Bio mom will stop at!!
Hey all. I need to vent.
My stepdaughter is 2 and I have been an active parent in her life since she was 4 months old. She has known me as mama her whole life. She started calling me that, it was never forced. It has been a nightmare through the courts during the past 2 years. Bio mom wants full custody and will stop at nothing to get it. She has now gone as far as lying to the police, judges and CAS saying that my fiance (her ex) punched her current boyfriend. They had him charged with assault. She took a video of this, and what it shows is him reaching into the car window (because they told him he would never see his daughter again) to try to unlock the car so he could get his daughter back, not punching anyone, yet because it's a tad bit blurry the police believe her and he is being charged. CAS is now involved and we have only seen my stepdaughter for 3 hours in the span of 1.5 months.
At our last visit with CAS (we are having supervised access right now) she called me by my first name. Something she has never once done before. Bio mom is over there teaching her that I am to be referred to by my first name and that calling me mama is wrong. She is confusing my stepdaughter and will stop at nothing to get what she wants. She consistently breaks the court orders and constantly belittles my fiance calling him a sperm donor, woman beater, name it.
It has been so hard on all of us. We have a 2 month old now and my stepdaughter is missing him grow up. She has only seen him for 3 hours in the past 1.5 months.
We are in and out of court constantly and she always seems to get what she wants. Nothing ever goes our way. All we want is to have our time with my stepdaughter but bio mom constantly denies access, brings us to court, and is always difficult. She is bipolar and has anger issues. Her parents were abusive to her and now we are worried she will be abusive to my stepdaughter. Anytime we bring up our concerns though, CAS never seems to care and tells us that bio mom denies the accusations. Well duh she does. No one wants to listen and no one seems to open their eyes to what is going on.
I feel like we're crazy.
Any advice would be appreciated!!
My first bit of advice, is to
My first bit of advice, is to not have your Sd call you Mom. You aren't her mom, even though we do all the things that their moms do, it's not your title to have. So, if it's a sticking point with BM, you need to let it go. It's not hurting your SD to have her mom correct her and explain that she has ONE MOM and ONE DAD.
I'm hoping your fiancé has a lawyer to help him fight the assault charges. Surely, there would be some paper trail of the boyfriend seeking medical attention if he was punched. A detailed review of the video would probably clear this up. He needs to use whatever limited parenting time he gets in the meantime and it might actually be better for the whole situation if he goes alone to these visits without you.
She's only two. If he's smart about this and keeps his cool, and fights back in court while stepping up his parenting time, she will be too young to remember any of this ever happening. I'd suggest you have no communication with the BM and let your fiancé handle all of the necessary communications.
Why would I not go see my
Why would I not go see my stepdaughter?
She calls me mom, and BM knows this. Just as BM has her daughter call her boyfriend daddy. My stepdaughter knows she has two homes, each with two parents. To take me out of the visits, and to have her start calling me by my first name would just confuse her. Especially when my newborn grows up a little more and starts calling me mommy. She will wonder why she can't call me that too. It's not like my stepdaughter is older and I just became a part of the family. I have been there, almost her entire life, raising her, teaching her and watching her grow, just as her BM has. It is just as much my title as hers. Just because she gave birth to her makes her no more her real mother than I am.
She has TWO moms and TWO dads.
I will never step down and never let the BM dictate how my stepdaughter sees me. She is person, she may only be 2 years old but she is smart, and can make her own decisions, as few as she has right now. I am her mother too, and she knows that. She loves me as a mother, because I am one.
Agree with you HRNYC.
Agree with you HRNYC.
Is this a joke? You're
Is this a joke? You're correct. You are A mother. But you are not HER mother. She does NOT have two moms and two dads. Just one of each. Seriously, you'll be a lot happier when you accept that.
She has ONE mother. And she
She has ONE mother. And she has ONE stepmother. She's 2. She does understand nearly as much as you give her credit for.
But obviously this pisses the
But obviously this pisses the BM off. So why do you want to piss off the woman that has all of the power right now?
You already said that she has stopped that bc of the BM. And no, 2yos can't make decisions. 2yos mimic what they are taught and shown.
Thank you
Thank you fightincrazytrain.
I will definately look at those websites.
