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SD making my life miserable

helpless_stepmum_2014's picture

I have been with my partner for 2.5yrs and we both have kids from other relationships. I have 2 (B9 & G14) and my partner has 1 (G8) from previous relationships as well as a having 1 together (G14mnths). I am a product of a single parent family and having been a single mum too I am quite aware of how it feels to have new people come into your family and have always tried to help the older kids adjust with the blending but around 18mnths ago I started noticing my SD8 was being somewhat destructive be ways of dirty looks and sayings things that my kids had supposedly done. On questioning it turned out to be lies to which my partner didn't see at first, but as time went on, my SD8 would start giving ME the looks or if my partner or I said dinner or bedtime time talking to ALL the kids, I would be on the receiving of a bitchy/fuck you smirk and then she would bring on the tears and start gagging claiming I gave her too much food, even if it was my partner who dished up. The looks became more aggressive and when I asked why, she proudly announced in front of her Dad that she found it funny to see me hurt and upset. Then a few months ago, I collected my SD from her mum as my partner was working which I have done a few times no problem, except when it came to talking to her Dad on the phone. It would be agreed between myself, BM and SD that she would go home on Sunday as always but SD would say to her Dad with a cheshire cat grin hard to hide that she wants to go home on Saturday instead, again finding it amusing to play with peoples emotions, this made my partner upset as it would anyone myself included. This went on more and more to the point I was beginning to feel like a grass towards my partner yet having no proof of what was happening. Time and smirks went on, my DD noticed stuff was going missing as did I (jewellery, money, teddies and DS games) she was caught with a bottle of perfume wrapped in leggings by her Dad and that's when the penny truly dropped for him. By now I had seen my SD 'bump' into our baby and again SD found this funny but the last straw was when I told SD for a shopping trip and when we got home SD decided she wanted to pinch our baby and all with a smile on her face in a room full of people. She obviously denied doing, so when confronted I asked her how she would feel if someone my size had hurt her the same she gave me yet ANOTHER fuck you bitch smirk, stuck out her hand and said 'go on then' all infront of her Dad. I asked that she be kept away from me for a little while whilst I calmed down and it was spread around the WHOLE family that I forcefeed her food, I scare her with nasty looks, hate her and that I was going to take her to the police station for stealing..... NONE of which is true and now resulted in my partner (her Dad) LOSSING his whole family. The lies this child is coming out with if believed could have both my kids and BMs BFs taken with police and social services involved too. We tried to sort it out between ourselves as SD admitted she only came to see Dad and myself because she wanted her xmas presents then wanted to go home the other day and now there are threats of violence made by BM male friends towards me and I genuinely don't know what to do. I happen to love this child yet she is having great fun ripping my heart out and trampling all over it. I hate not wanting her near me as its now straining my relationship with her Dad (neither want to end the relationship) but I need to protect myself and my kids too. Someone pls advise before I loss the plot

helpless_stepmum_2014's picture

Forgot to mention that I take ALL the kids places like theme parks, farms, winter wonderland and do creative stuff like painting, cakes and all other stuff and BM does NOTHING with SD making it more painful for her Dad and I

Rags's picture

I think the answer to your dilema is easy. SD8 no longer is welcome in your home. End of problem.

Good luck.

helpless_stepmum_2014's picture

DH has tried everything possible to help her adjust and had always sat and spoken to her about her feelings as well as his own. As for discipline, he has put the situation straight with her many many times, but whenever things start working out again BM decides to put her 2 pence in and fills SD's with crap about me causing the problems to resurface. See, I am a very hands on mum and do alot of things with my kids whether its climbing trees or baking cakes or making xmas tree decs etc so, when SD comes to visit she is involved and is/was always saying that she had the best time ever and cant wait til we do it again and that she wishes BM would do stuff with her as she does NOTHING. It got to the point a while back SD went to BM crying saying she didn't want go home she wanted to be at my house. This took us all by surprise and I can understand that BM would instantly have a passionate hatred for me but not once have I tried to muscle in on BM's position as Mum but always maintained that she was welcome to my home and to come and meet the woman her DD was talking about but BM didn't ever want to meet me or even accept my invite to come see where I lived or even where her child was sleeping. Now DH has been refused contact with SD because she has told her Mum that she feels unsafe with me and BM wants DH to choose between me and the child . I myself don't feel happy to be near her for the lies she is telling about me or that she harms my baby. It's causing huge problems now since I first posted and have myself been threatened by a family friend of BM.

christinen's picture

Your DH needs to put his foot down with SD and let her know her behavior and lies will no longer be tolerated. Next time she starts trouble, there needs to be a strict and swift consequence. She needs to learn some respect & that her behavior is unacceptable.

helpless_stepmum_2014's picture

As I just replied above DH has put his foot down many times but has now been made to choose between me and his DD as well as I myself have been threatened.

helpless_stepmum_2014's picture

Have filed a report to the police and they have advised I stay away until DH sorts the situation out. As for BM she is saying that if DH continues to stay in a relationship with me she won't let him see his DD regardless of whether the child comes into contact with me. As for the courts, we are currently in talks with a solicitor but it's proving difficult to keep up with the costs but nonetheless things are moving slowly. It's really hard for me to not feel responsible for my DH losing contact with his DD, he says it's not my fault but I cant help how I feel Cray 2