old enough to make my own decisions." (he's 11) Now my husband is partially def so the volume on his phone is turned up all the way so I (and anyone else in the house) can hear both sides of the conversation. My husband finally says "_______ tell your mom to take it up with the courts." This is the only time he has said this. Immediately following THAT phone call is his daughter calling. Same exact thing is said. Verbatim. No response from my husband. Following THAT phone call is the ex. "I don't know why they feel that way, but you'd better start listening to your kids. I have plans tonight so meet me at 6." Click. He has to drive 45 minutes (each way) to pick them up. Let me interject here. These phone calls boils my blood. My children have visits with their parents / step parents too. Neither of them have ever acted in any way, shape or form the way that my husbands two children act. No respect for anyone, or our home or the things in it.
In the mean time, my husbands mother calls, telling my husband that she is going to drive (2 hours each way) to pick up his sister's kids so that my husbands kids can see their cousins. She has the weekend planned for us. The kids get here, the tension is so thick you can cut it with a knife. My 3 year old is thrilled beyond measure to see his brother and sister. He spends every waking moment with them. The following morning the kids wake up and call their mother. "Mom, I don't like it here. I want to come home." My 3 year old son over hears this, and says "I go home too!" My husband makes the arrangements and takes them home. He drives the (again) 45 minutes each way to take them home. He said that he told them on the way to take them home that "if you can't start coming to dad's house with out throwing a fit, you'll miss out on all of the fun things that we have planned, and I'll tell grandma and grandpa that you won't get to see them either." Is it me, or was the "grandma and grandpa" part a very STUPID move? I thought, ok....we'll see how far this goes. When my husband got home he called his mom back to tell her never mind about going to get the cousins, he took the kids home. She asks him, "well do you care if I go get them?" REALLY??????? Thankfully he said "yes. I don't feel like they should see their cousins if they can't come up here and spend time with me." She asks, "well do you care if I call them? We really wanted to see them this weekend." He said he didn't care. I thought the topic was snuffed UNTIL...the very next morning his mother calls. "We have a family reunion coming up in a couple of weeks. Can I take the kids? (meaning his two from the previous marriage only) My husband tells her of course. So basically, they're getting to spend time with grandma and grandpa. I feel like everything that he tried to do is now undone because he can't stick to any sort of punishment. Am I wrong for feeling this way? This happening every two weeks is killing me!!! We've sought counseling but my husband refuses to do any of the things the counselor has advised him to do. I am on the verge of an ultimatum here. Either he FIXES the problem (or makes strong effort to do so) or I can't stay in this relationship anymore. I can't have his mother running the show, and I can't have him sticking his head in the sand every single time crisis arises! These kids and this situation is setting a HORRIBLE example for our 3 year old son!
Oh I get the meddling MIL
Oh I get the meddling MIL like you can't imagine! And much of your story is similar to mine except my DH has primary custody and the SS's slept at MIL's house while bunny worked night shift (because BM is unstable and has EOW and Wednesday nights, when she chooses to take them...she was absent for about four years). DH and I meet through athletic activities of our kids, start dating, MIL thinks I'm the best thing ever. "She takes such good care of her kids, she's so good with your kids, she's the mother presence your boys have always needed, etc etc etc". Until we move in together. Then suddenly, boys aren't going to grandma's every night, and boys have a home they stay in all week, and when boys misbehave or don't follow the rules, the punishment (ie grounded, no TV etc) actually sticks past 8:00 pm when they go to grandma's who of course is....GRANDMA and doesn't enforce shit!
BM is suddenly MIL's buddy. Now they chat daily, MIL went so far as to invite BM and boys to her house for Christmas dinner when BM was getting them in the afternoon, with DH's sister and children, while DH and I were home alone. Told BM personal and intimate things that I had confided in her. (DH's struggle with his sister dying of cancer, his depression, the trouble in our relationship, due to OSS, etc). When we got engaged BM called MIL and asked if she "had heard the big news?" MIL shared details of our wedding plans (until I figured it out and cut MIL completely out of the plans and treated her like every other ordinary guest). MIL even had the nerve to ask DH if she could bring BM as her date so she could see the boys dressed up and take pictures. Yeah my MIL is psycho crazy. Just like BM. So my DH brings two for me to deal with, on top do two SS, one of which has major issues and causes a great deal of tension. We have started counseling. DH won't stand up to his mother or BM and it drives me INSANE!!!!
So, I feel your pain. And it sucks. I'm sorry you have this to deal with too.
My mother in law has invited
My mother in law has invited the BM to quite a few things. Many things are big family functions where she doesn't even extend the invitation to me our the child that her son and I share. When I say anything to my husband about it he always sticks up for her. Sometimes he even says that she's crazy and that's just the way she is. Like I'm supposed to just accept that. I don't know...I love my husband but I don't want to keep this cycle going. If we divorce then my poor son will have to face all of these things. I'm not ready for that yet.
He is not going to change.
He is not going to change. Period. He's Mama's boy and will never cross her. In order to have some influence on raising the kids you'll have to fight a biological mother, biological father and biological grandmother. Do you really think you have a chance of making this work?
You can try the program I've linked below and see if it works for you but if not you'll either live with it or leave:
omg it is like i wrote this
omg it is like i wrote this but not about my mother in law but my sister in law she does the same exact thing and im so fed up with it, about two weeks ago i just had to stop it and i got to he point where i told my husband or u talk to her and make her understand her place or i file for divorce. i gave him those two choices. He promised he will talk to her still waiting but my decisions is still the same is all up to him
I'm with you! I too have
I'm with you! I too have given my husband that ultimatum. Still nothing. My family thinks that I should have the conversation with my mother in law, but I don't feel it's my place. I wouldn't expect my husband to have that conversation with my mom if the shoe were on the other foot. I'm just so damn sick and tired of this situation. I've blocked her phone calls. I won't even talk to her. I WANT her to ask my husband why I won't. We've been involved for almost 5 years now. I feel like it's time for him to step up and be a father to his own children and not depend on someone else to raise them. He needs to sever the umbilical cord. They aren't my kids and they aren't his mothers. I don't expect him to raise my children! In his mind, just getting his kids is good enough. I guess I kind of got off topic. lol.
Yuck. I'm sick just reading
Yuck. I'm sick just reading that...
Your husband has given in to a child's, an ex's, and his mother's WANTS? ...multiple times? That is so unattractive and not worthy of respect or admiration from his WIFE (the only opinion that should matter to him). Tell him that for me please. It would be different if he was catering to other people's NEEDS. But their wants? What the???
What does the court order say about visits? Why is BM allowed to call the shots? Do you feel that your man is giving up his power? And have you told him how you can't admire a man who does this?
Oh, and some MIL's are stupid when it comes to their "grandbabies"...Hey granny, it is unwise to call and negotiate visits with a woman you called CPS on. And your actions have hurt your son's ability to be a father in his child's life. Ever hear of loyalty? Dumbass. Anyway, your man could knock some sense into his mother if he wanted to. It's not your place because none of her actions really concern YOU, but you could certainly tell your man how HIS actions make you not interested in having sex with him. Unless you get turned on by powerless men, he should know that his handling of this situation grosses you out. (I may be speaking for you here, but truly...I think it's gross when men act like wimps!)