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Teenage SS making false allegations of sexual abuse by younger Stepsister

hangingbyathread6's picture

My husband and I were married in Aug 2013. Between the two of us we have 5 children. I have two girls (14 & 12) and a son who is 7. My husband has two sons aged 14 & 12. And a very bitter, vindictive, jealous and manipulative ex wife. They have been divorced since 2006. My husband and I have primary custody of both sets of kids.

My oldest SS often causes issues with behavior problems and often I feel does things to try and drive a wedge between my husband and I. And often it works. My husband isn't good at discipline and allows my SS to make excuses and manipulate through lies to make my husband feel sorry for him rather than hold him accountable for his behavior. He is also a serial liar.

We struggle with his behavior, usually after being at his mother's for her scheduled visitation time. She bad mouths my husband and I. Has flat out told the children lies about both of us. Instead of being a parent, acts like their friend in attempt to win them over and get them to say they want to live with her. She works limited hours because she chooses too. She pays $80/month in support to my husband and is behind on that. She gives no effort to support the boys and has had the nerve to tell my husband that we are supposed to help her out! Asked for groceries. Socks. OTC allergy medication. Won't pay for half of their extra curricular activities like she is supposed to, Because she has no $$. But has plenty when she is out in the bar.

The other night my stepson had his cell phone confiscated because his schoolwork was poor. That is the rule in our home. My husband was looking through his phone and saw that he was referring to his 12 yr old stepsister as "the slutty one". My daughter is very much a tomboy. Plays hockey, very athletic and only recently has been in to fixing her hair and such (like within the last month). My husband went to talk to SS when he saw this to ask why would SS ever talk about his sister this way. (Our children have a wonderful relationship, call each other siblings without us ever having told them to do so and have before the marriage and have always seemed very close so this was shocking to my husband). My SS told my husband he didn't My husband said I have your phone, I saw you say this (to the SS's gf which is another issue in and of itself...I don't approve...too young for such things...8th grade), it's here in your phone! So SS, after being somewhat forced into discussing what this was about by my husband, told him "because she touches me". My husband was confused and couldn't believe it. He asked what are you talking about? Like on accident when you are all playing around? My SS said no on purpose. She touches me. My husband said in your private area? The answer was yes. My husband came down and said we have some problems. Said I saw this on SS's phone and went to ask why he would call his SS slutty? He told me she touches him. I immediately called for my daughter (they were all in bed as it was bedtime) and said I want to talk to you. My husband said call SS too. So we sat at the table and I said " we seem to have a problem and we need to discuss this and get this taken care of". SS would not repeat what he said. Just looked at the table. My daughter asked what is going on. I said "what is going on? You're brother says you are touching him. Is this going on? SS tell me what she's done and we need to tLk about" he wouldn't look at either of us. Daughter said "what?? What are you talking about?" I explained what SS said and she was appalled. She asked him when did this happen and what are you talking about? He said I never said that. I said your dad just came downstairs saying you told him this. My husband said you said she is touching you when I asked why you called her a slut. SS said I guess it didn't happen. I looked at more messages on his phone. He was telling his gf my daughter was talking about things they (him and his gf) would do. And that she touched him. And how. And that she would ask if the gf did that. I kept the kids home from school the next day and my oldest daughter as I found out through SS's phone that he told his gf about this. Planed when it supposedly happened was while he was hanging out with my daughters in their room and all three were there. Other daughter was shocked to hear this. Younger daughter started to cry. Oldest daughter started to cry. The children all seemed to be very close. The girls love their stepbrothers and were so upset he said this. He wouldn't look at anyone. He changed his story to be that it was when they were all playing but she did it intentionally. Then it changed for grabbing his one is to well I guess it was she pinched my butt to well she sat on my lap. I didn't say she said things about me and gf. (I had screenshots of his messages) I said "SS" these are your messages. This is what you said. He admitted he lied. Actually he said " well maybe I made it more than it was and said a couple things that weren't exactly true". Needless to say, my girls were devastated. I told my husband that this was the last straw, SS will get counseling!! I have been saying he needed it for over two years because of anger issues, lying, lack of remorse and other behavioral issues, but husband would never agree to it. I told my husband I don't want him around my children ( aside from this allegation he has been physical with my 7 yr old. Choking him, shaking him, pushing him to the ground and holding him there, etc) and he needs help. He needs it and we do as a family to help work through this most recent issue and how to help SS. My husband doesn't want to send him to his mother as it would be detrimental, and I agree, so I gave him the option of going to stay with his mother (1 mile away from home, and the MIL is a whole other issue) or I would take my three and stay at my parents (15 miles away). He brought the boys to his mother's. I felt he should take both stepsons in the event the ex wife hears this and tries to cause issues ( she filed an a use charge against my husband stating he abused his kids and mine and me physically, just two months ago. After an investigation we just got the letter two. Weeks ago that the complaint was found to unfounded) that it would be best that younger SS wasn't here.