She is bipolar, on paper. She was actually committed to two different mental hospitals on two separate occasions, for attempted suicides. She has scars all up and down her arms. But CAS could care less about all that, they say it's in the past and doesn't mean anything.
Our court papers always say all we want is to her our kid. And that's it. We don't want full custody, we just want 50/50 or 60/40..whichever, we just want our time with her, and for things to move on. We are not trying to take her away from her daughter, we just want time too. It's fair. She should be able to spend just as much time with her would think anyway...
Dad is being dad. And I am
Dad is being dad. And I am being a mother figure to her.
Apparently everyone here seems to think I should treat her as she is not my child, treat her differently from my other children.
I thought this was a group of support, instead I have people telling me how to live my life.
Thanks guys!
I understand your feelings on
I understand your feelings on the matter but it's clearly an issue with the BM. Simple solution, stop forcing the issue of her calling you Mom. You aren't her mom and by the court's definition, you have zero legal rights to the child. She's two, it doesn't matter how smart she is. You can love and care for her and teach her all the same stuff while she calls you by your name or by some fun nickname y'all come up with.
It's not alienation for her BM to correct her when she calls you mom. Like the previous poster said, you need to minimize the conflict with this type of high-conflict BM. This is an easy way for you to do so.
So it is in the best interest
So it is in the best interest of the child to take what she has known her entire life, and change it?
Of course it's OK to change
Of course it's OK to change what she has known when what she's known is wrong. You are not her mother.
Most of us here deal with BMs who make up reasons to be a pain in the ass. You are giving BM legitimate reasons to make your life hell.
My ss bm was in and out of
My ss bm was in and out of his life the first two years as well. It's heartbreaking to not only you but you fiance as well to see her mom.swoop in as if she is mother of the year when she clearly hasn't been present. But the best advice I can give you is to realize that this little girl is only two and cannot and will not remember how much you did for her in the beginning. Once you do realize this, it will totally make you feel like crap. But This will be especially true if you continue to push boundaries with bm.
Although I am in the states I am a licensed social worker and my best advice to give you regarding court is to record everything. If she text you or you text her- take a screen shot. If it is scheduled visitation and she does not provide the child- file a report and log it at home as well. The more evidence you can prove the more you will have the upper hand. And just because she is bipolar does not make her unfit. As long as she is medicated and has not tried to commit suicide in front of her child or recently, there is no court that will take a child away from its biological mother simply for that.
Just so you all are aware, BM
Just so you all are aware, BM has known her daughter calls me mama for about a year now. She has just recently decided to tell her I am not mama anymore. She has her daughter call her boyfriend Daddy, but I suppose that's ok right??
In fact, BM has a stepmother she calls MOM.
If your boyfriend has a
If your boyfriend has a problem with the little girl calling mom's boyfriend daddy, he should address it.
So....adoptive parents are
So....adoptive parents are not parents by your standards. They didn't give birth so I guess they're not real parents...?
She raised her daughter,
She raised her daughter, filled her roles....guess what. So have I. We have a 50/50 joint custody agreement and I have been there raising her just as much as her BM. In fact BM works long hours and rarely sees her daughter to begin with. Guess who spends more time with her? Right, DH and I.
If my DH and I were to separate, and one day my bio child wanted to start calling his new wife mom, it would hurt, a lot, but you know what? That is the way of the world. People break up, people die, and stepparents are referred to as mom or dad. It actually happens, A LOT. I am not sitting in court or bitching to CAS that I be referred to as mommy, I am not sitting there fighting for my rights, I am fighting for my DH's rights.
My stepdaughter will and will always call me mommy. Maybe that does not work for you and your families but my DH is 100% in support of me and my role to OUR daughter.
My stepdaughter has 2 separate homes, 2 different lives, ever since she was 3 month old. She is doing fantastic. She loves me, she loves her father, she loves her mother and she loves her mother's boyfriend. If she wants to call him daddy, DH understands that. IT'S THE WAY OF THE WORLD PEOPLE.
In that case, you should be
In that case, you should be telling all this to the BM instead of trying to convince people who know better.
That's all that matters in whether or not you are a BIO/ADOPTED parent or a STEP parent.
