Poll - Who are you?
ive so enjoyed being part of this forum. who is everyone?
1. What state are you in?
2. How long a SM?
3. Age/Gender of your SK's?
4. What do you do when you arent chatting here?
5. Are you also a BM?
6. Disengaged or Involved?
7. If comfortable sharing, what's your first name?
"5. No, but I'd like to be
"5. No, but I'd like to be soon. Smiling"
I was wondering how that was going for you... any updates??? You are all squared away in the new house right???
Good luck!
Good luck!
1. Maryland 2. Almost 12
1. Maryland
2. Almost 12 years
3. SD15
4. Assitant to world ok'st boss
5. Yes, DD6
6. Involved but I make DH do the bulk of heavy parenting
7. Starts with an A.
1. I'll leave it that I live
1. I'll leave it that I live in the midwest
2. Been a SM for four years almost five
3. Girls- 11 and 9 with 50/50 week on/week off visitation
4. Very active/outdoorsy love to hike/camp/bike/garden (hate winter, I just watch grey's anatomy re-runs)
5. Yes- BM to twins age 6
6. Engaged on fun things, disengaged on "parent things"
7. you can call me askYOURdad lol
1. Maryland 2. Officially
1. Maryland

2. Officially just over 3 years
3. SD6 and SD7 (stb 8 )
4. Work, read, travel, work out, garden, raise chickens, anything outside ..
5. Not yet, but working on it
6. Involved, but DH does most of the parenting/disciplining
7. Starts with an M
1. Massachusetts 2. 1 year
1. Massachusetts
2. 1 year (consider myself a SM but not married yet)
3. SD13
4. Im a government worker
5. No kids of my own
6. Currently disengaged
7. Jess
1. NY. 2. Technically 2
1. NY.
2. Technically 2 years.
3. SS3.5
4. Business owner, landlord, account coordinator, secretary, SAHM, all at the same time (and for different entities!)
5. BM to DD7months
6. Was never engaged because DH is just a walking ATM so neither of us are involved.
1. New York 2. Technically
1. New York
2. Technically I'm not married so I'm not a true SM. I have lived with SO for 2 years! Will get married when the time is right!
3. 3yr old girl
4. Work, clean, and take care of bioson
5. I am also a Bio Mom, not a baby momma. It is SO's son!
6. Involved with SD. Disengaged from BM
7. Ends in an L.
1. Texas 2. 9 yrs 3. SS14
1. Texas
2. 9 yrs
3. SS14 and SS11
4. Working or reading
5. Proud BM of DS28
6. Depends on the weekend, sometimes I am very engaged, sometimes I am hiding out.
7. Starts with an "M"
1. What state are you
1. What state are you in?
NOT!. I am in Europe.
2. How long a SM?
13 years
3. Age/Gender of your SK's?
15 and 18. Girls.
4. What do you do when you arent chatting here?
Work (helpdesk) tend to my little urban farm (chickens, rabbits, veggie garden)
5. Are you also a BM?
6. Disengaged or Involved?
Involved but starting to disengage from 15 yr old.
7. If comfortable sharing, what's your first name?
1. Canada 2. 3 Years 3.
1. Canada
2. 3 Years
3. SD13
4. Work (Office Manager). Cook. Clean.
5. Not a BM but hope to be at some point.
6. Changes day to day. I spend most weekends in my bedroom.
7. J
1. What state are you in?
1. What state are you in? TX
2. How long a SM? This time 6 years...another relationship over 7 years but still keep in touch with her.
3. Age/Gender of your SK's? SD14
4. What do you do when you arent chatting here? Work and I enjoy offroading on my 4-wheeler and I just love hanging out at the house...cooking and watching movies are two of my fav things to do
5. Are you also a BM? Yep...DD24, DS23, DS17
6. Disengaged or Involved? Disengaged
7. If comfortable sharing, what's your first name?
1. Canada 2. How long a SM?
1. Canada
2. How long a SM? 2yrs
3. Age/Gender of your SK's? SD14
4. What do you do when you arent chatting here? Work in fashion/beauty industry
5. Are you also a BM? no
6. Disengaged or Involved? disengaged
Yay Canada!! LOL What
Yay Canada!! LOL What province?
lol- ontario you?
lol- ontario
SAME!!! 2 hours from
SAME!!! 2 hours from Toronto.....
