Setting boundaries: husband shares every intimate detail of our lives with SS11 and mini-wife SD10
Excuse the long post... I just had to vent.
My husband has a very open relationship with his kids. It's even too open to the point that, in the name of being "honest" with his kids, he shares nearly every intimate detail of our couple-life and even MY private life with them.
I am a frequent traveler and gone for several days every month. Since my husband moved into MY house 3 years ago, he lets SD10 and SS11 sleep in MY bed on MY side whenever I am gone.
I have spoken to him about this countless times. I feel invaded. I feel replaced. I feel that no space in MY home is sacred. I told him I don't even like it when they come into our bedroom, let alone sleep in my space. And it is made worse by my SD's "mini-wife" syndrome.
He stopped allowing this for a while, but then I found out that he still allowed it once in a while "on the sly".
Now things are worse...
After an easy but un-joyous pregnancy, I just gave birth to my first child by c-section. It was a fight with him to reschedule their weekends to avoid the risk of going into labor with them around, and so that I could have a 1-week adjustment period after coming home from the hospital. Well, the skids were over this weekend to meet their new brother.
One complication to add to the mix: as a very frequent and unlucky customer of our hospital system, I have developed a serious PTSD towards operations, needles, knives and the like. I have more scars on my body than I like to think about, and even more mental scars as a result. No, these are not battle wounds but just reminders of my bad luck over the last several years. And I really freaked out over the thought of this operation. Besides the physical pain, I felt robbed of the entire experience of labor and birth, of bonding with my child as he was carted off with his father while I was sewn up... it was yet another operation.
And now this brings me to the skids.
2 weeks after the operation, they're back with us. Saturday morning 8 am, before any coffee, I was barraged with questions by SD about the operation. "How did it happen? How big is the scar? Did they cut you from there to there? Is it ugly?" Now, I know the kid is only 10 and has many questions... but does she really need to know I had a c-section? Does she need to know that I failed to give birth the "normal" way? And who the fuck do you think told her I needed to have one? Does she really need to know every gory detail? And does she need to remind me again about yet another scar? And we all know that all of this is going to be more fodder for my ex-wife-in-law.
And where do you think they finally met their new brother? After the Saturday morning series of delightfully invasive questions about my c-section, my husband thinks of no better place to put my son on display than in my bedroom. A big fucking family gathering in MY bedroom. I had disappeared to the bathroom for 2 minutes, came back to get my clothes for my shower, and it was a fucking family reunion in my bedroom. I freaked out and shipped everyone out of the room. But of course, I'm the bad guy. I'm the one who freaks out at the drop of a hat for nothing. I'm the one who's impossible to live with.
Now, Ms. Mini-Wife is all over her brother. I swear she doesn't let my son breathe! I can't even push his stroller without her clutching the sides of it. I can't breastfeed without her knocking on the door. She wants to carry him (um, no, you cannot walk and carry my son at the same time). She won't let him sleep without kissing him every 30 seconds. I set him down for a few minutes, and she's already re-adjusting him, moving him, grabbing him. And even when I'm sitting peacefully with him in my arms both skids are all over him at the same time to the point where I almost dropped my son! Mind you, I'm happy that they love him and accept him... but for the love of God give him/us some space!!
Oh, and I didn't mention that Ms. Mini-Wife also loves to crawl on daddy's lap all the time. She has always been like that, but now she's doing it with my son on his father's lap. You can't even see my husband, she smothers him so much.
I guess my questions are, how much is too much to share? Where should the boundaries be? How can I effectively create some personal space around me and my son?
Sleeping in your bed when
Sleeping in your bed when you're gone? :sick: That's just wrong. Clearly there are boundary issues going on. I can't offer much advice 'cause I kinda know what you're going through. As the SM it seems we're to enter "their" world and assimilate and doing everything on "their" terms - but God forbid we ask them to abide by our boundaries or comfort zone or we're deemed "unreasonable" or "demanding" or "uncooperative."
Maybe you can just sit DH down and calmly explain to him that SD's behavior makes you uncomfortable. Tell him that what is between the two of you is just that - between the two of you - and that you don't feel it's right to "burden" SD with all the details. Tell him that you have your own boundaries and then lay them out for him.
