SD's sneaky ways pisses me off so bad!!
So this is mostly a rant but i'm also wondering how you guys handle allowances and how to deal with a bill your skid racked up somewhere.
SD10 isn't allowed to buy breakfast or lunch from school since she accumulated a $40 plus bill last year and we had no clue because the stupid school just extended her the credit and then sent home a lovely bill towards the end of the year. Oh and did I mentioned I prepare lunches for her every morning and how much of a pain it is to get her highness to eat a decent breakfast that doesn't include pop tarts.
So we especially told the cafeteria manager last year that SD is not allowed to buy from school and please do not extend her any sort of credit.
Fast forward to almost a year later and I get a splendid little bill sent in the mail (since SD has not been giving us any notes being sent home for the past few months). Grand total? $74!!! :jawdrop:
After all the stupid lunches I packed every F ing morning and all the screaming and yelling just to get her to drink a glass of milk for breakfast! This little witch has been eating breakfast and lunch at school since the school got a new cafeteria manager who didn't have a clue about our little princess!
I'm so upset! It's not all about the money...I mean yeah we don't have that kinda dough to spend on having breakfast and lunch out everyday. I don't even buy myself coffee everyday because my mom taught us to spend wisely. DH and I take lunches from home everyday because we don't want to spend extra money on a daily basis.
The thing that got me fired up is why doesn't she eat breakfast at home? DH always gets the croissants she likes. There is always a box if granola bars in plain sight. Not to mention DH buys her favorite artichoke soufflé from Panera every Saturday! WTF!!! If she wants something, she always asks us! "I love this snack, buy it for my daddy." And DH always does!
Yesterday we confronted her and of course she first denied it till we showed her the lovely bill! Then DH told her we would be taking money out of her piggy bank to pay since she had that kinda $$. SD immediately turned on the water works. She sobs "but I don't want to waste my money."
So you'd rather waste our money? :? Entitled brat!
I told DH that we've just been putting money into her piggy bank randomly like from birthdays and holidays but maybe we should make her earn some extra cash for doing chores around the house. She's 10. And then she can spend it how she likes but of course DH is worried shell just waste it on food. So what! That's her choice and she's smart. When she sees it disappear, she'll be more careful.
How do you guys handle these sorts of issues? Is $ in exchange for chores a good idea? We never got paid growing up but those were the good old days when we took our parents seriously and just did what they said.
Exactly, so what! If she
Exactly, so what! If she wants to waste earned money on food then that is her waste. How else is she to learn to spend wisely? I think it is a great idea to let her earn it.
do you have anything in
do you have anything in writing to the schools stating that she is not to be extended credit?
id send a letter back with the bill and tell the school you arent paying it based on your prior conversations.
they will just write it off at the end of the year.
We did have it in writing
We did have it in writing last year but I don't know where that letter went this year. I think everything changed when the new cafeteria manager came aboard. She said she didn't see any such note in SD's file. Coincidently, that's exactly when SD started purchasing from the school, when they switched the managers.
if you kept a copy, produce
if you kept a copy, produce it. they cant make you pay if you instructed them not to extend credit, manager change or not.
I don't believe in paying
I don't believe in paying kids for chores nor do I believe in allowance. I never got either from my parents. If I needed money for something my parents gave it to me. The key word being NEEDED. If I WANTED something I would ask for the money and the answer would depend on how well behaved I was that week, how much I helped out my mom when she asked, how clean my room was etc.
I was never given specific "chores". I helped out when asked and sometimes when I wasn't. It put me in a better routine of cleaning up after myself. Rather than having a list of chores I had to complete every day I just helped out regularly. IMO it worked better on me than set chores would have.
I was raised exactly the same
I was raised exactly the same way! I did get an allowance when I was in HS however but that was to pay the bus fair and buy the occasional soda because I was too young to work. We always took lunch from home and thus learned the value of a good home cooked meal and the importance of leftovers
Which is what our kids need more of nowadays, some good old fashioned home cooking.
Back to your comment, I agree 100% with you. I always helped my mom clean around the house and just did what they expected. I guess that's too much to expect from our kids today? :? SD always makes a face when I ask her to do anything and then half way through, fakes a stomach ache to get out of it which then prompts sympathy and attention from DH. So I've stopped asking her and do everything myself. Less drama honestly!
And if we decided if SD got anything extra she wants (not needs) based on her weekly behavior, she would little of anything and it makes me sad to say it. I want her to have some nice things and enjoy them. But she is always up to no good and pissing off either me or DH. So how can we consistently reward bad behavior? But it always leaves her wanting things other kids have but frankly, doesn't deserve due to her poor behavior and even worse grades.