1. PA 2. Not a SM yet, have
1. PA
2. Not a SM yet, have been in her life for 6 yrs. (living together for 1-1/2)
3. girl - 10
4. Work, spend time with family, read, do activities around the house, go to sports
events. I love to hike and ski but haven't had the opportunity in a while.
5. Unfortunately not
6. Disengaged as far as parenting goes...am more like an aunt
7. It would be too easy for FDH to find me here and read my posts if I gave my name.
1. GA 2. 5 years (with
1. GA
2. 5 years (with husband total of 9)
3. SS15 (full custody) SD17 (no relationship - again)
4. Work too much - own my own company and golfing, gardening and volunteering with scouting
5. BS19 (my pride and joy)
6. Disengaged from SD and partially engaged with SS15
7. Starts with a K
ooh, a fellow golfer! im not
ooh, a fellow golfer! im not that good (my handicap is 18) but i hold my own out there.
I am about a 19 so you can't
I am about a 19 so you can't be that bad....
im just not consistent....
im just not consistent.... lol
1. NJ 2. 13-1/2 years (will
1. NJ
2. 13-1/2 years (will be married 5 this June)
3. SS21 - SD13.5
4. Sales Rep for a small manufacturing company
5. Yes, I have 3 sons. 28, 25, 16. None with DH.
6. A little of both, disengaged from SS21, disengaged from BM and semi-involved with SD13 because I feel she needs positive role models in her life.
7. I'd tell ya, but then I'd have to kill ya.
1. I'm on the West Coast,
1. I'm on the West Coast, where winter has finally decided to show.
2. 4 years
3. SD10
4. Work out, clean, cook, all the things to keep the household running, and DH and I LOVE our time to ourselves!
5. Yes
6. Involved, as far as doing things I do for other family members, but I try to keep my ideas and opinions to myself regarding anything else. Unless, of course, I'm asked or something will effect me or my BD, or if SD's safety or health seem to be at stake.
7. I was named after the Bionic Woman.
1. state witheld; southeast
1. state witheld; southeast region
2. 6 years
3. 16, 14, 10 - all boys (thank gawd!)
4. office work, house work, watching skids sports, reading
5. no humans, one big ol' aging 90 pound furbaby
6. disengaged on some fronts, engaged when it affects me, my house or my boy
7. Tuff.
1. Confusion 2. 6.5 3.
1. Confusion
2. 6.5
3. F/18
4. Writing, drinking, fighting family wars.....call me Hemingway
5. No, I was taught to eat my young.
6. Disengaged
7. You can call me Al
7. You can caaalllll meeee
7. You can caaalllll meeee Allllll! Lol!
1. Washington state 2.3
1. Washington state
2.3 years
3. SD 3
4. I am a SAHM of three everyday, and four 4 days out of the week. I don't usually have time to come on ST as much as I'd like. But that's the way the cookie has crumbled.
5. BM of three
6. I am involved, SD is too young for me to disengage and she is not nearly as horrible as some of the SKs I've read about... Just an average 3 yo.
7. There aren't very many people my age with the same name as me.... So sorry, can'tanswer that question.
1. What state are you in?
1. What state are you in? North Dakota
2. How long a SM? 14 years
3. Age/Gender of your SK's? SD20 SS19
4. What do you do when you arent chatting here? Hang with my hubby
5. Are you also a BM? Yes
6. Disengaged or Involved? Involved
7. If comfortable sharing, what's your first name? Sheila
1. I live in a warm paradise
1. I live in a warm paradise in the southeast. Could never go back to snow, EVER
2.31 years
3.SS36 (nickname: Champagne Taste on a Beer Budget) He is biologically DH's nephew.
4.work, cook , enjoy my lovely family
5.My sun, moon and star, Perfectson24, DD21 and DD14. I also have a DIL I consider a daughter, Skinnycutie22 almost 23.