If he's reasonable, he'll listen, and abide (as a reasonable spouse would). If not...I dunno... Just disengage entirely?
Yeah, I did have that talk
Yeah, I did have that talk with him already... several times. I reached my breaking point with all the questions about the operation. I told him once again that I didn't like to have my private life publicized, especially with the kids. His answer? He doesn't like "lying" to the kids. Now, where I come from, not sharing private details is not the same thing as lying. When confronted with these questions, I asked him to reply "she had a normal, uncomplicated delivery like most women". I mean, after all, since when do we make a c-section an "abnormal" delivery (besides in my own fucked up head)? He doesn't see it that way.
As far as the bed-sharing is concerned, I've had this discussion countless times. I told him that I hate feeling "replaced" and having my last remaining personal oasis in the house shared with the "public". He simply does not get it. But whether he gets it or not, I don't care. I'm a private person, it's my house, and I need some private space that's MINE. I can't even shit in my own house without someone opening the door... that's how invasive these skids are.
I want to shit in peace.
I want my bed and bedroom to myself/ourselves.
I want my medical/gynecological life to remain un-publicized.
Is that too much to ask?
At least I know that I'm not as "demanding" as I thought.
And by your comment, it seems that this whole bed-sharing thing is more common than I thought! Isn't that kinda weird? Why do dads feel the need to share this truly intimate space with children?
Oh man - I would go CRAZY if
Oh man - I would go CRAZY if I had to deal with what you're going through. HUGS! It sounds like a nightmare. No - sorry for the confusion - SD doesn't sleep in our bed - DH would totally not go for that. However...she DID used to like...cuddle with DH when she was about 11...she would crawl onto the bed if he was sleeping on it, and lie next to him. I thought it was kinda weird...but they were above the covers. She would use that "Daaaadyyyy" voice with him (still does) and play with his hair and sh*t - I didn't care TOO much at the time 'cause I wasn't living here - and I just though "ok - maybe it's just some odd dynamic I don't understand." But she still uses that baby voice with him at 12...and it's getting old. After DH and I got married she would still come into our bedroom without asking. I told DH one night that it made me really uncomfortable, that I needed a "safe" place in the house - like AWAY from her - and now she won't come in - Thank GOD. So I totally feel your pain though. I think it's utterly unacceptable for her to be sleeping in YOUR bed while your gone. And I don't think it's health for your SD either - it's just plain weird. Totally weird. And her coming into the bathroom? Again - unacceptable. DH better step the hell up - for your sake. Seriously. Sorry you're going through all this sh*t - and no - you're not being "demanding." What your requesting is more than reasonable.
He doesn't want to lie to
He doesn't want to lie to them... So he's shared the size of his penis with them right? I mean if asked, they could draw any birthmarks he has in private places? Because I mean, he wouldn't want to Lie to them. Could they answer how many women he's had sex with? Has he ever had a STD? When did he lose his virginity? To whom? Where and in what position?
So if he doesn't want to tell the kids those things, ask him why he's okay "lying" to them about any of that if simply not telling them is lying. And if he Is okay with telling them that crap, you two need to go to a therapist like yesterday because he's got a super twisted idea about what a relationship between a kid and parent should be.
Me personally, I would straight up tell him that if he thinks My private issues are fair game for conversation with his kids and thus his ex, then he will no longer be privy to my private issues. This means conversation would be restricted to pretty much the weather. I would also make sure there would be no private actions available to him to possibly be shared. I mean, I'm not in an intimate relationship with my skid, if my intimacies were going to be shared with her, I'd make sure there was nothing to be shared. Because I'm kinda bitchy when I get completely disregarded and people go behind my back, I would also not be discussing anything personal with him. I would refer him to his mini-wife.
As for the bed thing... Yea. If my husband had someone else sleeping in my bed while I was gone, his kid or not, he sure as hell wouldn't be sleeping in that bed With me when I was home. He wants to sleep with them so bad, he can go to their room.
