Ex Husband Bullying My Wife (I'm the new husband/stepdad)
My wife divorced her ex husband due to his verbally abusive nature and his explosive temper. We have been married for seven years, during that time he has paid less and less in child support and justified it by sending spreadsheets of all the extra things he's paying for etc... My wife never contested it so as not to "rock the boat".
Recently he sent an email saying he was no longer paying anymore child support (there are two adult step kids, one in high school) because he is alledgedly paying all these other college related expenses etc... We decided enough was enough and said we would file in family court.
This decision prompted him to call my wife screaming profanities at her and insulting her in all kinds of ways. At what point do I stop being "the bigger man" here and tell him that he's not going to be doing that anymore or there will be a consequence? He has called here in the past one time screaming that he would destroy our house, etc... because he was unhappy about something. I'm not sure what to do. We're still going ahead with court, but should she be getting a PFA on this guy or what? I really would love to just kick his ass but then I would be in jail. Problems, problems, problems. Opinions?
Ah the hell with it beat his
Ah the hell with it beat his ass! }:) I am so sick of pussy footing around people I cant take it anymore. IF he pulls that crap on your property and the kids aren't around let him have it! If you chose the mature route then record it in some way or fashion and turn it over to the police. Let him have one last rant to record and if it happens again hang up.
In my experience bullies are
In my experience bullies are loud and abusive to who they perceive as weak. Once someone stands up to them and means it, many times they will back down because bullies are cowards at heart.
I would intervene simply to warn him at first that you've had enough of his threats and verbal abuse towards your wife. You may not technically have a legal say in the child support but you do have a right to protect your home, the kids, and your wife from any abuse. Warn him that if he can't act like an adult, you will get involved and it won't be pretty. Be vague about what you will actually do so he can't cry to cops you threatened to do this or that. Just general terms. Continue the court/lawyer proceedings. Do everything in writing from now on via email or text but be careful what YOU or your wife says. Save everything he sends.
If there is a physical confrontation? Just stand between him and your wife and make eye contact. HE has to throw first punch or shove. Then it's self-defense and you can crack the prick in the face.
I think it's time you stood up for your wife even if it's just verbally. This kind of a bully also isnt sparing his kids, trust me.
Beaccountable - I guess this
Beaccountable - I guess this is a better way to go.
However I would love to get one of those over sized foam bats to smack dumb people with and then hit the staples button that says "That was Easy!"
My ex was bullying me the
My ex was bullying me the same way for a few years now.Never physical violence, but horrible emails , texts and phone calls .Mostly about child support and also about changing all responsibilities with the kids in his favour, which almost always meant I had to change any plans last minutes to be there for my kids , even on days he priorily agreed to take them .Vice versa he "demanded" the kids when it suited him in my times, but at the same time 'forgot" them at school etc.He made my life hell and I had panic attacks when his name came up on my phone, I felt helpless, scared to death and worried all the time.I asked him to go to mediation but he refused and even lied about several letters he reveived from the mediation officers.Lately he is with a lovely lady who grounded him a bit, but as a matter of fact I really dislike , almost hate him for what he has put me through the last few years.It is a shame - we got separated because we had drifted apart , there was no cheating or anything similar bad- I always assumed that the separation could be clean and we could have stayed civil and friendly, but I was wrong.
When ex did the same - dropping child support gradually and finally half it for no reason I had finally enough and after a few warnings I organised the CSA to be collected from him.He threw one more really bad fit and tried to abuse me verbally , but afterwards got the message.I never wanted spouse support which I was entitled to, I was happy with less CS beforehands than what he was supposed to pay,I kept on paying certain bills for him, eg rates, but he got worse and worse.I actually think he showed me more respect when I did go to CS and asked them for help.
My recommendation is to work with your wife and help her through the emotional struggle and try to set up collection for the CS.DON'T do that bully a favour and engage with him on his level.Hitting, screaming whatever does not solve the problem.You need to stay calm and work on your and your wifes sanity in all this, focus on yourself- don't do that bully the favour by being upset and angry.This is all that freak wants to achieve.Learn about your rights.
