Here we go again!
Just as I expected, SS7 is at it again. I posted something last week about his past behavior - refusing to go to school, jumping out of BM's car to try to get out of going, refusing to play baseball this spring, throwing a chair at a kid in his class last Friday morning (then being rewarded for it by BM taking him to Toys R Us to buy a toy after he was sent home from school), etc.
He was supposed to be with us last night, but he flat-out refused to go, and DH and BM didn't force him to come to our house. (That's fine by me - he's a spoiled little brat - but I still don't see why this kid gets to call the shots on issues like that.)
We got the other 2 skids and my 2 bios in the bed and were watching a movie at about 10:00 last night. DH's phone rang. I sighed and stopped the movie before I even saw who was calling, because I already knew. BM was calling DH to tell him that SS7 was saying he wasn't going to school the next day. I could hear BM on the phone from where I was sitting. She said that she "tried" to convince SS7 that he needed to go to school (who the hell does this?!), but that SS7 was refusing to go, so she was calling DH to see if HE could convince him to go.
First off, I have to say that I didn't realize that this was a subject that was up for debate. Well, for most parents, it's not. I've had my own kids groan about not feeling like getting up and going to school. Unless they're running a fever or throwing up, I just shrug and say "There are a lot of days I don't want to get up and go to work, either, but you just have to go anyway because that's your responsibility." Then the kid gets up and gets ready to go. No drama, no crying or screaming. They just get ready to go, and we go.
Not the skids, though. Oh no. They've learned that a lot of the time, they can demand things, and DH and BM cave and let them get away with it. They try "reasoning" with the child, and even bargaining with them. "Look, if you go to school today, I'll buy you ICE CREAM when I come pick you up! So let's get ready and go, okay? Please?"
Screw that shit. It really chaps my ass that they do this, but it's not my decision to make. I guess we all raise our kids the way we think is best, but last night it pissed me off because we never got to finish our movie. DH spent literally an HOUR on the phone with SS7, begging and pleading with him to PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go to school the following morning.
After about five minutes of listening to that shit, I finally got sick of sitting there and just got up and walked off.
What you want to bet SS7 didn't go to school again today? He's missed 27 days of school this year, doing this exact same thing. He missed more than 50 days last year and had to repeat first grade because of it.
What IS it with these loosey-goosey "talk to your kids and let them be part of the decision-making process" parents?!
It's the same thing at bed time. The skids know they can whine and cry and yell and stay up an hour later than DH wants them to, and it happens every night they're with us. I tell mine to go get ready for bed, and that's exactly what they do, but not the skids. My kids know that I mean it when I say it's bed time, and it's not up for debate. DH is amazed at how effortless it is for me to get my kids in the bed, yet he can't see that it's the way he handles his own kids that causes it to be such a pain in the ass for him. (NOT for me. I don't get involved in getting them in bed. I don't have time for that whiny bullshit.)
I'm almost afraid to ask DH if SS7 is at sitting at BM's today, laid out on the couch eating junk food and enjoying another "day off." I'd be willing to bet my next ten paychecks that that's EXACTLY what he's doing this morning.
If he has already missed 27
If he has already missed 27 days this year, he knows damn well he doesn't have to go. What is wrong with these parents?
I have been known to allow an extra cookie or an extra bedtime story here and there when my bios are good and make cute faces at me, no one is perfect, but I think I would literally laugh in their faces if they "told me" they weren't going to school. As far as the other behaviors that you mentioned, if it were my child his life would be incredibly boring having nothing but a bed and books in his room.
Ice cream is a good reward for going above and beyond, for going to school??? Ugh, you must roll your eyes every day!
Yeah, I'm not perfect,
Yeah, I'm not perfect, either. I've been known to give my kids special treats sometimes, for no particular reason. But for "agreeing" to go to school? Hell no!
I'm gonna get eye cramps from all the eye rolling I do.