Partly, you just need to shut this down. Tell SD to keep her hands and her lips to herself. Tell her to Get Out when she comes a knocking on the bedroom door. When she asks personal questions, tell her it's none of her concern and its actually rude of her to enquire. And if my husband accused me of being unreasonable, I'd give him a brilliant display of truly unreasonable. The first part of which would be to start walking around the house naked while informing the skids of their father's sexual prowess (or lack thereof) even if I had to make every single detail up.
Don't be afraid of being called unreasonable or any of the other bullshit that gets said to make you doubt yourself. Fear will not be your friend in this situation. Stand up for yourself and your son. I seriously suggest you guys getting some therapy to come to a better understanding about expectations and respect. Because it does not sound like he really respects you and that will be a Huge Enormous problem for your marriage in the long term.
lol I just typed up a huge
lol I just typed up a huge response saying pretty much all of this!
Doesn't want to lie to his kids? What a crock! He doesn't tell them everything about his own life surely? Do they know all the intimacies of your freaking sex life? NO, then they don't need to be privy to your medical or personal information either. Shut him down on that right now. TELL him he is disrespecting you and being ridiculous. His children do NOT need to know anything that YOU feel uncomfortable with sharing with them. He needs to zip it.
Sleeping in your bed? I had that issue with SDthen nearly 12. She said to me one day "I love it when you get up early on Saturday to take the dd's dancing because I get into YOUR spot in the bed and snuggle with Daddy!"
Later I had a "chat" with Daddy, outlining my issues with this
1. We sleep naked.
2. that is MY space
3. I am uncomfortable with his kids in my space - it is the ONLY room in the house that we can call our own.
He thought I was being unreasonable.
So I pulled out the big guns - we f*cked in that bed last night, remember the mess we left ALL over the sheets? Are you really ok with your princess laying in that? And - if you ever what to do it again you will keep your children OUT of my bed, my room, my space.
This worked for a while, then my father passed away and I had to go interstate for a while, I learned that the day after I left he had them in our bed for a sleepover movie night. I went ballistic - his timing sucked! I absolutely went mad on him. He promised me it would never happen again.
And since I returned I have taken precautions to keep them out (garlic and crosses - just kidding!) I leave lube next to the bed, sexy underwear hanging around, etc.
Oh, and as for her dealing with the baby. YOU are that babies only mother, so take charge, start strong and don't let any of them steamroll you into allowing behaviour you don't want. If you don't want her hanging off you/the pram etc or touching the baby all the time, kissing and moving etc then tell her up front - get OFF the baby. Just don't allow it.
If your OH has issues with it remind him you are a new mother, this is your first baby and you are hormonal. YOU call the shots with your baby and he needs to sit back, shut up and pull his head in.
Thank you so much, ladies,
Thank you so much, ladies, for your support and comments!!
I like the idea of leaving the lube next to the bed, although I don't think that would stop them
Yeah, I've also had the whole "first-time-mom" speech with him... throughout the whole pregnancy in fact. It's his 3rd kid and he's just unconscious to that kind of thing. That's why I mentioned that I had an "un-joyous" pregnancy. I love the guy, he's wonderfully sweet and attentive, but in the end he's still a man and sometimes he just has his head up his patootie.
But I won't go there or I'll turn this into a 500-page essay. That will be left for another forum topic.
In the meantime, the damage is done. My scars, emotional and physical, have become quite the topic of discussion whether I want it or not. I know now that BM is gloating in my trials and tribulations, and my OH thinks that I'm the one who's *difficult* and I'm just complicating things in my own head.
Unfortunately, it seems that since he cannot see things from my perspective, I will indeed have to start bringing out the big guns. I will start by keeping things from him, although it's impossible to keep everything from the person you live with. Hell, I'll even start leaving my dildo next to the bed. And I will start talking about the size of his penis, his birthmarks, his ex-girlfriends... I don't know if he will be shy about it or not, but it's worth a try. The evil vindictive bitch inside of me wants to start making up nasty stories about BM to the kids, but I know that's not at all mature or fair play
As for my son, I will have a serious discussion with the kids next week. I will tell them flat-out in the nicest possible kid-friendly tone to "back the f**k off of me and my son". And if she doesn't stop, I'm going to come into her room at all hours of the night, sleep in her bed, play with her nose, re-adjust her sleeping position, stick my fingers in her mouth... and see if she likes it!