If you and your boyfriend
If you and your boyfriend were to break up or he died, your relationship with SD will end. However, your relations with your son will continue. Why? Because your son is your child but SD isn't.
The only connection you have to SD is through her father. If that tie is broken, then your connection to her over.
Why is BM fighting so hard
Why is BM fighting so hard for full custody? What reasons does she state in her filings that her daughter should have her father in her day-to-day life?
If BM is so OK with it, why do you think she's correcting your SD?
You claim they have a court order for 50-50 parenting, so why the sudden blow up? Were there previous claims of violence? What happened to suddenly cause the 50-50 plan to no longer be the best option for the child according to BM?
Maybe BM isn't the crazy one
Maybe BM isn't the crazy one in this situation.
Just because you will be ok with your son calling another woman mommy, doesn't mean BM has to or should be fine with it.
I come from an abusive
I come from an abusive background and I have never abused my kids. they know that they are my heart and soul and I would never hurt them. if your fdh is so worried that bm will abuse his daughter because she was abused, perhaps he shouldn't have chose to impregnate a woman who was abused as a child. she doesn't deserve to lose her daughter just because the 2 of you have decided that she is likely to abuse her because of her own abusive parents. that is beyond ridiculous to expect a court to remove the child because even though bm did nothing wrong, she was abused as a kid. :?
Yes. The more that is
Yes. The more that is written, the clearer it becomes.
Oh yah, I totally helped him
Oh yah, I totally helped him lose custody, haha. Give me a break.
BM lied to the police to get what she wants, something she has tried in the past but failed. This time is worked. Custody is actually the same as of right now 50/50, and she is breaching the court order once again. There are no documents saying we are not to have her. She is keeping her. We have visits until our meeting with CAS. But whatever, you guys clearly know the situation better than me lol
Oh and you're right maybe she isnt the crazy one here, she's just bipolar, suicidal, and doesn't' give a shit about anyone but herself, but you're all probably right it's totally me who is crazy. I'm so crazy for being hurt that my stepdaughter after 2 years called me by my name instead of mama, which she always has called me before. I'm crazy for fighting to see my stepdaughter, crazy for loving her as my own daughter. That is just crazy. I should totally just step back and not help raise her. I'll just love my DS and if my stepdaughter wants to call me mommy too I will just tell her no way kid, im not your mom. I'm only your brother's mom. Sorry.
This time is worked. Custody
This time is worked. Custody is actually the same as of right
now 50/50, and she is breaching the court order once again.
There are no documents saying we are not to have her.
Ummmmm didn't I already read somewhere that you haven't seen the kid for 1.5 months, and that all visits are now supervised because of the alleged violence of your partner? Supervised visits MUST have been court ordered somehow?
Starting to unravel.
Your role as "mommy" can
Your role as "mommy" can replaced in the blink of an eye sweety.
I said I wasn't going to post since my split and demise of a step-parent but you make me want to.
Yes, skids can call sparents mom or dad. I will say outloud I will sometimes refer to my stepdad as dad but guess what I am a grown adult, I made that choice it wasn't shoved down my throat because he got his feelings hurt...and guess what if I ever had my bio-dad and stepdad in a room together again guess who would get called by their first name? That's right it's my stepdad and it wouldn't hurt his feeling he encourages it out of respect for my sperm donor despite all of the hurt he has caused me.
The step-daughter is not "your daughter" I promise you didn't want to be there while you boyfriend was banging the bio-mom? I bet you don't want to even think about that but that is what makes her THEIR daughter and not yours unless you one day legally adopt her - which sorry chick doesn't sound like it is going to happen.
My SS was never my child and guess what one day my ex woke up and decided I wasn't a good enough stepmother, you think I will ever see him again unless it's the grocery store? You think BM would let me see him? No! But that kid still has my heart and the fact I did everything for him and I cuddled him while us cried while his mom was to busy means absolutely nothing. Take it from someone who sacrificed everything and lost the family in the blink of an eye....Dtzy can attest to this as I talked to her privately about the situation for MONTHS!
Women like you are the reason I am happy OCC could say thank god I was one of the one who got out without a child. I would go nuts if I had a baby and my ex decided it was thier child.
50/50 doesn't mean anything when if you disappear that child will eat up the lack of boundaries simply because you are gone.
