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SS with no conscious ruining my marriage...

hangingbyathread6's picture

My husband and I were married in Aug 2013. Between the two of us we have 5 children. I have two girls (14 & 12) and a son who is 7. My husband has two sons aged 14 & 12. And a very bitter, vindictive, jealous and manipulative ex wife. They have been divorced since 2006. My husband and I have primary custody of both sets of kids.

My oldest SS often causes issues with behavior problems and often I feel does things to try and drive a wedge between my husband and I. And often it works. My husband isn't good at discipline and allows my SS to make excuses and manipulate through lies to make my husband feel sorry for him rather than hold him accountable for his behavior. He is also a serial liar.

We struggle with his behavior, usually after being at his mother's for her scheduled visitation time. She bad mouths my husband and I. Has flat out told the children lies about both of us. Instead of being a parent, acts like their friend in attempt to win them over and get them to say they want to live with her. She works limited hours because she chooses too. She pays $80/month in support to my husband and is behind on that. She gives no effort to support the boys and has had the nerve to tell my husband that we are supposed to help her out! Asked for groceries. Socks. OTC allergy medication. Won't pay for half of their extra curricular activities like she is supposed to, Because she has no $$. But has plenty when she is out in the bar.

The other night my stepson had his cell phone confiscated because his schoolwork was poor. That is the rule in our home. My husband was looking through his phone and saw that he was referring to his 12 yr old stepsister as "the slutty one". My daughter is very much a tomboy. Plays hockey, very athletic and only recently has been in to fixing her hair and such (like within the last month). My husband went to talk to SS when he saw this to ask why would SS ever talk about his sister this way. (Our children have a wonderful relationship, call each other siblings without us ever having told them to do so and have before the marriage and have always seemed very close so this was shocking to my husband). My SS told my husband he didn't My husband said I have your phone, I saw you say this (to the SS's gf which is another issue in and of itself...I don't approve...too young for such things...8th grade), it's here in your phone! So SS, after being somewhat forced into discussing what this was about by my husband, told him "because she touches me". My husband was confused and couldn't believe it. He asked what are you talking about? Like on accident when you are all playing around? My SS said no on purpose. She touches me. My husband said in your private area? The answer was yes. My husband came down and said we have some problems. Said I saw this on SS's phone and went to ask why he would call his SS slutty? He told me she touches him. I immediately called for my daughter (they were all in bed as it was bedtime) and said I want to talk to you. My husband said call SS too. So we sat at the table and I said " we seem to have a problem and we need to discuss this and get this taken care of". SS would not repeat what he said. Just looked at the table. My daughter asked what is going on. I said "what is going on? You're brother says you are touching him. Is this going on? SS tell me what she's done and we need to talk about it" he wouldn't look at either of us. Daughter said "what?? What are you talking about?" I explained what SS said and she was appalled. She asked him when did this happen and what are you talking about? He said I never said that. I said your dad just came downstairs saying you told him this. My husband said "you told me she is touching you when I asked why you called her a slut." SS said I guess it didn't happen. I looked at more messages on his phone. He was telling his gf my daughter was talking about things they (him and his gf) would do. Sexual things. Asking if she does that. And then oh I think she is going to touch me again. And that she touched him. And how. And that she would ask if the gf did that. I kept the kids home from school the next day and my oldest daughter as I found out through SS's phone that when this happened was when the three of them were together (SS and my two BDs). Apparently when it supposedly happened was while he was hanging out with my daughters in their room and all three were there. Other daughter was shocked to hear this. Younger daughter started to cry. Oldest daughter started to cry. The children all seemed to be very close. The girls love their stepbrothers and were so upset he said this. He wouldn't look at anyone. He changed his story to be that it was when they were all playing but she did it intentionally. Then it changed for grabbing his one is to well I guess it was she pinched my butt to well she sat on my lap. I didn't say she said things about me and gf. (I had screenshots of his messages) I said "SS" these are your messages. This is what you said. He admitted he lied. Actually he said " well maybe I made it more than it was and said a couple things that weren't exactly true". Needless to say, my girls were devastated. I told my husband that this was the last straw, SS will get counseling!! I have been saying he needed it for over two years because of anger issues, lying, lack of remorse and other behavioral issues, but husband would never agree to it. I told my husband I don't want him around my children ( aside from this allegation he has been physical with my 7 yr old. Choking him, shaking him, pushing him to the ground and holding him there, etc) and he needs help. He needs it and we do as a family to help work through this most recent issue and how to help SS. My husband doesn't want to send him to his BM as it would be detrimental, and I agree, she is a nut job, so I gave him the option of going to stay with his mother (my MIL, 1 mile away from home, and the MIL is a whole other issue) or I would take my three and stay at my parents (15 miles away). He brought the boys to his mother's. I felt he should take both stepsons in the event the BM hears about this and tries to cause issues ( she filed an abuse charge against my husband stating he abused his kids and mine and me physically, just two months ago. After an investigation we just got the letter two weeks ago that the complaint was found to unmerited ) that it would be best that younger SS wasn't here.