Sweetheart, I have tons of
Sweetheart, I have tons of scars. There are at least 10 on my belly. My first was a c-sect and that one goes from my belly button down, my Dr was old and that baby needed to come out fast or she would have died. Once I went to a GYN and he looked at my belly and said "Wow, you really have a road map there". At first I was humilitated, then angry at his ignorance. Then after some therapy I realized I EARNED every f'ng scar. I'm in my 50's now and no longer ashamed of what my body endured. Those scars are part of who I am. And I'll be damned if I feel like I need to apoligize for any of them.
It seems your scars are your insecurity. Therapy will help you feel better about owning your body. Every scar represents a pain, a physical pain that you not only endured, but survived. And each one made you stronger. That is something No One can ever take from you.
Now about the bed thing. I would tell your DH that the bed, your bed is the marriage bed and that is where you consumate and reaffirm your marriage. And no child should ever be sleeping there. But if he wants to sleep with his daughter, he should have married her. Oh and if he ever wants to have sex with you in that bed again, the kids need to stay out of that bed.
You must be constantly on
You must be constantly on edge knowing that you can't trust your DH to respect your wishes or your privacy - and that he has the nerve to lie to YOU, and let the skids in the bed when you're not around behind your back, then turn around and claim sainthood because he won't lie to the SKIDS about your personal and emotional health situation?
There's no point even going off on him, he's proven he'll lie to your face and do whatever he wants behind your back. Or tell you you're the nutty one for asking him to keep your private life to himself.
I'd boot the skids out of their room and move in myself. Invest in a locking door. Keep it locked whether you're in or out. Baby can sleep in his/her crib with you for a while still. If DH wants conjugal visits or a grown-up to talk to, you can explain why he's not mature enough to have earned those privileges yet.
Honestly, I don't think this will get fixed. There's just nothing he loses by being two-faced to you or telling others about your personal stuff. You're still there, to be lied to, and about whom he has information. I'm sure there's no one in his life he treats any better.
Things I liked about the
Things I liked about the above comments:
Get a lock for the bathroom if its separate from your bedroom. Get a lock for your bedroom and make it one that has a key from the 'outside'. Lock the bedroom when you're not in there and wear the key around your neck when the kids are over for a visit. Use the same keyed lock for the bathroom if its separate from your bathroom.
Tell him about the "size of penis" comments and recommendations.
I don't see why they had to know about your medical experiences but I have to ask if you told your husband beforehand to shut up? If you did he certainly should have respected your boundaries. Also remind him that people lie all the time, everyone does and does it daily. His separation from his kids has warped his thinking on what they need to know about his life away from them.
I noted that nobody commented on his kids swooning over the newborn. Or maybe I missed a comment or two. Obviously a newborn has to be protected and a preteen doesn't need to carry one around but most of the things you describe I would think were normal especially for a girl. Yes you have to be careful she doesn't treat the newborn like a doll but how abnormal is it for kids to want to know about nursing and other infant care? How can they not be curious about how babies are born? Let them participate in changing a diaper - that may cool things off a bit.
Just a few thoughts from a male point of view.
Unfortunately, your husband
Unfortunately, your husband is having a relationship with his kids - not with you.
Our Counsellor (who has 17 yrs experience dealing with step families), told us this:
Relationships are like an onion - there is a core with many, many layers.
The inner core = holds 2 people - ONLY 2 people. These are the main players in the relationship. There is NO ROOM for more than 2! (3 is a crowd).
Each layer after that specifies boundaries. First layer are the kids, 2nd layer would be immediate family i.e. Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, 3rd layer friends and 4th layer acquaintances etc.
If the core of the onion is rotten e.g. 3 trying to fit into the core or the 2 not being on the same page, then the entire onion should be thrown out.
Each layer should respect their boundaries and not try to cross over into the other.
Problems begin when people in the outer layers, try to push into the core with demands, expectations etc. If the two in the core are strong and support eachother - the whole onion will be strong.