Husband seems so angry with me that we need to be apart. I don't like it either but I don't know what else to do. SS jeopardized my children's lives also. And is unremorseful. Husband and I have an soot with a counselor Thursday and SS the next day. We are starting with my husband and I but intend to involve the family.

This is driving a wedge between husband and I. SS told grandma while he was woth her (because husband was with other SS and me and my three) that he struggles with the divorce (it was in 2006), that they sold the house (it was 2 bedrooms and wouldn't fit all 7 of us), the bonfires they would have in the yard (my family has a camp on the lake that we go to every weekend in the summer and bonfires occur each night) and the time that was just his brother him and dad. He wishes it was that way.

I'm at my end. He has caused so much turmoil. So many arguments. Inhave always treated them the same as my own. Held to the same standards but rewarded in the same way. I'm actually at the point that if he had to go live with his crazy psycho mother I just don't care anymore. Maybe that's where he needs to be.

I'm afraid my marriage will end because of this. I just dint know what to do.

fedupstep's picture


Separating the kids was the best option. DH needs to get SS some help NOW. If he doesn't, you have to do what you have to do to keep your kids safe from him. He obviously needs help and a lot of it!

hangingbyathread6's picture

Thank you. I needed to hear that separating us was the right choice to make by someone outside the situation. My DH is so upset we aren't all together (as am I) and doesn't understand why SS can't just be grounded to his room and all of us be together like any other time he is in trouble. My answer was because this isn't a NORMAL CHILD OFFENSE. DH wanted me to pick up SS and take him for a ride and talk to him about what I want and expect from him to make this better. I refused. I told DH that to me, it makes it appear that it is "what do I have to do to fix this with SM so Dad and us can go back home? She is the one who is angry so I'll do what she wants" and makes me the bad guy. I feel it should be US saying what it is. That a united front regarding how terrible this is needs to be presented. And that SS needs to one actually verbalize out loud what he did (he has only said well I guess I stretched the truth into one of my wicked lies"), acknowledge the gravity of the situation, sincerely apologize to his sisters and his father and I and his brothers as this has affected the WHOLE family, and that even after that he has to show he is working on making amends and being sincere and remorseful. The "I'm sorry" but the same types of behavior continues doesn't work. I've heard it far too many times from him.
I'm also afraid that if I let SS come back and he "behaves" in front of DH it will be "he's doing so much better and he's been so good, maybe he gets it and doesn't need the counseling" and it will stop. It can not stop! He needs it...for this most recent situation but for a myriad of other issues the child has. It's going to be a long week waiting for Thursday when DH and I go to the counselor to start to work through this.