You really need to listen to the advice on here. We are not trying to be mean but we have all been there.
Big hugs Dtzy! I know I said
Big hugs Dtzy!
I know I said I doubted I was going to post but was lingering and this really hit home. I did everything for my SS and literally one day lost it all, and I promise he won't see me unless it is a surprise.
I don't want to sound mean but this was round 2 as a step-parent for me, and I have been a godly stepchild and a stepchild from hell...I know what I'm talking about on all levels.
Putting the Mom title issue
Putting the Mom title issue on hold for a moment, since you aren't going to listen to us anyway.
You said earlier he has supervised visits yet now you say that the 50-50 is still in place. Which is it?
What has he done to document her refusal to abide by the 50-50 court order if that's still in place?
Why does the BM think dad shouldn't have any parenting time with the child? Why is she fighting for full custody? You said it's been going on for years, I'm trying to see how to help your BF with the actual court case but can't figure out what he's actually fighting against.
biodad here. currently the
biodad here.
currently the court order is 50/50 but because of this incident the cas has ordered supervised access until they can investigate it further. Unfortunately for us and our daughter there have been delays in the investigation such as cas waiting weeks to hear back from the police and the cas worker being on 2 weeks of vacation. We have not taken the biomom to court over her breaking the court order because right now she has the support of the cas and we would instantly lose. We are waiting out the investigation to go that step.
Why is biomom doing this? Because she sees this as an inconvenience and hassle. because she wants as much money as she can (in her last court documents she even mentioned reducing our time because with shared custody we get some of the child tax benefits. and she "needs that money") she is doing it because she is bitter of our breakup and is jealous of our new baby (now the we have a baby she is going on and on about wanting a new baby) and lastly biomom is like this because she is bipolar (diagnosed) and cannot handle any situation where she gets stressed without going off the deep end.
This has been a very stressful while for our family and doesnt need to be. She just chooses to be confrontational rather than work with us.
So BIO DAD here and WOW you
So BIO DAD here and WOW you guys are bitter, mean women!
My fiance posted on here looking for some support and advice and (save for a few posts) all she got was attacked for calling herself mom. I dont know what made you guys think you are all high a mighty and that your opinion is the only one that matters but news flash, its not.
secondly, Both myself and my ex GREW UP calling our step parents Mom and Dad, we did not make this decision when we were adults we made this decision when we were young children and stand by this decision to this day. It is actually the norm where we live, I dont know if its different where you live, but if you are doing all the same hard work as a birth mom, raising a kid, teaching them new things, molding them into who they will be in the future, Being there for them through thick and thin and also setting rules and following through and your parents see you as a parental figure then you are a mom/dad. My fiance has known me for almost a decade, she is an amazing person and has been an active person in our daughters life since she was only 4 months old. She has helped her learn to walk (she was there for her first steps), talk, count, and just recently was right in there helping her learn to potty train.
third. If you actually knew anything about family law (again maybe its different where you are than from where we are) than there are a few things you should know which is sounds like none of you do. Firstly it is frowned upon by the judges when a bio parent (mom or dad) tries to discourage a child from calling a step parent mom or dad. It is actually seen as mild child abuse (alienation). ALSO step parents do have legal rights and responsibilities. If our daughter is in the care of my fiance and something happens... guess what there are repercussions. Also if something were to happen to me, my fiance can apply for shared custody as she is a parental figure.
fourth. This thread had nothing to do with any of that. and for people to come on here and attack her for it is sickening. calling her crazy is disgusting. She is a hurting person who loves and misses the child she has helped raise. This isnt high school. Bullying someone and attacking someone is not ok. and especially not when it is clear they are already upset. Those of you who attacked her should be ashamed of yourselves.
and lastly. to those who are making assumptions about our lives and attacking dare you. We are loving caring parents. I had a child with someone who should not have had children, it was unplanned and it sucks we are now in this situation but we love our daughter with all our hearts and would not change that. ALSO none of what is going on has to do with our daughter calling my fiance mom. What this has to do with is a woman who wants all the control and all the say in raising her child and refuses to accept that despite what she may think she is not the only person who is important to our childs life.