>At what point do I stop
>At what point do I stop being "the bigger man" here and tell him that he's not going to be doing that anymore or there will be a consequence?<
My advice is going to differ from some of the people here. Based on my experience (my wife's ex was a bit of a bully as well), my advice is as follows; the less YOU deal with the ex, the better you BOTH will be in the long run (especially with a court date coming up). Any AND ALL communication between your wife and her ex should be kept between your wife and her ex and that communication should be done in writing only. If he calls, she should ask him "Are you calling to report an emergency concerning our children?" If the answer is no, she should tell him to send her an email about what it is he wants and then hang up the phone.
Thanks for all the feedback.
Thanks for all the feedback. I think the guy is figuring out that he has screwed himself but letting it go to court. He is still sending email after email with his take on the expenses he pays, etc... but it's like he doesn't get it. The court is going to see on his W2 that he makes three times my wife's salary and he's going to get hammered. He should consider himself lucky to have gotten away with underpaying for seven years.
We are taking your advice and going to all written correspondence. I told my wife not to talk to him if he calls since he's just going to scream and insult her and me. Hopefully this never escalates to the point where he comes to our house to try something physical, but he seems to be a typical bully who feels cornered by his own stupidity. I can't wait till he hears from the court what he has to pay, I'm sure that will initiate another avalanche of hate mail/calls. I'm not sure how this guy has made it in the adult world, he acts like he's 12 when he's 45.
Not sure of the entirety of
Not sure of the entirety of your situation, but if this guy asks to settle this outside of court, I would entertain him (only with lawyers present). Settling a matter like this outside of court could save everyone time and money. However, if he has an explosive personality, having your day in court could bring much-needed closure to an issue that - by my understanding - has been lingering for years. So there are pros and cons you and your wife need to weigh here. Good luck.
Well, another twist in the
Well, another twist in the story. My wife comes home and tells me that her ex was sending her profanity filled emails all day long ripping she and I to shreds. He kept including more financial bullshit, etc... My wife finally called the police and they called the EX, they told him that if he contacts any of us again for anything other than the children he will be arrested on misdemeanor charges. Apparently he started yelling at the cop as soon as he picked up the phone, so I guess he has no respect for any authority. He already has an assault on his record for a bar fight and he has a DUI. I really don't get it, most people heading into their late 40s are calming down, not becoming more psychopathic.
The guy even copied my wife's lawyer on emails with cursing, threats about burying us in court, insults towards the attorney, etc...
I'm wondering at what point I need to think about doing something for self defense for my family, if he shows up here I can call the cops, but they take a while to arrive. If he breaks in I'm going to have to do something to stop him NOW because it will be just my daughter and I at home next week and I'm going to do ANYTHING necessary to stop my daughter from getting hurt.
lozo - document everything.
lozo - document everything. Copy every email, text, etc.. Accept no more phone calls from him. Get call block on your phone service. Block his phone number and tell him he must text from now on or write a letter. Or go a step further and say all communication (except an emergency with children) will be via attorney. When he has the kids tell him to text (it is harder to yell and scream when there are limited characters, unlike on emails.) Block his email address and accept only texts or letters in regular mail. Make sure you make the teachers of the child still in high school aware of the situation. You don't know what he is capable of pulling. Have them ALWAYS check with your wife if he makes any demands. I'm not saying he doesn't have a right to know about his children's lives but the more people that know about his behavior, the better.
Child custody payments are ordered by the courts. If he doesn't pay (without substantiating a reduction in salary) then he is in contempt. Hold him to it.
Keep detailed records of all payments, time he spends with the children, his lack of cooperation with children's schedules.
And by all means get the police involved if he makes any threats. Record and document EVERYTHING.
He is a bully and bullies are cowards and many will back down when confronted. However, it sounds like he also has a mental illness. Any chance the courts could force him to seek treatment? Pursue all avenues. You do not have to live like this.
Good luck.