And the fact that his little tirade last night affected MY movie-watching really pissed me off! DH didn't say anything about it. After he got off the phone (at 11:00pm), I was already in the bed. I wasn't asleep. I was too damn mad to sleep. He just got in the bed without saying a word. ARRRGH!
Yes, these kids will TELL DH and BM what they will and will not do, and it never ceases to amaze me how often they get what they want!
I mean, who's the parent and who's the child here? When did going to school become optional?
The skids go to a private school, and I guess they have different rules for attendance or something. My kids go to a different school, and I know this wouldn't be tolerated there. It just blows my mind on a daily basis, the stuff the skids are allowed to get away with.
I'm SO glad I found this forum, because before, I had no one to talk to about it who understood! (DH certainly doesn't.)
Kids naturally are going to
Kids naturally are going to test and push limits. My bio was sick one day, school nurse called, I picked him up, he got some rest, got better no big deal. Until the next day he tried it again, I asked the nurse to talk to him and told him "go back to class for awhile, if you are still sick at lunch call me and I'll come get you" he was not sick. He called back, I brought him home and made his day miserable, no toys, games, playing outside, no dairy since his "stomach" hurt etc. He has never faked sick again.
These parents are mind blowing. Why are they afraid of their children? It's like they are so terrified their kids won't like them. I am far from perfect, but I do try to be a good mom and I am fairly strict compared to other parents that I know, but my kids also adore me, run to me with "owies," hold up pictures they made with pride etc. They thrive on structure and boundaries, your skids are a mess because they have none. I really do feel for you, I don't know how you do it! How do your bios react to skids?
My 9-year-old just shakes his
My 9-year-old just shakes his head at the ridiculous stuff the skids get away with. I've talked to him privately about it and let him know that DH decides how to parent the skids, and I decide how to parent MY kids. BS9 thinks the skids are whiny little brats, too. Often he has to hide in his room to get away from their constant bullshit.
My 4-year-old isn't really old enough yet to get the gist of what's going on. He plays by himself most of the time, though, and hasn't been affected by it too much so far.
Yes, when my children have to stay home from school, I don't go out of my way to make it fun, either. My philosophy is, if you're too sick to go to school, you're too sick to play video games, eat junk food, or do anything else enjoyable. They have to stay in their rooms and rest. No games, no toys, no nothing. Just rest and drink plenty of fluids! Throwing up? Here, take this trash can with you in case you can't make it to the bathroom.
One or two times of these "sick days," and they don't play that "Awww, my tummy hurts so I can't go to school today!" game with me anymore. I don't mind staying home with them if they're legitimately sick, but if they just want to skip school? Nope. Not happening. That's a bad precedent to set, and it's way too late for DH and BM. All three of the skids know how to play their parents and get days off school, or anything else they want. They play DH and BM like a damn fiddle. It's disgusting to watch.
Something else that bothers
Something else that bothers me about this is that while you and DH are parenting 4 kids, BM isn't even parenting 1 and then she is sucking your and present kids' time with your DH via telephone to "help" her parent child that is in her custody.
That really bugs my ass because when SO and I were dating, she would find out from SS when I was going over, and she would call and say things like, "You need to tell SS to go to bed." You mean to tell me she and her husband couldn't handle getting a 12/13 year old's ass in bed? Neither of them are pushovers. No. It was just about interrupting and controlling SO's time. She came up with many more scenarios to rob us of time after he put an end to the "let's co-parent via phone when BM has custody" bullish#!. Maybe that is happening here and she is using SS's "anti-school behavior" to intrude.
In my opinion, she calls DH a
In my opinion, she calls DH a LOT more than she really needs to, and I do think it's a conscious decision to interrupt whatever's going on at our house. I just sigh every time I hear his cell phone ring now, because I know exactly who it is, and that she's calling for some stupid, unnecessary reason.
