Going to counseling
I finally did it! I just made an appointment with a counselor that has experience in dealing with stepfamiles. Earliest date I could get in is June 19. I am going to try the first session by myself then if I think she will be a good match, I am going to see if DH will come, too. If not, I will continue to go by myself. Either way, I'm just glad I will have someone to talk to about the failure to launch skids and maybe the counselor can help me (us) come up with an exit plan for the skids that my DH will accept. I'm so excited!!
Good for you!
Good for you!
That's great. You should be
That's great. You should be amazed at how much s/he can help. If you're not after a couple of sessions find another one. You should not have to go past perhaps six or eight sessions. Anything past that is just milking the cow - you.
Here's hoping for the best it should be a lot of help.
I hope it helps for you and
I hope it helps for you and you get your DH to go. I went to a counselor also and to my surprise after I told her everything that was going on and how I was treated by my DH, she asked "why are you still there????" Know how many times I have asked myself that and my situation isn't nearly as bad as alot on here.
My DH has agreed to accompany me today so I have hope.
It does feel great to have someone to talk to and I think you will find great relief in that alone.
Congratulations! Our first
Congratulations! Our first session is tonight. I have hope.
Steppy and
Steppy and whatamess....please let me know how your sessions turned out. I would really like some insight about what I am getting myself into.
Good luck to both of you! 
I agree with the posters who
I agree with the posters who say if you don't get anything out of it, any rapport or insight, after a couple sessions then that counselor is not the one for you. I was terrified before doing this over a year ago that I'd get one of those counselors that you hear on here, who knew nothing about the subject but instead expected the step-parent to simply suck everything up and enable everyone else. Instead we got someone incredibly perceptive who made many helpful observations to the pair of us and who held the ring well when it came to what was dysfunctional between us. My advice is observe their approach carefully, check you have a good gut feeling about them, and then wait for them to do their stuff... they should be doing a lot of the work and you should see results at least in your own insights, pretty well immediately by the second session.
Thanks for all the support
Thanks for all the support and the advice about the counseling sessions. I'll pay close attention to the therapist's style and if doesn't seem to fit what I need them I'll find another therapist. I live in Vermont - a small state and I could only find 2 therapists that said they had experience with stepfamilies. Slim pickin's!
Our session went well last
Our session went well last night. The therapist clearly summarized our primary issue and we each got to say a lot. A big suggestion she had was to see if I was willing to have a session with SD and my DH. I'm very leery of this. With a normal person, I would think this is a great idea, however, SD is not normal. I'm going to think it over and discuss it with my regular therapist. At this point it may be too soon to consider that option but I'm open to considering it. We have another session next week. My hope is growing.
Glad to hear it went well!
Glad to hear it went well! It definitely seems like it is too early to involve the stepdaughter in the sessions yet. Seems like you and DH should work on communicating in the sessions first. Find a common ground to stand on then maybe have the stepdaughter join you. I'm not a counselor but that just seems logical to me. Keep us posted on the progress!
Something to consider is your
Something to consider is your health care plan. I once was insured by an HMO. The counselors were competent but were limited time-wise for budget reasons. My DH and I went to two counseling sessions without really addressing our communication issues, let alone problems with SD. Your counselor seems to be moving a bit fast and I wonder if he/she is under time constraints. If so, look for someone who wants to take the time to fists and foremost, discuss the issues you and your DH are facing with the skids.
I really would not have
I really would not have therapy with a stepchild unless I had brought them up as a quasi-parent. Otherwise the therapist is likely working with too many givens of their own which I might not agree with, and, they will hear your spouse's intimate feelings about you which I would find unbearable if these included negative feelings. Am I naive about this? Could end up being intimate abuse.
Isn't this the case most of
Isn't this the case most of the time - communication problems in the marriage? You just can't seem to convince DH that the marriage should be his number one priority, and this carries over into how he allows his children to treat you. If someone treated your son like you have been treated by your skids how would you react? It shouldn't matter if Daddy feels guilty or not. It's all about love and respect and communication.