AllySkoo's picture

I agree, you absolutely did the right thing. You need to protect your girls, and your DH is insane if he thinks SS should be anywhere near them at this point. What if the gf's parents looked at her phone and saw those messages?!? They could call CPS and your daughter - who did nothing! - could be taken out of the house! He's risking her future, and for what? Kicks and giggles?!? NO. A million times no. He'd have to undergo some pretty intensive therapy for me to even consider allowing him into the same home as my child.

hangingbyathread6's picture

That's exactly how I feel! And then there was a big argument this afternoon because I left work early to be home when my BS7 got home because I didn't want my SS14 to be there alone with ANY of my kids. DH had to leave for a meeting. He got angry because I said I thought SS14 was going straight to MIL's after school? I'll be home and take care of BS7. DH starts about how they can't be around at all!!?? He (SS14) will NEVER be able to try and make this right if he is NEVER allowed to be around! My reply was no one ever said NEVER, but for now this is the way it needs to be. SS14 has his first counseling session tomorrow, we go on Thursday and we will discuss with a professional if this is the right course of action or what would be best, until then he is NOT to be around any of my kids. On top of that, at what point has SS14 made any attempt to start repairing the damage or even straight up owning what he did and sincerely apologizing? How can he when he's not allowed to be around anyone? He's had him at the house yesterday morning before the kids went to school. He looked at no one. Spoke to no one. The last time I checked your mother has a phone. At no point has he picked it up and try to contact by phone my daughters or my self. His apology to his stepsisters needs to be for betraying them and saying such hideous and awful things about his youngest stepsister. His wrong to me is he jeopardized MY children and our life with his viciousness.

So DH stomped off in a huff, SS14 off to grandma's but left SS12 here ( who didn't do anything and is generally not a problem other than he can be greedy and expect material things often, or the occasional typical child lie), even after he said why should he get to stay here. I'll take him too. You don't want him either.

Of course he only took the oldest and came back, walked in the house, grabbed what he needed and walked over kissed me and said I love you, I'll see you later. Typical. Believe me, this counseling is not only needed for how to handle this most recent issue, but for DH to realize his passive aggressive behavior and that he wears rose colored glasses when it comes to his sons. But can pick apart what is wrong with other people's kids without a problem. If it was someone else's kid that did this to a step sibling he would be appalled! As a matter of fact, there have been times SS14 has done something that someone we know child has done and when it's the other persons child....what a little bastard! But not when it's SS14!! There's always an excuse...SS Struggles with his mother and her trying to brainwash him, SS struggles with this or that (the divorce, the new marriage, his mom is usually the most often used excuse). I would maybe understand that more if he spent lots of time with his BM, but she has him 10 days a month, otherwise he is with the two of us.

hangingbyathread6's picture

Thank you! We saw the counselor today, and my SS yesterday. He did discuss what he did with her and in our session today she let us know that he did admit he was lying. Great! But he also has to admit it to his father, me and my daughters. My DH who has been so angry with me regarding pushing SS out of the home and not involving him in our life for the last week heard from the PROFESSIONAL that yes, that was absolutely the right thing to do at that time. And she recommended SS stay out of the home for at least another two weeks. Until she has had more time with him and us and that me and my BD's have had time to heal a little from what happened. She also told my DH that SS is a very troubled teen and needs help. That he has anger issues, emotional issues and moral issues.

Although it shouldn't have been, it was satisfying to have my DH have to hear from a PROFESSIONAL that SS is a problem and needs help and what I did was right and that I'm. It just being the evil stepmother out to get him.

We go again next week. I am more at ease than I have been in a while. There's a LONG LONG LONG road ahead but for the first time in a long time I feel somewhat hopeful. I feel that either SS and DH will do what is necessary or DH will at least say if you aren't going to change and make amends and work on your issues then you are trouble and you can't be with the rest of my family. I think it's starting to hit him , just how serious this is, and how much of a toll SS behavior over the past two years, culminating in this has affected us (me) DH was agreeable in counselor a suggestions and seemed to let what she was saying sink in. Here's to hoping!

hangingbyathread6's picture

And also, my other SS is home tonight for the first time in a week. The counselor recommended it, especially since we have corroborating statements from a professional that SS 14 was lying so psycho BM can't try to twist anything and jeopardize DH's custody of SS12. It's so wonderful to have him home. And I can see he is happy to be here. My bios missed him and he missed them. My BD7 was so excited to have his brother home and sleeping in "their " room together like they are supposed to. Kids played baseball all together in the backyard, all on their own. It makes my heart happy.