I just can't imagine a 7-year-old dictating to me what he will and will not do. I'd literally laugh in my kids' faces if they ever tried that! "Ha ha! Yeah, right. Thanks for the laugh. Now go get your ass in the car."
BM can't be bothered to actually parent any of these kids. Our house actually has structural damage to it because she'd just let them run wild, kicking holes in the wall, stuffing rolls of toilet paper in the toilet and overflowing it (which destroyed the flooring in two of our bathrooms), drawing all over the furniture, just whatever they felt like doing. We have big gouged-out places in our dining room table where one of them carved in it with a knife. Yeah, that's really safe, BM. Let small children run around with fucking KNIVES while you sit your fat ass on the couch and watch The View. As long as they're not interrupting your program, right?
She still can't be bothered with actually making the kids do anything, so she calls up DH to do the dirty work. Trouble is, DH doesn't want to do it, either, so the kids get to call the shots on almost everything, even going to school.
DH thinks I'm irrational because I'm so bothered by all BM's phone calls. "She just calls me because our children need me for something." Uh, no. She's calling because she likes to interfere in our time together, and she doesn't have the backbone to parent the damn kids herself. Call it for what it really is, DH. THAT'S what bothers me about all her phone calls! If she actually had a spine and gave a shit about the kids, all those calls wouldn't be necessary!
DH needs to separate your
DH needs to separate your house from her house. Period. No more calls unless it is life and death. Time to draw a line in the sand, ncgal? He isn't playing father when he is talking with her. It is more like he is still playing husband with her. It wouldn't be that way if she were stable. It's the fact that she is unstable that makes this the "he is still my husband game."
Agree completely! They
Agree completely! They enable each other along with the kids!
I've questioned him about all
I've questioned him about all the phone calls, texts, emails, etc. She does everything short of just coming to our house and moving back in.
DH says that all the contact is necessary because "My kids need me." He thinks every conversation is critical as long as it involves one of the skids. I'm surprised she doesn't call every time one of them sneezes so he can tell them Bless you!
There's no talking about this with DH. As long as he believes all this contact is necessary for his kids' sake, he's not going to be willing to do anything about it. He thinks I'm being unreasonble for being irritated every time she calls, emails, or texts him. I don't hear the emails or texts, but I sure do have to sit there and be an unwilling audience every time she calls.
It happens a lot when the kids are with her, say, on her weekends to have the kids. Ring ring ring, at least four or five times a day about this or that. "I can't find SS7's homework folder. Do you have it?" "SS9 has a thingy at school...Can you remember what day it's supposed to be? I can't find the flyer on it." "SS8 says he can't sleep until you tell him good night."
Ugh, it never ends!
WOW! ncgal, it's worse than
WOW! ncgal, it's worse than I thought! I would be a raving lunatic!!!!!!! When BM2 called re her son's not going to bed and another time for DH to tell him to do his homework and finally, about her and her husband's **** bill, I FLIPPED! She had a "question" because he works for that company. BULL@#IT! He got off the phone and I gave him hell for it. When I calmed down, I explained how in her and her husband's household, he was not responsible on how they conducted their lives, their bills, HER kids, yada, yada, yada. He "thought" that since his kids lived there he was the third party to her and her husband's life I guess.
My story goes…I was TOUGH as nails in beginning as I was independent and this was new….the closer we got and the more the skids sucked the life out of us (and DH "defending" the skids abysmal behavior), I lost my mojo….with help from skid's therapist I held some ground….got Lyme's disease and as I lost other abilities, I got a lot of mojo back (what a contradiction that is…has to do with neurology). But most of all, at some point, DH decided that we were forever and that he was tired of the nonsense. Instead of trying to quiet me into submission, he decided not to be Disney Dad and wasn't worried if he didn't appear to be Daddy Do Good.