My nephew did this to my
My nephew did this to my sister, but he was 7 and was just going along because his friend was going. They put a stop to it really quick. She knows what she is doing and clearly didn't learn. It has to come from her piggy banks. Just do it. These are the lessons they remember.
SD12 did the same thing to
SD12 did the same thing to us. Doesn't your district allow for a parental limit placed on lunch accounts? In our district, parents are allowed to put a daily monetary limit on kids' lunches. I had limits put on all three kids' accounts before school even started (the equivalent of one hot-meal per day). But SD12 sweet-talked her way with the lunch lady into over-riding the limit every day (after a hot lunch was bought, SD12 then got cookies or chips or an ice cream treat, from the same lunch lady).
In my case, I knew I was in the right and simply refused to pay for every charge over the one-hot-lunch meal per day. I called the lunch lady's boss and told I'm I'd see him at the next open-forum school board meeting if he insisted I pay for something his employee did wrong (purposely over-rode the parental daily limit, a benefit the lunch company totes as a "perk" to parents who want to use it. Well I used it and they underminded my authority. Our lunch provider is a contracted employee that has to get the school board approval to provide the service). The boss wrote-off my charges and didn't ask me to pay again.
SD12 told me afterwards that the lunch lady explained to her "Your mom got me in big trouble so I can't let you have snacks anymore" - whatever! They made that mess themselves, and tried to make me pay for it.
I say make the SD10 pay you back. It's how they learn. Natural consequences. You were told you couldn't buy that, and you charged it to me anyway. Now you'll pay for it out of your own pocket each and every time. No anger. Matter of fact.
There is always two sides
There is always two sides split pretty evenly when it comes to allowances.
One says household income is shared by all and kids, like adults, get to spend some of it as they wish. Chores are shared the same way and there is no connection to income. I.e. if income were to stop due to a layoff the chores would not and everyone would tighten their belts and keep doing chores.
Others tie income to chores so the kids will learn that hard work has rewards.
Your step wants to eat breakfast with her friends in the cafeteria and I'll go out on a limb here to say those friends are probably on some tax sponsored lunch program.
At lunch her friends probably brown bag it like she does so she doesn't have the problem.
But she disobeyed so now she pays. Sure doing EXTRA chores and relieving you or Daddy of doing them calls for extra money paid.
By the way is a croissant a good breakfast? I thought a non-sugar based cereal with milk was the accepted standard. Somebody is buying plain corn flakes and Cheerios.
She needs to pay you all
She needs to pay you all back. She knew exactly what she was doing.
We tried a chore chart- we
We tried a chore chart- we found a system on Pinterest. SS would do chores we set for him on his chart. If he missed 1, he'd have 1 chance to do a "makeup" chore, if he missed 2..He wouldn't paid. We started off with minial chores just to get him use to this - and I your homework, make your bed, vacume your room on Saturday..That kinda stuff. He was supposed to document on his chart that he did his chores and then we'd give him $15 bi weekly..60% would go towards his college (teaching him to save) and 40% would be his money for whatever he wanted. He has lost interest in this and FDH has reminded him a few times already that hey, I'm not gonna bug you about want to get money, you need to tell me you've done these chores and you need to come to me on "Pay day" I'm not going to chase you down to "pay you".. SS12 has just stopped being into this chore structure and I think FDH had the right mentality- he shouldn't be chasing him down to pay him for doing his homework. We had a conversation with him that once he turned 13, the chores would be different. Maybe that's what did it. But also, the point of this chore system was that you as the parent didn't buy the extra's that they ask for when out and about..he was supposed to learn how to earn and manage spending and saving his money. We even gave him one of our check registers so he could learn how to balance. But FDH still gets him whatever he wants so I think the whole point just got lost. I still think it's a good system, though.
Thanks everyone for your
Thanks everyone for your responses. DH and I decided no to reward her or pay her for chores she does around the house. We've tried the behavior chart system before to reward her for good behavior (she can earn points for things she wants). It only worked a week till she realized she couldn't keep up the good behavior long enough to get enough points. LOL
She is going to pay for the bill from her own piggy bank. Plus, going forward, anything she wants will based on how her behavior has been in the past week ie. homework completed each day, no lying, no bullying kids at school etc. She was not happy about that haha.
DH and I are both sick and tired of her antics. Her excuse for not listening is always "I forgot you said that." I wish we got a break sometimes if BM was more involved or interested.
Hahaha apparently it's a
Hahaha apparently it's a common problem among step kids :?
DH started saying that exact thing to SD lately "maybe I'll forget to pick you up from school day and maybe SM will forget to pack your lunch tomorrow!" You should of seen the look on SD! Priceless! Entitled Brats!