Husband seems so angry with me that we need to be apart. I don't like it either but I don't know what else to do. SS jeopardized my children's lives also. And is unremorseful. Husband and I have an appt with a counselor Thursday and SS the day before. We are starting with my husband and I but intend to involve the family.

This is driving a wedge between husband and I. SS told MIL while he was with her (because husband was with other SS and me and my three) that he struggles with the divorce (it was in 2006), that they sold the house (it was 2 bedrooms and wouldn't fit all 7 of us), the bonfires they would have in the yard (my family has a camp on the lake that we go to every weekend in the summer and bonfires occur each night, and in the 2 1/2 yrs DH and I were dating there was maybe two fires in the back yard) and the time that was just his brother, him and dad. He wishes it was that way.

I'm at my end. He has caused so much turmoil. So many arguments. Inhave always treated them the same as my own. Held to the same standards but rewarded in the same way. I'm actually at the point that if he had to go live with his crazy psycho mother I just don't care anymore. Maybe that's where he needs to be. I feel terribly about it, but I have done so much for this kid only to get issue after issue.

DH called and asked me to come and pick SS up and take him for a ride and tell him what I want from him and need him to do. I refused. Told my DH that it shouldn't be what I need to do to make evil SM happy, but what WE need him to do to try to repair the damage. That WE are UNITED. My DH doesn't see how having me do it makes me the bad guy with SS. I can't wait until Thursday. It's going to be a long three days!

Am I doing the right thing by having them leave until we get to a counselor? My BDs want nothing to do with oldest SS. But my BS asks about his brothers and where they are or why oldest SS isn't here but younger one and stepdad are home (after school, for dinner, to say goodnight). I don't what to do.

Smellissa's picture

I don't know what the right thing to do about your DH and SSs leaving is. I'm sorry, it sounds like you and your children are miserable, right now. It has to be hard!

I had a friend give me some advice, lately. My youngest SD tends to be over dramatic, and really wants our neighbors and my relatives to believe that I am beating her up. So, I was talking to friend about this, and she told me that after SD is done with her fits, I need to document her admitting that she was making up any abuse claims. Friend said to have her write it down, and sign it, but you could get it on video, to.

Since your SS made such serious allegations, and your daughters are so young, I really think you should do this. That way, if he makes another allegation, down the road, you have proof that he is lying this time. I also think, if you record it orally, or via video, that it should be your husband, and not you who does this. That way, no one can claim that you coerced him.

Good luck! I hope things get better soon!

EvilestStepMother's picture

I really don't think it's anything more than he is a stupid and young teen boy who wants his girlfriend to do the things he is projecting onto his step sister.

Everyone here is trying to do their best with other peoples 'spawn'. I think she and her DH are doing their best with a screwed up kid.

Orange County Ca's picture

Sounds like the boy has had consequences for his inappropriate texting. The boy came out immediately lying so I also think the girl didn't need to be involved but I understand that we're looking back and weren't there at the time. Don't feel bad you did what you thought was right.

It being obvious the boy lied and in light of what has happened since I'd be very tempted to call the whole thing off. Perhaps a "exit" interview by Daddy with the boy in effect "What did you learn"?

Then I'd bring the boy back and let the girls shun him as long as they need to. The younger brother will remain in the dark as well as anyone else who isn't in on it so far.

People makes mistakes, 14 yo boys are very sexually oriented and confused about what to do and until he got caught he did nothing to rile up the family. He didn't make the claim until cornered and desperately tried to find a way out.

I'd try and let the family return to normal as best as can be done. Daddy can make suggestions as to how to go about redeeming himself by being especially nice and co-operative to everyone involved, both parents and both girls.

herewegoagain's picture

Hmmm…tough one, but I have to say I am a bit saddened that when a boy says such things he is automatically a liar, but if her daughter had said such things, no doubt that she would react differently and so would most of society. Amazing.

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

I think you did nothing wrong ~ I would have been a total maniac !!!

I don't know if I would have been calm enough to sit everyone down like you did. I appauld you !!

This is something I would have been irrational about. The utter lying makes me sick ~ your poor daughter. The internal dialogue in her head must be all over the place ~ she should be you #1 priority not that lying douchebag. I would have concerns with the idea of him having some sort of sexual vision with your daughter. He could have picked anyone in his environment to say that happened w. But he picked your daughter. Think about that concept.

His grasping for different excuses just compounds the thought if his lies coming out. She touched me ~ she didn't ~ I exaggerated. Wtf ~ kid own it ~ tell the truth. Kids initial reaction is to lie when corner ~ you interrogate them they blame others ; you ask again n eventually the truth will surface.