In the end, unfortunately, it seems to be the SM who has to instigate change because most DH's are complacent. How hard we fight and where we end up (together or apart) is the unknown until the chips fall where they may. I think in the end if the man values his wife and both he and she are good people, he will eventually learn to fight for her instead of fighting against her while he battles the ex to "keep" the kids. The latter never works out. I really believe my SO would rather spend his old age with me rather than holed up in some apartment with his overgrown SD some day farting and belching.
"In the end, unfortunately,
"In the end, unfortunately, it seems to be the SM who has to instigate change because most DH's are complacent. How hard we fight and where we end up (together or apart) is the unknown until the chips fall where they may. I think in the end if the man values his wife and both he and she are good people, he will eventually learn to fight for her instead of fighting against her while he battles the ex to "keep" the kids. The latter never works out. I really believe my SO would rather spend his old age with me rather than holed up in some apartment with his overgrown SD some day farting and belching."
WOW!! So true!! And I'm living seems to be day by day sometimes, but I also have a DH who is seeing that forever is with ME (and vice versa), because our kids will launch one day and we will be left with each other.
I think he enjoys the
I think he enjoys the attention, and feeling needed. They're so co-dependent, it's sickening. It's driving a MAJOR wedge between DH and me, and I'm the only one in my marriage who can see it for what it really is!
Many men love to ride the
Many men love to ride the backs of TWO horses.
DH was disappointed when BM
DH was disappointed when BM and I didn't become best friends after DH and I got married. I just looked at him, exasperated, and said "Dammit, this isn't 'Sister Wives'!"
I don't really care to hang out with her and avoid her whenever I can. Life's too short to spend it in such an awkward situation. My ex isn't around at all, so DH doesn't have to deal with him, ever, and has no idea how icky and weird that is.
Maybe our guys are secretly
Maybe our guys are secretly trying to build up a harem? I truly don't know. Why he thinks BM and I should be best buddies is beyond me. We have NOTHING in common. We're just very different people. About all we have in common is that we're female and have reproduced. Beyond that...yeah, I got nothing.
He still doesn't understand why I don't want to hang out with her. It's infuriating!!
I actually didn't mind SS7
I actually didn't mind SS7 not coming to our house last night. He's a spoiled little brat and I hate being around him.
Hell, we're not even supposed to have the skids this week at all, but DH and BM made yet another schedule change (which I didn't find out about until I got home from work yesterday evening), so they'll be with us tonight, too, and then she'll have them more in a couple weeks. BM is taking some classes at the community college or something and said she needed DH to keep them. She still ended up getting stuck with SS7, though, after he refused to come to our house and they caved and let him stay with BM.
I try to look on the bright side of this. I was spared his presence last night. But then I had to have an hour of my evening stolen while he whined and moaned on the phone about not going to school today.
I shudder when I think about the future. How long is he going to be able to keep a job if this is his mentality? "Nah, I don't feel like going to work today. Think I'll just stay home." I'm sure that'll go over with the boss REALLY well.
I have visions of this dumbass kid living in our basement in his 30s. Well, DH's basement, because if that happens, I'm outta there!
I'd think it was a learning
I'd think it was a learning disability if he didn't pull this shit in other arenas, too. Whatever he decides he doesn't want to do, he screams and cries until he gets what he wants. School is just one example. He's learned that his parents have no backbone and won't force him to do anything, so he milks it for all it's worth.
Coupled with the knowledge
Coupled with the knowledge that he can get whatever he wants as long as he screams and throws a fit big enough to scare BM and DH into giving in. There, I think I've solved it!
Where are you in your
Where are you in your marriage? It sounds like 4th after skids and BM. Shame on your DH!
I'm starting to think that
I'm starting to think that might be true.
^^THIS^^ SOMEBODY needs to
SOMEBODY needs to take the bull by the horns!!
If this kid DOESN'T have mental issues, which is what I've read in other posts, then it shouldn't cause him any psychological harm.
Otherwise, he needs ONGOING therapy!
Damn, I don't know how you keep your sanity having to watch this shit storm unfold and not be able to do anything about it!
