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silver ring's picture

Hello, everyone...

I will try to be short with my story.

My husband and I have been together since 2008 and married since 2010. My husband has a child, boy, from a previous relationship. Biological mother was diagnosed with bipolar disorders and can't ( or does not want to...I am not sure) raise the child. The child is now 7 and a half. He has been leaving with my husband and I since he was 2- when the mother decided she can no longer care for the boy and dumped him on my husband's shoulders,boyfriend at that time. Biological mother lives in another state, sees the child when it is convenient to her, makes a bunch of excuses, has the mentality of a weekend parent, is very permissive and does not pay a dime for this child. The burden of financially provide for the kid is on my husband and I. I think it is more on my shoulders than his since he has decided that the job he was having before is not the right one. He is trying to get a master's degree in healthcare.He has been depressed and angry lately due to the fact that he is not able to get into the nursing school.
With his last job, my husband was out of town for long periods of time and I had to raise the child and take the responsibility.
My mother-in-law has a very particular way of seeing the situation. She likes to give plenty of advice and talks way too much about things she does not know. When the child was given to my husband by the biological mother, my other-in-law was very upset about the way the child was raised. I need to mentioned that he was very dirty, developmentally delayed, malnourished and bratty. She could not stand the biological mother. As the child grew older, she started making excuses for the child stating things like: " Poor child, he misses his mother!" or " The situation he has to deal with- not being with his biological mother- is very damaging for the child." " I pity the biological mother because with her mental illness- she can't raise the child.' " Okay, let's but the child whatever he asks for because poor thing he is not with his mother."
I am having a hard time dealing with her way of thinking and approaching this situation.
She often tells me: " This is not your child. You should not take responsibility for raising him or providing for him."
I have no choice right now since my husband does not have a job. I must provide financially and emotionally for the child.
I don't mind that as long as my efforts are recognized and appreciated.
Yesterday, we had to meet with her at JC Penny so that we can buy glasses for the boy. Since we did not have the money, she offered to pay. She kept saying:" The child should choose whatever pair he likes since I am paying. You guys don't understand this child. This child is missing his mother.That's way he is acting out. Bla, bla, bla." This conversation made me very upset and my husband did not say anything about it. He let her go on and on and on.
In my opinion, I think the biological mother is not apprehensive about taking care of this child. I don't doubt that she loves him. But as long as the child is cared for by someone else, she can play the fun parent.I perceive her as being very insincere and opportunistic. I think she likes the situation as it is and does not
I think my husband took and is taking me for granted. And I think that I have assumed too much responsibility on raising this child. But I had no choice when he was left with me because of my husband's job.
Biological mother plays the victim role and the " I am sick, I can't raise this child" position.
At this point, I am very hurt and don't know what to do". I have to deal with my husband's depression and my mother-in-law's comments.

What are your thoughts on this?

Thank you.

silver ring's picture

My husband tried to do custody and child support from the biological mother,but she invented physical abuse from him and succeeded not to show up in court. He spent a lot of his money on lawyers and seeing that he can't be successful, he gave up. Right now the birth mother is not paying anything for the child. She does not even know if this kid has medical insurance. She is the fun mommy who does not have any discipline or boundaries for when the kid visits with her.She is supposedly diagnosed with bipolar disorders and can't raise a child.

silver ring's picture

Yes, I am being used. I just can't get enough courage to give my husband any ultimatum.
And, yes, with my-mother-in-law paying for things, that allows her to have a say in it.
But I am approaching the end of my patience.

kathc's picture

Your DH is a spineless asshole for letting his mother talk to you that way.

STOP TAKING ANY MONEY FROM HER. If you two don't have the money, you do without. Glasses can be bought online for under $20. etc they all have coupon codes and specials they run and you order them online. All you need is the prescription from the eye doctor--just ask them for it, they will write it for you. (And, yes, you can demand they give it to you, they cannot force you to buy glasses from them--some places try to act like you can't have it and make you buy glasses there. Don't fall for it.)

Then, tell her she needs to butt the fuck out. YOU are the only mother that child has, you're doing your best to raise a child that you didn't want or ask for and she should be kissing your feet and thanking you for all you do for her son and grandson.

NotMyProblemAnymore's picture

Ugh reading your story makes my blood boil! I agree with all the posts above. They have given you wonderful insight and advice. Next time your MIL makes a comment about the kid missing his mother, tell her that's exactly why his mother needs to visit with HER son. I don't understand how she can just leave all responsibility on you! I mean we have SD full time because bio mom is literally nuts and needs help but what's your biomom's reason? First talk to your DH about leaving the kid with biomom part of the time! You needs break! Even bio moms need a break from their own kids and we are not saints!
Second, if you're looking for appreciation, you're never gonna get it! Nevah! The only reason we do anything has to be because we want to from the goodness of our hearts without expecting anything in return, least of all appreciation! It's a thankless job!
Also, stop letting your husband use you! I'm sure there are a lot of things you'd like to do while someone supports you! But you have responsibilities! His kid is NOT your problem! It's your DH's! He doesn't get an out! Ever! That's his kid! You can help when you feel
like it and be able to politely refuse when you're overwhelmed and need a break!
Don't worry about making him upset. Theyre always upset anyhow because nothing we do is ever good enough for their kids!

silver ring's picture

I would like to thank everyone who took the time to read my frustrations and give me their thoughts. It was very helpful.