6. Involved, he has my first GC, I'm head over heels
7. Everyone says I look just like either Carly Simon or Rachael Ray, so I guess you can call me Carlyrae!
1. California 2. 11 years
1. California
2. 11 years next month
3. SS23 and SD20
4. Take care of my kids, work out, cook (my ultimate dream is to be a chef but don't think it's in the cards) , bartend and wait tables
5. Yes DD10 and DS5
6. I guess I was involved when they were kids...cooked, went to sporting events,etc. but never disciplined or cleaned up after them. Now they are grown and I am friendly with them but have zero influence (nor does DH, hence SS is a lazy mooch living with us and SD is spending money she doesn't have at a ridiculously expensive university)
7. Jen
1. NY 2. Together 3 years,
1. NY
2. Together 3 years, married almost 2
3. SS15
4. Taekwondo, reading, scrapbooking, work FT
5. Yes, to BS17
6. Neither, really. DH takes the lead in parenting. I'm there for support. SS doesn't really seem interested in a relationship.
7. Would rather not share.
1. What state are you in?
1. What state are you in? WV
2. How long a SM? 4 years
3. Age/Gender of your SK's? SS8
4. What do you do when you aren't chatting here? Reading, Cross stitching
5. Are you also a BM? 2 beautiful sons - BS15 and BS21
6. Disengaged or Involved? Mainly disengaged. The kid is screwed because of his parents. I'm tired of doing their job for them. I just try to protect my house from any damage.
7. If comfortable sharing, Would love to but it is too unique.
^^"FL or Insanity"^^
^^"FL or Insanity"^^ *snorts* oh. yeah. just winding down the state of Insanity for the season. (I know you probably meant Life Insanity, but it's been a long, long, long Season down here)
1. Maryland 2. 4 years 3.
1. Maryland
2. 4 years
3. SD13 SS8
4. Work for a government contractor- love working out and learning new things
5. Not yet...
6. In between.
7. ...
1. What state/country - we're
1. What state/country - we're not all from the US you know!! are you in?
Victoria, Australia
2. How long a SM?
3 years, living together just over 2, and yes I AM a damn step mum, married or not.
3. Age/Gender of your SK's?
sd13 and ss10
4. What do you do when you arent chatting here?
clean (run my own cleaning business); bake and decorate cakes (run my own caking business) run my kids to dancing 6 days a week, sometimes 7, read, garden, walk when I can find the time!
5. Are you also a BM?
Yes, 4 dd's - 24, 21, 11 and 8
6. Disengaged or Involved?
Involved with ss somewhat, fairly disengaged with sd at this stage, I am polite to her, I still do her wash if she puts it in the hamper etc, but I don't seek her out, initiate conversation (unless I am trying to bug her }:) }:) when she is ignoring me I'll say really loudly "HI SD, HOW HAS YOUR DAY BEEN?" LOL small things...) or doing anything for her that I don't WANT to do.
7. If comfortable sharing, what's your first name?
1. PA 2. 15 years 3. Sd19 4.
1. PA
2. 15 years
3. Sd19
4. working or sleeping
5. yes, DS12
6. Disengaged
7. Terri
1. Louisiana 2. 2.5 years 3.
1. Louisiana
2. 2.5 years
3. SS2
4. Work/twitter on my Smommy off days, other than that I'm park playing, car racing , dirt digging M-F
5. No biokids just yet
6. Engaged 24/5
1. What state are you in? New
1. What state are you in? New England
2. How long a SM? 5 years
3. Age/Gender of your SK's? 16 year old SD
4. What do you do when you arent chatting here? I am a teacher...play with my 23 month old, etc
5. Are you also a BM? yes!! I have a 23 month old
6. Disengaged or Involved? I feel like I fall somewhere in between. I am involved to a point, but feel very disengaged from the actual relationship with SD.
7. If comfortable sharing, what's your first name?
1. CT 2. I am more of a SMINO
1. CT
2. I am more of a SMINO x 5 years
3. SDs: 32, 22,19 SS: 19.... SGDs: 13,8 & 2... SGs: 8, 2, 5 months and another on the way, in June. DH's family is very fertile.
4. I work in the medical profession.
5. Yes, I have 3 kids: 21, 16, & 12
6. See response to question 3. On occasion, I will speak with eldest. SD, but I am, by no means, invested in a relationship with her.
7. Name is also uncommon.