All I can do is walk away,
All I can do is walk away, literally, when it's going on. I'm pretty sure SS7's going to have another shit fit tonight about going to school tomorrow, if he agrees to grace us with his presence this evening. If he does, I'll just go upstairs to our bedroom and close the door, and advise my children to do the same. If it gets too rowdy downstairs with SS7, I'll just take my kids out for ice cream or something, just to get out of the house for a while.
I haven't heard a word out of DH all day, so I don't know if SS7 went to school or not. He usually emails me or calls before now, so I'm guessing he doesn't have anything good to say about it. No doubt he's already talked to BM several times by now. I swear he talks to his "girlfriend" (BM) more than he does to me.
I guess that's all you can
I guess that's all you can do, besides leave the whole situation.
Oh nooo! We can't upset the
Oh nooo! We can't upset the precious little snowflake like that! DH and BM would be APPALLED at the mere suggestion of it!
They fiercely protect this little brat at every turn. "Ncgal, he can't HELP the way he acts! It's beyond his control! You don't understand how it IS with him! And now you want to engage in psychological WARFARE by bringing a mean ol' POLICE OFFICER to the house?!"
*DH and BM both faint*
*End scene*
Whoa, ncgail, you said, "DH
Whoa, ncgail, you said, "DH and BM would be APPALLED…" By your linking them as a "unit," and you as an outside individual, you are enabling your DH's enabling his BM to jointly enable their son. I am not trying to sound rude or mean. I just think you have to toughen up. Why not just call the cops yourself or CPS? Maybe that is too extreme. First, you have to get a handle on your DH.
When it comes to SS7's
When it comes to SS7's behavior, yes, they are very much a "unit." I'm the outsider, and any time I try to express an opinion that doesn't fall in line with what they think about him and the reasons for his behavior, I feel even MORE like an outsider. All I get in return is "You just don't understand all he has to deal with, all the mental issues he's stuggling with. To even THINK of trying to punish him is just cruel. But you, ncgal, do NOT understand SS7. He can't HELP the way he acts."
It's been made very clear to me that SS7 and all of his assorted "afflictions" are none of my business, and I need to butt out. So that's what I'm doing.
I'll tell you one damn thing, though. If the time comes that the snowflake's "afflictions" start affecting me or my kids directly, my kids and I are GONE. I've told DH this, but I don't think he hears me. Yet. He may not really get it until he sees me walking out the door.
I'll not be a party to this madness. Let them fuck this child up permanently. It's NEVER going to be a problem that I'm willing to deal with. If my opinions aren't welcome, then nobody better EVER come to me to help solve them in the future. All they're going to get is an "I TOLD you so" and "Good bye!"
*cruel* was a word often used
*cruel* was a word often used by my SO when I made common sense, fair parenting "suggestions" re skids.
It's "cruel" if I expect
It's "cruel" if I expect anything of the skids, but the same notion is just "good parenting" if DH seems me apply it to my OWN kids. SMDH
Do you think this is a word
Do you think this is a word the BM throws at them and they regurgitate it on us?! WTF! Those sneaky BM's are pros at mental manipulation.
YEP!! Daddykins can talk a
YEP!! Daddykins can talk a blue streak about how OTHER children should be parented--NEVER parented his own though-just BFFed them.
It's 'cruel' not to teach
It's 'cruel' not to teach your kid responsibility and to let them go into adulthood without the skills they need to be successful.
Exactly but that is a HARD
Exactly but that is a HARD SELL to BFF BM and Disney/guilty dad.
OMG yes it is!
OMG yes it is!
They have WAY too many
They have WAY too many excuses for why their kids should get a pass on their behavior, no matter how assholish it may be.
"Well yeah, YOUR kids need to learn to do chores and obey the rules, but MY kids, welllll...You know, they can't help it because blah blah blah."
Oh how I LOVE that double standard! GRRR!