This thread has served no purpose but to show that there are some real mean people in the world. And apparently they frequent
Wow! We are not bitter
We are not bitter women, we are women who have lived through hell. Yes, maybe my post sounds bitter but I had my life yanked from under me.
Also, this thread had provide advice such as report her not handing her over for custody to the cops, get them involved and on your side!! Don't take the situation into your own physical hands by sticking your hand in the car.
Many of us have asked for clarification on things and all we were provided with was smoke about how bad of a person BM is and she may be I don't know but I know I have a verbally abusive father who I am estranged from if I had a kid would that make me abusive? Absolutely Not! Experiencing abuse does not mean you are going to be an abusive parent.
Also, yes a stepparent has the legal rights as a BABYSITTER! Don't think some of us who have dealt with crazy haven't looked into our rights.
I have never heard of not calling a step parent mom or dad as absuive ever! In fact I have been told by those who are judges and police officers to step back! Mind you it was 9 months ago so maybe something has changed?
It is YOUR daughter not y'all's! You can push BM2 out of the picture just as fast as you got her - that may not be your plan but it is true
In Canada you can ONLY be
In Canada you can ONLY be asked to pay CS if you are
1. married to the bio parent
2. your style of living is SIGNIFICANTLY different (like homeless on the street vs. $6Million dollar house)
3. That court business about frowning on NOT calling steps "mom' and 'dad' is pure BS
When the styles of living are staggeringly different, combined family income can be taken into account, and then only if the 'poor' parent can't work for any reason other than laziness.
I speak from experience.
you dont understand
you dont understand something. My fiance isnt making a big deal about it. She hasnt mentioned it to anyone but me and you guys. She thought you guys would offer support. not attack her.
If your GF is hurting because
If your GF is hurting because she's missing the child, perhaps you need to put the blame where it belongs. Yeah, Mr Hothead who reached into a vehicle demanding his daughter and managed to get assault charges whopped on him. I imagine you antics scared the hell out of the kid too.
If all you get is supervised very limited visitation currently, it's on you. If those charges stick you might just be having to adjust to this supervision for quite some time. For someone spouting law at this board, you should have known it is unwise to take the 'law' on yourself instead of using the legal system to guard your rights.
My fiance is entitled to be
My fiance is entitled to be called mommy if our daughter so chooses to. and next time I am in court I will gladly get the docs for you to see that this is court supported
and my ex isnt using this as ammo and again cant for two reasons. first the previously mentioned fact that courts where we are from atleast do not take kindly to a bio parent fighting against that (it is not the best interest of the child but rather just because the bio parents feelings are hurt..) second she cant because (if you actually read the messages you would know this) she encourages our daughter to call her bf Daddy. cant have it both ways.
anyway again this isnt what this post was supposed to be about. and this wasnt about bashing my ex either. This was a over stressed parent looking for some support. You sit there and say youve been through hell, well if you have been then maybe you should try being a little more empathetic to people who are also going through hell.
true- but again, income
true- but again, income disparity is what will force a CS payment.
Makes me lol. If for any reason DH and I split, i'd never lay eyes on SD again. Why on earth would anyone fight for custody.....
Not bitter, not mean. Just
Not bitter, not mean. Just telling you the truth from our experiences and you don't like it.
We didn't see the part where you only wanted us to all hold hands and sing Kumbuya
I'm starting to believe the
I'm starting to believe the assault charge now seeing how temperamental the fiancé gets just over the internet.
Just reaching his hand in the window? *Ace Ventura voice* Alllllrighhhty then!
Thanks for all the help guys.
Thanks for all the help guys.
If you cannot accept that you
If you cannot accept that you are not her mother then how do you think the bio mother is going to react?
You're a mother - how would you react to all of this if the tables were turned?
Until you can accept that you are powerless the drama will never end because you're constantly stirring the drama pot. This girl has two parents not four, support your man behind the scenes but stay out of it otherwise.
You're dead wrong and frankly causing much of the problem. Get out of the mix and let the bio-parents sort it out.
Dear Lord!! Crew for sure!!
Dear Lord!! Crew for sure!! If this is actually real..then I dead set feel so sorry for that 2 year old..!
