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am I a bitch..

Katie8's picture

He asked if I would watch ss7 tomm while he's at work....I used to every sat then got tired of him making me out to be the bad guy if his angel got in trouble so I have refused for the past three I said...I don't want to watch him but if you are stuck I here it is...10;30pm...he hasn't asked anyone to watch him and I confronted him and all he said is..why you said you would...nooo I said only if you were I said I won't now and he has to bring him to work and he's not speaking to me. Am I being abitch
?, I despise this kid..spawn of the this ss weekend over yet!

omgsaveme's picture

Yes you are god awful, bitch !! You should be licking the floor he walks on and wiping SS's ass while you're at it. No you're not a bitch at all, if its a battle when you do watch him then I wouldn't do it, tomorrow I understand but I would tell him in the future he needs to make plans.

mannin's picture

You're not a bitch. He's trying to take advantage of you and you didn't let him. Users aren't fond of being stood up too.

hereiam's picture

Nope, you're not a bitch but he's an ass for not even trying to make other arrangements once you said you would if he was stuck. Lesson learned, next time it's just "no".

onthefence2's picture

What he heard was, "Yes, I will do it if you're stuck." To which his thought bubble responded, "I'm stuck. Glad you can do it for me." And he dropped it. He didn't hear, "If you call everyone you know and they all can't do it, I will."

Pure miscommunication.

Katie8's picture

Omg!!!!....he told me last night he was taking his evil spawn to work...he can sit and color its only a three hour shift since I won't watch him....he was mad but he knows exactly why I won't watch him..he has major tantrums and the last was him kicking and hitting me in front of my kids...I just woke up....he's gone to work and the evilbrat is here for me to watch....look out world war is coming when he gets home.

Last-Wife's picture

If it's not snowy or cold where you live, you get clothes on that kid, give him a poptart, and take him to see his daddy at work. If daddy can dump him with you, I'd say it's fair game for you to dump him with dad...

Samantha73's picture

What the hell.....he expects you to watch him after he told you he was taking him....omg....I'd flip the bitch dh trys that with me ..the evil skids in you watch them til I get home..when I call to complain about this or that...he says well they dont needed a babysitter... You leave yours home ok...skids get in the car ...we going to your Grammy house...and I drop them at the front door...yep its war when he finally gets home.....but I have peace and quite for 6 to 8 hours

kathc's picture

You're not a bitch but in the future just say NO because he obviously took your "I will if you are stuck" as "Sure, I'll do it, don't even ask anyone else!"

Orange County Ca's picture

The question is where are you going with this relationship? If you're just biding time enjoying the sex, a nice home to live in for free or a "boy toy" holding your elbow until a better deal comes along then stay with it for now.

But if you're thinking this guy and his kid is a "keeper" you're throwing good years of your life after bad. Don't waste any more time here. Leave and start anew and since you didn't mention kids of your own make the next guy child free as no man is worth putting up with his protégés.

Katie8's picture

Just to clarify...I own my home bought it before I was with him and I pay my own bills...he pays his child support and helps towards groceries....his spawn is here 5 days one week...three the next rotating. I have 4 bios...three from Previous marriage one with my fiance.

Katie8's picture

Sigh...yes...he pays groceries...that's about it. His son even wears my sons hand me downs.

Katie8's picture

Sigh...yes...he pays groceries...that's about it. His son even wears my sons hand me downs.

Katie8's picture

Yes...I actually told him to get out at one he's trying now...moved my mortgage into a joint account...currently only his pay is going in and I move money into it as needed but its getting more equal for sure. It took me telling him I wasn't sure if I wanted to marry him anymore to wake up. However !! Every time his son is here we fight becausey as totally stresses me out. I tried to disengage but he keeps on me about being this big happy family...we are every time ss is not here.

oneoffour's picture

He set you up. And it worked... this time.

So you can handle it 3 ways.
Way 1: Insist that in future if he has to leave his son with you he cannot say one single thing about the way he is treated. Not a word. He has to support whatever you say or do. And all because he is trusting you with his son in the first place. If he says anything he will be required to take the kid to work with him or you will take him to his mother's (BMs) place and inform his ex that he DUMPED their son on you.

Way 2: Have a screaming meltdown fit and fight in front of the kids. This will only upset the kids and no one wants to fight in front of their kids and scare/upset them.

Way 3: Make plans every Saturday morning and leave before he goes to work. I am thinking he will get a clue in about 5 ss/weekends.

Katie8's picture

We've tried #1...except I won't bring him to Bm...I don't go near the nutcases house. But..I think I may have plans every Saturday. I have already told him I will never ever watch him...ever again. Already he's gone against ss getting in trouble this morning because ss cried to him.

hereiam's picture

So, he just left him there while you were sleeping and didn't even tell you? I have no words because I am trying to watch my potty mouth.

This relationship sounds very one sided. How very nice of him to pay for some groceries.

Disneyfan's picture

OP, you realize this man is using you right?

What grown man thinks it's OK to live in someone's house and not pay rent, electric,gas, cable,insurance....???

He should be ashamed of himself.

ctnmom's picture

Kick him out! He moved in with YOU for a cook and a babysitter? Sometimes I just don't know about my fellow women.........