Sounds like your husband is in the core with his kids - and you are placed in the outer layers.
When our Counsellor explained this to us - it was a real eye opener for SO. He realised that early on in our relationship, he was keeping himself and SD in the inner core, with me in an outer layer. This obvious from when he chose to spend her birthday at BM's house, with BM's friends. He pushed me out, by not including me. He also did this by telling his kids pretty much everything about me and our relationship - same thing - he kept them in the inner core with him.
Once this became clear to him - he stepped up and now focused on ensuring that ONLY HIM AND I are in the core - we have to be on the same page with anything related to skids, friends and family. It works well for us now. We discuss everythng and he keeps our life, private - between him and I only.
Maybe you should let your DH know that you should both be in the core and he needs to stop pushing you out for his kids sake. If he can't comprehend that - then he isn't ready for a relationship.
Thanks again, everyone, for
Thanks again, everyone, for all your feedback... It's definitely given me much food for thought!
Indeed, I have a very hard time trusting him, partly due to my own sordid history with men. I admit that I am very "emotionally delicate" due to a previous abusive relationship... so I try to keep this in mind when passing judgement or reacting to him. And your feedback has helped me see that it's not me, it's him!.
So what to do?
I did notice an improvement about the bed and bedroom (although who knows what happens when I'm not there as I don't trust any of them anymore). They now linger in the doorway to talk to me and they at least knock before entering, although they don't wait for me to say "come in". I was so unpleasantly startled when SS11 knocked and entered when I was peacefully breastfeeding. Tits were out on public display and my child was startled awake by the door opening, yay! So much for my "private" oasis and mother-child bonding time. Why don't we just invite the whole fucking neighborhood in? Unfortunately, I can't put a lock on the door as this it is soooo old that they just don't make locks for them any more. I would have to replace the entire door. But I am thinking of barring it with some furniture, after having another lecture with both DH and the SKIDS.
And I told my husband that if he feels the weird urge to sleep with his pre-teen kids, he may do so in their bed, not mine. It's flat out disgusting to think that we made our child in that bed, then he shares it with the offspring of his ex!
I also caught him blabbing again, right as his busy-body nosy kids were about to ask even more questions about my operation. The man just can't seem to help himself. And I know his ex-tw*t put the kids up to these interrogations. Thanks, @anyname, for your brilliant suggestion! It was an effective strategy that I hope they repeat to their two-faced BM (cuz they repeat everything else!)
I also told them that my "delivery" was a plain ol' normal one, like for millions of other women. After all, what is really a "normal" delivery? Gazillions of women have c-sections and it's not exactly super-exceptional. My husband was angry that I "lied" to the kids, but for fuck's sake I wouldn't have to if he didn't start this whole problem!
After the kids left, I told him flat out that I will never again under any circumstances include him in or inform him of my medical affairs. He has again betrayed my trust and he simply doesn't understand why I freak out about it! I told him once again, that my body and my personal life are not to be on public display as a science experiment or a learning forum for parrot-children that 1) repeat everything back to my low-life ex-wife-in-law and 2) don't even bother to send me news when they are gone for 6 months (husband was deployed). To me, this atmosphere does not constitute a "family environment" and I therefore do not consider his children as part of my extended family as they are not to be trusted and have never made an effort to treat me as family.
I know it sounds harsh, but life's a b**ch kids and so am I.
In the meantime, the damage is done. Anybody have suggestions on how to undo this? I don't mind lying to these kids about this subject... I just don't know how to take back (and get over) what was a blatant dis-respect towards me. It hurts so bad to know that my medical life was just out there in the open, public knowledge as if I were some freak to gawk at. I want this whole incident to just disappear and be erased from their minds. I'm tired of it being the main topic conversation for the kids and his busybody family. Why can't they just shut the fuck up about it??
And, @Camaris, you are right... it's just that I have so damned many scars besides the c-section (including amputation) that, if it weren't for my little angel, this last one would be unbearable! While I adore my child and I wouldn't change him for the world, I can't even bring myself to even look down there! I just break down in tears at the thought of it. None of my other scars are trophies... they're just memories of stupid and abusive shit.