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the unblendable family

dadsnewwife's picture

Does anyone else out there consider themselves an "unblendable" family?

Dh and I were both looking foward to seeing our OWN adult children last week for Christmas, but NOT each other's, so the pre-Christmas weeks were stressful. He has 3 sons (ages 21, 30 and 31)and I have 4 daughters(ages, 22, 26, 28, and 29). I kick myself for marrying a single father where there's no BM in the picture, so his sons have nowhere else to go. SS30 (who lives out of state) stayed out our house all week, his 5 year old son also, along with SS21 for 3 nights. Needless to say, MY 4 DDs (ages 22-29)stay at their father's house since he still lives in the marital home and has plenty of bedrooms for everyone. (We don't.) Long story short, dh was fine with my DDs although he disappeared most of the time when they were over and barely talked to them. (My DDs aren't overly fond of my dh nor he of them.) I did the same with his sons. This worked for us although I wish he would have made more of an effort with my DDs who the older 2 live in other states and have since we've been together (5 years), so barely know him. Alot has gone down with all our kids in 5 years which has brought us to this point. His sons stayed in the basement most of the time and hardly talked to my daughters and vice/versa. I confronted SS30 Christmas morning about being anti-social with my kids and he said, "What was I supposed to say?" True. Dh's kids have done horrendous things (drugs), so what WOULD they have to say to my kids who have done all the right things.

I took many pictures with my girls on Christmas Eve and dh refused as he doesn't like them and he knows they don't like him. (He hid out in the basement while the picture taking was going on.) I got angry as LAST Christmas I was forced to be in a "family" picture with his degenerate sons and none of MY children. I was thoroughly depressed and uncomfortable yet HE wouldn't do it for me. Sad We are THE most unblendable family one can imagine. MY DDs are college educated and hold good jobs, HIS sons are drug addicts who have done nothing with their lives, although SS30 seems to have turned his life around in the last year. The oldest is actually mentally ill and dh only let him come over on Christmas Day when my DDs weren't there. SS21 lives in a halfway house and dh says he already sees the writing on the wall that HE, like the oldest, is mentally ill.

My daughters and I have had many problems since their father decided to end our marriage in 2005, but things have gotten better as they have matured. They were raised around their father's family, so are still part of the family which was also "mine" for over 25 years. (I was closer to my ex's family than my own). I was kicked out...not them, so Christmas Day is still difficult for me with no extended family of my own here and not fond of dh's kids. Since I have no family here, I feel like when we divorced, my ex got "custody" and I got "visitation" of our adult children yet I was the one who raised them (I was a SAHM). They also like his wife, but not so much my dh, so Christmas is really hard for me. They all made a real effort this year to give me almost equal time (which will never be since they don't stay at my house)which was something they haven't always done. It made me feel good though talking to my ex-SIL who I am still close to and she said the holidays still aren't the same without ME there. That helped plus knowing that although my ex got rid of me, he will always have a "mini me" in his life. DD28 looks and IS just like me in every way. lol

It's hard to have the other parent right in my own backyard. I told dh (who is unemployed at the present time) that I would actually LIKE to move somewhere else so my DDs would have to split their time evenly and choose which parent to spend Christmas with and actually STAY at our house. Dh though doesn't WANT to move, so this will probably be "my life". I have accepted it, but admit, it will always sadden me. there anyone else out there who considers their family "unblendable"?

SugarSpice's picture

the "brady bunch" family is a myth.

your issues in a blended family are one of the challenges of stepmotherhood.

you say you have accepted, and that is the first level of disengaging. this is important regarding your stepsons.

dadsnewwife's picture

It has been within the last few months that we have both disengaged from each other's children, however, it MAY just be the best thing for us. The unfortunate thing though is that he HATES it that I've done it with his sons, but it's ok for HIM to do it with MY daughters. We're both in our 50's and life should be about US, yet our adult children have caused such severe problems. Luckily, on a day to day basis, it IS just us and our beloved baby (a one year old tabby cat). I tell dh our cat is the baby we'll never have together and he'll never cause us pain as our real children have done. Smile

My DD28 is getting married next year and, because this Christmas went so well with my girls and dh saw it, I think he'll be ok going to her wedding. His biggest problem with my girls is that he doesn't feel they respect me (they probably don't) and they have very much favored their father and his family over me. But, since he saw them be good with me last week, I think he'll soften over time. The only way I'll soften towards HIS kids is when I see them staying off drugs and doing actually getting jobs and a life.

SugarSpice's picture

i am glad you are able to disengage. you would otherwise have endless heartache.

he deals with his kids, and you deal with yours. if your daughters disrespect your husband, however, it is YOUR JOB to get them to treat him with respect. likewise, if his kids disrespect you, it is HIS job to get them to treat you with respect.

if you don't have both of these issues in place, the marriage will be miserable.

both you and your dh have a lot to do to make this work. dh HAS to get some boundaries with his sons and apply some tough love.

thinkthrice's picture

The term "blended family" is a misnomer at best. I believe Wednesday Martin said that in a "blended family" someone gets CREAMED! I know my adult daughter is very suspicious of Guilty Daddy (the man I live with for 10 years Smile She is a married woman but she knows the history. She knows that Guilty Daddy and the BM totally spoiled their three "angels" rotten and that to this day said "angels" are headed for orange jumpsuit land.