Your DH bs was rudiculous ~ take a drive with him. Are you kiddin me ??? How bout you put your big boy pants on and take this issue ~ it's not your daughters lying ~ it's his sons bs. How can a father turn to the SM n say take this one. Doesn't DH realize the huge elephant in the room is his son. Sorry this pisses me off big time. This isn't just a lie ~ it's is a sexual accusation that could blow up in your face. Your daughter probably will never forgive him ever ~ even if there was an appriopate apology out there ~ which is far fetched in itself.

hangingbyathread6's picture

I would like to respond to the couple comments that said my daughter may have done it and the poor child was cornered and how would I have responded if it was my daughter saying those things. SS has a history of lying and manipulating...not just about little things. Second, I fully said to my SS I need to know what happened and what went on, because one of two things is occurring...either 1 you are a victim of something terrible and I need to get her help, and you, because it affects you also, or 2 stepsister is being accused of something very ugly and heinous that didn't happen and that is very wrong also. My oldest daughter is 14 and we were involved in a molestation at daycare case when she was 2 1/2 so I take this situation VERY VERY seriously! Third...when this allegedly occurred my BD14 was present. My SS14 and my BD12 and BD14. All hanging out, laughing, watching TV and playing on their iphones. She saw NONE of it. Heard none of it. He is a pathological liar. He has alleged other things in the past to get his way. He had his iphone taken away and grounded for poor grades and not doing homework two months ago, he told his BM his dad hit him because he was in trouble and showed her a bruise. We had to go through a CPS investigation. ALL SEVEN OF US...MY BKs INCLUDED. The bruise he had was from playing hockey. He was hit with a puck. But it sure looked like the size of a fist. The bruise was on his shoulder.

As other posters have said, and I agree, and if you could read the messages and the way he keeps going back to it and does elicit responses from gf, he was using it as a gateway to open up a sexual discussion with GF.

Also, my MIL called my DH to tell him that SS14 had a "good day" with Grandma. He opened up to me. He is having problems and struggling with the divorce (my DH and his BM divorced in 2006, my SS was 4. She left them for another man and chose not to be a part of their life until 4 years ago), he is upset you sold the house (my DH house was sold 2 yrs ago, and had 2 bedrooms. It wouldn't fit our family of 7. On top of the fact that my DH works night shift and so the SSs were there after school until 8 and then slept at Grandma's except for two nights a week), he misses it being just you and him and SS12.

It is obvious that this is another attempt to break up my DH and I. He is a spoiled brat who doesn't like to be held accountable. My DH let him manipulate him for everything he wanted and I don't allow it. SS can't have EVERYTHING he wants, right now. He must earn it. Or ask for it as a gift for birthday, etc. He is one of five kids.

My SS14 is scheduled to see a counselor this week. I feel terrible that my SS12 and Bkids are suffering too.

I appreciate all the support, advice, and comments, but please know that I take this very seriously, it has nothing to do with not thinking it can happen to a boy.

hangingbyathread6's picture

I agree Cat that it should be gone. I told my DH so. He said it has been. However SS is at my MIL's house and so is the phone. DH says MIL wouldn't give it to him. I disagree which also upsets DH. His mother is also a master manipulator and devious and scheming. She never had anything good to say about BM but as soon as DH and I moved in together and started planning a wedding, she suddenly had issues with me. Because now, the Skids no longer needed to go to her place to sleep at night while DH worked night shift. They stayed home and slept in THEIR beds in THEIR home, OUR HOME.

She also didn't like that when SS14 would be disciplined by having phone taken away or grounded for grades, lying, other inappropriate behavior that warrants discipline and we would follow through on it. Because prior if my DH disciplined him it was only in effect until 8:00pm when Skids would go to grandma's house where she of course would let them do anything.

She suddenly started having regular contact with Skids BM. Phone calls, visits, etc. Discussing mine and my DH lives and our home. INAPPROPRIATE!! MIL told BM personal details about some things going on in our home, to which BM texted nasty, snotty messages to me. The only way for her to know was through MIL as it was in connection to DH having a hard time dealing with his sister dying of cancer and I had spoken with my MIL in how to help him. MIL discussed our wedding plans with Skids BM. I called MIL out on all of this. Told her that she has no business discussing DH and I with his exwife who has never done anything but try to hurt DH with lies. (And yet his mother continues to keep a relationship with her...using that that is the only way she sees her grandkids...not true btw). So I distanced myself from MIL. I discuss nothing with her. While planning the wedding I told her nothing. Sent her an invitation like she was any other guest. Because when we first told her we were engaged she actually had the nerve to ask if she could bring DH's ex wife as her guest so she could see Skids all dressed up and get pictures. UMMMM HELL NO!!!

I don't trust MIL and would have preferred my DH and Skids stay in the home and me and my BKids stay with my parents for a while but it would have been a huge inconvenience while the kids are all still in school. I have been checking the phone account daily to see if SS14 has been using it. So far he has not. I'm hoping this continues.

It feels like Thursday will never get here so we can discuss this arrangement with the family counselor and either know what we have been doing is the right thing or that we should take a different approach such as have everyone home and allow the girls to avoid SS (and me) as we work through this.

At this time I feel all consequences must be handled through my DH. So this doesn't turn into it's the evil stepmom who is making me do things and laying down the consequences.

Birdie55's picture

I would have the same reaction as you,no doubt about it. Your first priority is to your children. Having said that I would get the dad to speak to the kid to find out why he really said it. The kid needs counselling and he needs to be monitored and should not be in the girls rooms anyway alone. It's important to introduce private space as a protective factor.