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Poll- WORST Christmas gifts ever? Your DH, IL's, SK's?

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

Mine thus far has been a Wok (obvious by post) by DH and a large, very pink set of slippers.

MIL gave me a ring to wear on behalf of her family that the person who had worn it had actually killed themselves wearing it and she did not tell me at first. (DH's paternal grandmother) :jawdrop: you can imagine the horror.

Never recieved (maybe it is best) anything for the SK. Not even a mention of anything.

Your turn...

on the fence's picture

A video player that didn't even record. Just played movies. Alright, but could I pick out the first movie? No. He didn't like my choices. Who exactly was the damn thing for?

Oh, yeah. and the promise of a massage at a place in town. Lovely thought, but never came through. All I have is the brochure with what I was going to get circled.

skylarksms's picture

My worst gift was from my aunt and uncle. It was footed pajamas - and I was 15!!!!!!!!

And what is it with the giant pink slippers?? I got some from my father last year for Xmas. They are so big that I hardly wear them. I realized that I was getting leg cramps from having my feet splayed out when walking to keep them from falling off! (they are a Men's Large)

stormabruin's picture

A pancake griddle, along with a demand that I use it to make pancakes for breakfast Christmas morning...from my EX husband.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

Sky- LOL

These are a general size of size 7-10? I have itsy bitsy feet- size 6 1/2 AAA. They literally fall off my feet.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

Toasters: Cooking reference

Body Wash: Hygenic reference

Tires: Taxi cab reference

Pink? wtf slippers: Somebody help me here, please?

StepKidto3Momto3's picture

An oreo-cookie doll and a size child small sweater from my BD and step-mom #2 (or was it #3??)....I was 16.

RaeRae's picture

First husband got me a vacuum for my first Mother's Day.

My crush got me a workout video for my 16th b'day.

I know you said Christmas.... but I had to throw those in because they were significant days... and I don't remember any crappy Christmas gifts (1st husband doesn't do christmas).

Unhappy's picture

The last year my ex and I were together I got nothing on my B-day, Mothers Day, Valentines Day, or Christmas.

I guess if you're blowing all your money on going to the bar after work it makes it pretty tough to buy a single present four times a year for you GF and and three times a year for your daughter.

on the fence's picture

I had a BF once who forgot my birthday (I thought). Then I talked to my grandma who had called to tell me happy birthday. I wasn't home at the time, but guess who took the call? Yep, good ol' BF! He knew damn well it was my birthday and I guess he just chose to ignore it. Of course, this was the same idiot who gave me the video player and then had to choose the movies. When I left I took "my" video player, naturally.

sixteensmom's picture

I collect silver and pewter angel ornaments. Dh told sd26 that's what she was in charge of getting me from the three skids eight yrs ago. I got an orange plastic angel ornament. The ugliest you've ever seen. It was all they had so good enough for me. It is front and center every year to remind everyone what assholes they are. It's also willed to her.

forestfairy's picture

My ex bf got me a sandwich griddle one year for Christmas. It was obviously for him and I was very vocal about it. Luckily, he got me several other things I really liked so the sandwich griddle turned into a joke between us. The most annoying part is that thing was such a bitch to clean and I never ONCE used it....he used it all the time and then left it in the kitchen for me to clean. :O

forever2's picture

The year I busted my butt to get skid12 every possible thoughtful, age appropriate latest and greatest gift under the sun (yes, first christmas with him and I hadn't learned my lesson yet), he got me a Target gift card...and made my BF pay for it. A Target gift card? After all I did for him and all he put me thru? The gift that says...what to give when you don't give a shit! Although in retrospect, when I was at Target stocking up on toilet paper and thinking of the little brat...I thought maybe it was a pretty appropriate present after all. I thought of his Christmas generosity everytime I wiped my rear. Maybe this year he will get me another gift card so I can stock up on tampons.

ddakan's picture

worst gift: the stinky prewrapped lotion sets at walmart!
second worst gift: houseshoe thongs. i am too retarded to wear thongs and I hate having something between my toes.

My EX MIL bought my 9yo daughter a barbie workout video. MIL nearly lost her life at my hands that day.