If he can't handle first
If he can't handle first grade (second time around for excessive absences, BTW), how the hell is he going to handle more advanced grades, or college?
He's going to be one of those kids who never leave home and spend all day in their room playing video games, I swear to God.
all 3 skids in my case will
all 3 skids in my case will end up playing vid games in mommykins basement. OSS17 supposedly is graduating HS this far he has 57 lates/skipping class/absences. He's already been thrown out of one of his hillbilly druggie relative's house...for doing TOO MUCH POT!!! BM is in complete denial.
The BM WORKS for Child Protective. His career choice is rock star. He is as talentless as they come and is failing all classes but band. Mommykins is pushing him into community college. Oh and CS goes on till 21 no matter what (and many times BEYOND 21)
SS7's goal in life - I kid
SS7's goal in life - I kid you not - is to "do as little as possible." You ask him about his career ambitions, and that's what he'll tell you. "I'm just gonna get a job where they pay me and I don't have to do much."
"What type of job do you want?" "I don't care, as long as I don't have to really do anything." mommy, like son!
OMG! That is EXACTLY word
OMG! That is EXACTLY word for word what SD15 said to daddykins just before she PASed out (was age 9 at the time) Of course daddykins didn't set her straight. She's well on her way to being a welfare queen--failing all her classes, reads at a 3rd grade level, 40 lates and absences.
Yeah, our BM's a welfare
Yeah, our BM's a welfare leech, too. What a wonderful example she sets for the skids every day, sitting on the couch and stuffing her fat face and refusing to work anywhere, at all, in any way. She doesn't really have to work. She bought a foreclosure house with the money she got from the divorce (her parents pay for taxes and upkeep), she gets Medicaid for herself and all three skids, they get about $600 a month in food stamps, and she also gets some sort of cash assistance on top of that. If anything comes up that she doesn't have money for, she just calls her parents and gets them to take care of it.
As far as the skids know, this is "normal life," and what you should aspire to. I was hoping DH and I could set a better example for them, but so far they see our lives as "too hard". I mean, we actually have to GET UP and GO somewhere to work every day for our money. What a drag!
It wouldn't be so bad if
It wouldn't be so bad if she'd actually stick with something more than a few weeks. DH says she's done this before. She'll sign up for a class or two, then complain that the assignments are too hard, then quit. She's only been to a couple classes, and I don't know what field they're in. Knowing her, I doubt it's anything too challenging. Underwater basket-weaving or paint-drying observation, perhaps.
She got a government grant to go to school, claiming that she had a dire need to be "lifted out of poverty." It pisses me off because there are people out there who'd actually USE that money to better their lives. She just wanted to try to look good for a little while, like she's actually attempting to better her life. First time she has to turn in an assignment, she'll quit.
LOL! "Underwater
LOL! "Underwater basket-weaving or paint-drying observation, perhaps." LOL!
Absofreakinglutely incredible
Absofreakinglutely incredible that we all share the same aspects of BMs. Shame they aren't branded on their foreheads at birth.
Don't I wish! They'd be a
Don't I wish! They'd be a lot easier to spot (and avoid) if that were the case!
BM is such a lowlife, scum-sucking parasite. Of course I can't say that to DH. He tries to stick up for her because "She's the mother of my children!" Yeah, okay, I get that, but she's also a scumbag who'll never contribute ANYTHING to society beyond spawning more leeches like herself.
Way to go, BM. Way to go. :sick:
Now when he starts talking
Now when he starts talking about her (or to her, on the phone), I just go elsewhere. I refuse to even be in his presence when BM invades my home, or my space anywhere else in the world. I'm sick and tired of her horning in on my damn life.
That's what I wonder, too! I
That's what I wonder, too! I think BM would love it if DH would drive all the way over to her house every time one of the kids needs to be disciplined. I'm actually surprised DH doesn't do that!