Having been raised by me (single parent with the ability to see my own children's flaws and not gloss over them as is popular today) she knows the difference between good parenting and horrid non-parenting and doesn't care to associate with Guilty Daddy for that reason. I"m also sure she gets the vibe that Guilty Daddy has been very nasty and cruel to me as I TRIED to reason with him NOT to spoil the PASlings.

My grown son accepts Guilty Daddy more, but HIS GF has her reservations as well about Mr. Guilty Daddy. Needless to say, Guilty Daddy does not like my daughter and her husband--he actually thinks that my grown son who is in the Air Force was some sort of "juvenile delinquent" who has "come around" because he decided to go to college early and because he was initially suspicious about Guilty Daddy's intentions when moving in with me.


dadsnewwife's picture do I regret it? Yes. It's been 4 years of fighting (the first year of dating was great)about kids...

The youngest of the 7 was 18 when we married, so I thought we might be home free. HA!

You did absolutely the right thing by walking away. Your XFDH's kids are TOO young for you to have to deal wit for many years to come. I remember this past May my MIL looked right at me and asked me if I'd taken on more than I could handle (I kind of melted down) and I didn't say a word. She knows. Dh's kids are as you said...broken and damaged souls...I told MIL once that I could save her son (and feel I have), but I came into the picture by far too late for me to save the entire family. His sons ALL have mental problems...something I admit...I was NOT prepared for. I also was not prepared for a dh who fights me every time I help MY DD22 who's in college! He just wants her father to pay for everything (as do I since HE was always the breadwinner and paid for all the college bills). His youngest HAS noone else, so he always says there are "glaring differences" when he helps HIS child. UGH I regret selling my own place and getting married before my youngest was out of college. One more year of fighting...

dadsnewwife's picture

You are a WISE woman...much more so than I. Luckily, SS21 IS now out of the house and, thanks to our health insurance paying for it, is in a halfway house. Dh calls him "homeless", but he's not really. Dh still is saddened to see the same traits in this son as his oldest. He may not make it...I don't know, but dh sometimes will talk about us getting divorced and just taking care of his adult children. I always reply..."And, what about YOU?" And, this is what I get for marrying a single father.

sandye21's picture

I agree. Call his bluff. He's threatening to get a divorce so he can take care of the lazy skids? Fine! The REAL reason he threatens divorce is for you to resume your place as a doormat. Don't fall for it. Obviously his priorities lie with his kids - let him go. He isn't worth it.

dadsnewwife's picture

Not to worry. I already told dh if he let his son move back in, I'd be moving out. The thing that mostly keeps me here other than my love for dh is that our condo is 98% mine. Last summer, THAT is really what kept me from moving out...the voice in my head that kept saying, "I shouldn't be the one to move out. It's MY home! It should be SS21 who moves out!" Well, eventually, he did...not the way we had hoped would happen, but it ended up he did anyway. As for dh, he suffers depression as it is and gets really down about his kids. When he talks like that...about taking care of his adult children...I know it's just He would never actually do it.

AVR1962's picture

Crazy but yes! Husband and I have been together 24 years ever since the kids were small. The girls were accepting but the boys were not and we have always had this divide even though the kids were all raised in the same home. As adults now there is no connection.

dadsnewwife's picture

AVR...that IS sad. I sometimes wonder if dh had had girls would our families have blended better. He is not familiar with girls nor I with boys, so THAT'S hard, too. It's been MY girls who haven't been accepting of dh. For whatever reasons, his sons HAVE accepted ME, but then...they have noone but their father, so don't have much of a choice. MY DDs have their father and his extended family whom they prefer, so it's really hard for me. Anyway, if I had HAD sons, dh's sons are NOT what I would have wanted. They're an embarrassment...even dh says so and is appalled at what they've all done.

karendow's picture

Yes. my ex boyfriend and I had a similar experience. His sons had bedrooms in the basement and didn't socialize with myself and my 3 daughters unless their dad was at home and socializing with us. I read the book stepmonster after that 10 year step family failure and the book states that you really cannot blend 2 families together. Sometimes, exactly what you are doing now, sharing separate time with your kids and he with his kids is the best you can hope for. You cannot force all these people to like each other. You have to remember that you and your husband want to be together. Sometimes tolerance for each others kids shows respect for their past life and that is the best you can do sometimes. It is such a difficult task. I wish I had handled things more separately in my relationship instead of trying to "force" the blended thing.

dadsnewwife's picture

I realize from all the responses to my post that trying to blend families is an almost impossible task. That is pretty much what I've figured out as long as dh doesn't push me to do things with him and his boys as he has done in the past. I HAVE felt that I became more a part of his family, but my DDs in their dislike of him wouldn't do the same. So, now I have pulled back from HIS sons mostly due to their drug use and he doesn't like it, but I think he's starting to get it. He takes care of and does things with HIS kids and I'll do the same with mine. If and when I see him starting to accept MY kids, I may soften towards his. We'll see. The things they have done were pretty horrific. They're all lucky they're not in jail.

Thank you all for letting me know I'm not alone.

peacemaker's picture