I started laughing when I saw Op's bf don his knight in shining armour gear and leap in to defend her.. good bloody grief man! Get with the goddamn program and realise that your daughter has ONE MOM and ONE DAD - others are nothing but steps! Sheesh!!!!!!!
I understand completely where
I understand completely where you are coming from, I've raised and spent more time with SD more than BM or DH, mainly because I'm a stay at home wife/stepmother. But when people tell you that you are not her mother, they're only saying that to help you. It hurts to hear we will never be our skids biological parents, but it's true. It'll help a hell of a lot to accept that aspect and be the best bonus mom you can be. Also, just from personal experience using WE in court rooms will get you ran out of the room, and will only benefit BM. Courts solely look at the biological mom and dad only. We don't matter in the courtroom, so try not to keep using WE/OUR or at least keep it behind closed doors. I feel your pain, I really do. My advice isn't to hurt your feelings it's to help you in the long run keep your own sanity and help you as I've walked in those shoes. Your SD is only 2, they'll be a lot more shit to pile through so either put on your knee-high boots or walk out the door before marriage.
But for your sake, don't send your lover on here bashing everyone else, if a dozen people have given you the same advice..I'd think about taking it. This site is to support, but support doesn't mean sugar coat, as a young stepmother, I'm a better SM because of the upfront critics I've gotten from people on here with far more experience than me.
coming in late on this but I
coming in late on this but I feel I can close this court case.
pretty sure Mom was off her meds at some point prior to being knocked up, and you felt it ok to have a baby with her. and pls dont give me the shit excuse that she wasnt diagnosed. bipolar doesnt spring up one day out of the blue, it is always obvious something is off.
now she is crazy and bipolar which equates to: i think me and my wife or me and my husband can raise her so much better. let me explain this to you. that may be true. but this kid has a relationship and loves her momma. it is her mom. you may be able to raise her but you will never love her, and have a bond with her like her mother.. her crazy ass bipolar mother, the kid doesnt care that she is bipolar. and neither did your dh when he knocked her up.
case dismissed
This is the best post and the
This is the best post and the ultimate truth.....I heard it all to all those stories of evil BM's who trapped their former husbands into preganancies although he never-ever loved her,felt only obligated , blabla, all bullshit....the only ones who are believing it seem to be the new GFs/wifes who clearly wear rose tinted glasses listeninhg to their DH's lies!
I thought you would all just
I thought you would all just love to know that I talked to the CAS today and they are completely agreeing with me. This is not okay by them and they will be addressing it with BM. At our last visit they noticed my stepdaughter calling me by my first name and told me they will be talking to BM about it as..and I quote my stepdaughter has TWO mothers and TWO fathers and should be taught as such.
Thanks anyways bitter women but I think I will go with the children's aid society on this one.
So in Canada, a child can
So in Canada, a child can have as many "mommies" as daddy feels like having? Or as many "daddies" as mommy feels like having?
I like some things in Canada but that is complete idiocracy!
They might do that in Canada.
They might do that in Canada.
edited to add: Totally sarcastic here.
ok you crazy little girl....
ok you crazy little girl.... Good grief.... CAS in Canada does hire some complete fools- I know- we had a complete jackass.
1. told us to give SD14 unlimited access to wi-fi and her devices because it is what she is used to
2. told dH not to set limits/boundaries because it causes her grief
ummm- WHAT? First- take your head out of your ass and critically think. You are in Canada- I know that's what they teach us in high school
You can't be that naive?! YOu are one of those kids that would jump off a cliff because your friend s do.
Let me get this straight,
Let me get this straight, we're bitter by helping you? Giving advice? Experiences? Oh, it must been tough living in your clearly rose colored world where everyone is out to get you.
It doesn't matter if it's okay to the damn queen of England that your fiancé's daughter calls you mom, it's NOT okay to that child's MOTHER so back down! Good gracious.
The only thing I'm bitter about at the moment is that I may or may not have eaten some questionable Chinese food tonight. See you when you've actually been MARRIED to your fiancé for a substantial amount of time and you're back here apologizing to us "bitter women". Can't promise there won't be a "I told you so".