But yeah, what's a parent on the other end of the phone actually going to be able to DO? It never helps, and the skids just keep on doing whatever stupid shit BM called about. BM just doesn't want to be bothered, so she calls up DH and passes it off to him to handle.
I'm glad that my ex isn't around that much these days. At least I know when my kids act up, it's MY problem to deal with, and I do. There's no expectation there that anybody else is going to pick up my slack, and I react accordingly.
BM just goes with the flow, with as little resistance as possible, so she's not inconvenienced. Parenting is just NOT her thing, yet she reproduced three times. UGH
These 'adults' should never
These 'adults' should never have had kids. I know, kinda harsh, and I don't know all the facts, but holy crap...get a fuckin' clue.
Both daddykins AND the BM
Both daddykins AND the BM should have been sterilized from birth IMHO. BM went from stay-in-bed-sty keeper with a bachelors degree in froo froo to Child Protective worker.
I agree that they should've
I agree that they should've never reproduced. DH is too spineless and won't stand up to them or enforce rules, and BM doesn't give a shit what they do or don't do as long as it doesn't interfere with her TV watching.
There's no way this will end well. No way at all. It's depressing. I wish I'd taken more time to really look at this dynamic before I said "I do"!
"There are a lot of days I
"There are a lot of days I don't want to get up and go to work, either, but you just have to go anyway because that's your responsibility>>>>
My skids didn't understand this phrase bc BM was the biggest ringleader of them all. She refused to work, if she didn't feel like getting up to get them to school, then by Gawd, they got to stay home. MMMOOOMMMMY I'm pooping blood....trips to ERs and doctors and they got that special note that said...We can't fine anything wrong with him but he says he is pooping blood so a few days off school.
Oh WOW! The ER trips! BM
Oh WOW! The ER trips! BM has at least one of those damn skids in the ER every week! I guess when it doesn't cost you anything, you don't worry about it.
She loves high drama and trying to make out like all three of the skids are on the brink of death every other day.
DH has literally lost count of the number of times she's rushed them to the ER for this or that, and oddly enough, they never find anything wrong with the skids. But she keeps taking them over and over again anyway. I guess when you don't have anything else to do, it's not really all that inconvenient.
Can you say munchausen?
Can you say munchausen?
Oh no, she's just a
Oh no, she's just a "concerned mommy" looking out for her little babies, that's all!
Yeah, a "concerned mommy" running up unnecessary hospital bills on the state's tab, and that's about it.
The BM used to do this when
The BM used to do this when the skids were on daddykins insurance--always stuck him (read: me) for the copays. Now that they are on HER Cadillac county worker insurance, she still does this but I don't have to look at the paperwork anymore! She was *supposed* to inform daddykins about medical care for the skids but never did other than the paperwork we used to receive after the fact
I never got to choose if I
I never got to choose if I went to school or not as a kid. If I fought with my parents on the matter I had my ass spanked
BINGO! Not only that but my
BINGO! Not only that but my sister and I (and all the other children at church) were expected to sit for 2 hours straight, paying full attention and reading grown up bible literature from toddlerhood on (no Sunday school) Somehow we all managed to do just that!
Awwweee, that is so cute. I
Awwweee, that is so cute.
I hid in the garage one time for as long as I could. It was maybe for 15 mins. lol.
My mom could get us with just a look too...and she was a single mom.
Ooh, I did that last week
Ooh, I did that last week after the chair-throwing incident! DH did NOT like that! I just shrugged and said, "Well? How's that workin' out for ya? You give in to his fits, and he's rewarded for them. How do you think that's working out?"
He wouldn't even speak to me for about an hour after that!
Hey, don't punish ME for pointing this shit out, DH!
He likes to pretend that everything's just hunky dory and gets really upset when I refuse to play along.
Yeah, they do that...don't
Yeah, they do that...don't speak to you for a while after pointing something out because they know you're RIGHT. God forbid a woman be right about something over a man!