I will never be back on this
I will never be back on this website apologizing to anyone. I have read a pamphlet at the courts saying that bio parents are to respect the other bio parents decisions on who is called what in their household and now CAS agrees too. You say oh BM doesn't like it boo hoo. Who says its all up to her? What about BD? My SD can call BMs boyfriend daddy but not me mommy? Give me a break. She is just a jealous little girl who can walk the walk but can't take it in return . It's too bad none of you have the support I do. That little girl will always call me mommy because that is what I am to her. As well as the BM. I'm done trying to explain myself here because none of you truly know our life or siuation. I'm sorry if your step kids dont call you mom or dad because its an amazing feeling to have a child look up to you that much. Good luck.
We are not saying it is
We are not saying it is wrong. We are saying that it isn't a battle hill to die on because a crazy woman will pull ANYTHING out of her hat to get crazy about. And this is a perfect thing for her to go crazy about - EVEN IF SHE WAS OKAY WITH IT BEFORE.
That's the thing about bipolar, sometimes they CAN be reasonable!
That second last sentence is
That second last sentence is very telling. I did not know being called "mom" was a feature of narcissism until now.
and there it is
and there it is
Maybe we don't want to be
Maybe we don't want to be called Mom.
it would make me vomit. that
it would make me vomit. that nonsense is no part of me
Hahahaha pure gold!
Hahahaha pure gold!
How did I miss this post? Is
How did I miss this post? Is this even real?
ripley to the rescue again
ripley to the rescue again with a perfect post.
^^Nailed it!
^^Nailed it!
Another immature girlfriend
Another immature girlfriend getting pissy because we're telling her truths she doesn't want to hear.
I am sick and tired of these brats coming onto this board solely to have their egos stroked.
To make it worse, this one had her boyfriend go bat guano on us.
Bitter women. No asshat....we are seasoned veterans that have walked down this gilded path already. We are giving excellent advice to your clueless little girfirend who doesn't know when to back the eff off of small details so you are able to focus on the important matters.
I feel sorry for the child being treated like a Stretch Armstrong because the adults in her life are nothing but immature fidiots.
I wouldn't say immature.
I wouldn't say immature. Honestly, I would say naive. I've been where she was, feeling what she does (and dollars to donuts, once upon a time, each of us thought it could be accomplished before our dreams were dashed on the ground) and it really does hurt when you feel like you've done so much, and the only recognition you get you have to now give up voluntarily. Some people would lash out and to me, that's understandable. If you felt, from the bottom of your heart, that you love this child like your own, being told you are nothing to them has to hurt more than anything in the world. It's why I'm going easy on her.
I stand by my assessment.
I stand by my assessment.
Anyone that brings her BF to a step-parent website to dress us down "because we're being mean" is definitely immature.
I should have read it all
I should have read it all first, no point in even trying.
I can't believe she was able to get a CAS worker to answer the phone and get a prompt response. DSO would leaves messages every day and will be lucky to get a call back within 2 weeks.
Look, we're just trying to
Look, we're just trying to help you. Almost all of us have been where you are, thinking we could be a "parent" because we read and watch all those gooey movies and stories of stepparents being better than the real parents and the kids coming around and realizing that family doesn't mean blood and etc.
Heck, some of us may have even been part of those stories. But this does NOT WORK with a high conflict BM.
An ADULT man calls me "mom" because in the four years DH and I have known him, we've been more parents to him than his ever have. He introduced me to his biomom as his mom (awkward), so I get where you're coming from. You did all the work, the kid wants to acknowledge you, and you feel like you love and can be another parental figure to this kid and now these people on this site are telling you that not only do you not deserve the title, but you should refuse the title. That hurts. I know.
We're doing it for your own good, for those who have been through this over and over and over again, and we found that with high conflict BM's, for the child's sake, you don't push in a department that can be let go. For the child's sake. What would a true parent do, one who loved this kid even if they are not their parent? They would do whatever they can to reduce the drama (without sacrificing their safety or the sanctity of their home, of course) and if that means giving up the title of "mom" then so be it.
If the baby grows up into an adult and decides they want to call you mom, that's their choice. When they can STAND UP FOR THEMSELVES against their bioparent, that's when you allow it. Not a moment before. Because they will be the ones caught in this crossfire. If you love them, you will protect them from that.
The title, in the grand scheme of things, mean nothing. The bonds you form are what's most important.